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Police might shoot live round at campus in the future: “Every weapon deployed was to protect the citizens”

Over 3000 rounds of tear gas canisters, beanbag rounds and rubber bullets were fired during police operation in the city yesterday (Nov 12).

Today, police Senior Superintendent of Operations Wai-sun Wong said, “Every weapon deployed was to protect the citizens”. He also felt sorry that the police were attacked by arrows at the Chinese University. “We have still only been using gas (during the clashes)”. He indicated that police might shoot live round at the campus in the future.

Wong denied the suggestion that protestors and police are equal and emphasised the fact that the police had been attacked continuously and they had already given out warnings to protestors and tear gas was the minimum level of force. “The reason we deployed so many rounds”, he added, “was that we needed them to listen to us and disperse”.

Source: Apple Daily
#Nov13 #CUHKMassacre #HongKong8964 #StateTerrorism #PoliceState
Students Fortified Their University After 2-day Police Siege

A half-meter brick wall was built opposite to 2016 Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Source: CBC
#Nov13 #CUHKMassacre #HongKong8964 #PoliceState #StateTerrorism
7 Forbidden Topics in Universities in China

Editor's note: Colleges and universities in China have been instructed to steer clear of seven topics in their courses. Reasons provided by Xi Jinping administration showed an inconceivable retrogression in Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology, probably an explicit evidence of the leader's sense of insecurity and his anxiety in losing powers to rivalries.

1. Universal Values
Cause: they challenges or even expels Chinese commmunist party leaders and the party's leadership

2. Freedom of Press
Cause: The idea upsets the stability of CCP and society

3. Civil Society
Cause: It creates a new force at grassroots level independent of the CCP

4. Civil Rights
Cause: they upset the CCP’s macro-control over citizens

5. CCP's historical aberrations Cause: this might undermine CCP’s legitimacy to rule or overturn CCP

6. Elite Cronyism / privileged capitalist class
Cause: it 'distorts' the fact that political reform necessitates economic liberalization.

7. Judicial Independence
Cause: it challenges CCP's rule and authority if the courts are no longer under the direct control of CCP

Source : BBC

#Jan16 #StateTerrorism #Authoritarianism #Brainwash
#PoliceState #StateTerrorism
Police continue to abuse powers while citizens remember the deceased of the pro-democracy movement

Police intervened memorial gathering on Febrary 8 and arrested many citizens including 5 district councilors from Sai Kung.

The day February 8 marked 3 months after the passing of Alex Chow, a student in his early 20s who had been in coma after falling from height at Sheung Tak carpark during police operation. The actual cause of his death remains unknown.

Hundreds of citizens gathered at the parking lot in Tsuen Kwun O, where Chow fell to his death to pay their respects. Some also took the opportunity to protest against the government for setting up a quarantine facility in the area without seeking consent from the residents.

The Sai Kung district council held a press conference the following day condemning the abuse of powers form the police. These included wrongful arrest, obstructing the District Council's watchdog team , assaulting reporters and even inflicting sexual assaults.

Valarie Wong, one of the district councillors arrested at the scene, was groped in her chest by a male police officer. She then showed her ID to the officers on site and demanded the identity of the perpetrator.

Not only did the police refuse to provide her with the information she requested, the unit of the concerned officer was immediatelt called away; whereas Wong was then arrested.

After Wong was brought to the police station with other arrestees, she was separated from others and received verbal abuse from police officers who were in the same unit as the one who groped her.

Chan Wai-lit, another district councillor arrested, was beaten by the police with batons. Chan was also pinned to the ground and pressed down on his neck by an officer's knee. He was then continuously insulted and abused verbally along with his fellow councilors and citizens.

Worse still, another outrageous incident took place when a group of plain clothed officers drove a car directly into a crowd of citizens. The plainclothes then started attacking violently civilians with batons and pepper spray.

Ryan Lee, another district councillor at the scene got violated by the pepper spray, while his female assistant was hit by a teargas cannister and knocked to the ground.

Another member of the district council's watchdog team, Edmond Tse, was also hit in the stomach by the police’s pepper balls. He was wearing his orange uniform at the time and was receiving verbal insults form the police right before he was shot.

Neither press nor the district council could film freely. Councilman Lui Man Kwong was blinded by the police’s flashlight and pushed against the walls after the officers saw him filming. Reporters went through similar treatment, including being bashed by the police with shields.

Source: Inmedia #Feb11
#FailedState #DistrictCouncil #MassArrests #SexualAssault #MeToo #HongKongPolice
#WhiteTerror #Censorship #FreeSpeech
Vice-principal suspended over a poem shared on social media

Although police officers hurl insults at civilians, calling them cockroaches, in daily life and on social media, so far no police officer has to face disciplinary inquiry or legal sanction, let alone suspension.

On the contrary, some civilians having taunted the police lost their jobs or reported by pro-China camp after their identities were exposed.

Recently, a police officer in a facebook post criticized the acting vice-principal, surnamed Ho, of Confucious Hall Secondary School for sharing a poem with a hidden message wishing the police dead.

Without further investigation, the school has suspended Ho.

The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union quoted a source explaining that the poem was mistakenly shared by the vice-principle without realizing the acrostic element in it. The post has already been deleted to avoid further misunderstanding immediately.

Source: Apple Daily #Feb24 #StateTerrorism
#PoliceState #StateTerrorism #Court
Firefighter Charged with Illegal Assembly Remains in Custody in Hong Kong

During the police-civilian stand-off in one of the "shop with you" campaign Mongkok on 10 November 2019, a firefighter aged 33 and a banking employee aged 25 were arrested by the police. They were charged with assaulting the police, resisting arrest and possessing offensive weapons (including gas bomb). The two cases were mentioned in the court for the second time on 8 April, 2020.

The prosecution revised their terms of charges and added a count of illegal assembly. The prosecution requested the adjournment of hearing till 22 April and these two cases to be handled together with another case at the District Court.

For the moment, the firefighter and the banking employee are still in custody.

Source: InMedia #Apr8
#PoliceState #AntiEpidemic #StateTerrorism
Police Allegedly Obstruct Pro-democracy "Yellow" Restaurant from Operating by Anti-epidemic Measures

Source: Stand News #Apr12

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#PoliceState #StateTerrorism
'You are Not Alone': Families Wait For Their Loved Ones Outside the Police Station

In defence of their rights and freedom, many Hongkongers expressed their opposition toward the National Anthem Law and the National Security Law in protests on May 27, as the authorities continued to ignore the population's opinion.

Police arrested at least 396 civilians in multiple districts including Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Shum Shui Po, Mongkok, Kwai Chung, Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long.

According to the police, there were 234 men and 162 women between 12 and 70 years old among the arrested. Police arrested 180 students from 60 schools, of which 80 were underaged.

At 12am on May 29, the familes and friends of the arrested were still waiting outside the North Point Police Station.

Source: Stand News; Benjamin Yuen @ USP United Social Press #May29 #YNWA #MassArrests
HKUSU, Undergrad and Campus TV searched by National Security Department, students and press forbid to enter

1514 | #HKU
At around 15:15, The National Security Department (NSD) Police arrived at Undergrad's office at 2/F, Fong Shu Chuen Building in the University of Hong Kong. They will search for evidence in The Hong Kong University Students' Union (HKUSU) composite building and Undergrad's office.

According to the press on the spot, more than 10 police from the NSD entered HKUSU's office. The office of HKU's Campus TV and faculties have also been searched.

Police forbid anyone to enter HKU Fong Shu Chuen Amenities Centre, including students and press. It is known that Editor-in-chief and vice editor-in-chief assisted for investigation and have not been released.

Source: i-Cable, Undergrad

Editor's note: Undergrad is the only media from HKUSU, and publish student newspaper in HKU.

#WhiteTerror #NSL #FreeSpeech #StateTerrorism #HKUSU
September 11, 2021: Blatant Crackdown on Civil Society Continues in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, the organizer of the annual candlelight virgil commemorating the 1989 June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre, has been the target of the Hong Kong authorities.

On September 9, 2021, the #NationalSecurityPolice raided the June 4 Museum, formerly operated by the group.


One day later, the Department of Justice (#DoJ) charged the chairpersons of the group, including #LeeCheukYan, #AlbertHo and #ChowHangTung, of "state subversion" under the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Read more:

On the same day, the Hong Kong government tried to remove the group from the register.

Read more:

Image: vawongsir #Sept11

#StateTerrorism #911 #NationalSecurityLaw #Injustice