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Injured University Student Suffered Brain Hemorrhage,
School seniors heard the condition is not optmistic

Details of his injury: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/9796

Currently in critical condition, the UST student who was suspected to have fallen off from the third to the second floor of Sheung Tak Estate car park on November 4 is hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of Elizabeth Hospital.

Reports claimed that he suffered brain hemorrhage and had brain surgery in the morning. Friends and families visited him in the hospital while school seniors heard that his condition does not look good. The senior added he travelled with the victim just last month and described him as closely following the movement. From TV news it appeared he was in casual clothing so he believed the victim was not violating the law at the time.

Source: RTHK News, Nov 4
#Nov4 #TseungKwanO #HongkongPolice
Statement issued by the Student Union of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on November 4 regarding injured student Mr. Chow

[Editor's Note: The student who was severely injured in Tseung Kwan O in the early morning of November 4 is referred to as Mr. Chow in the statement. He is still in critical condition. Read more: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/9817]

The HKUST Student Union would like to address the following in relation to the incident with this statement:

1. The Union strongly condemns the police for inhibiting an ambulance from entering the scene, thus leading to the delay in medical attention given to the casualty.

2. At the time of the incident, Mr.Chow did not display any signs of hostility. He was not wearing any protective equipment as well. Firing a Chinese made tear gas at him posed a serious threat to his life, and it is no different from having the intention of murdering him.

3. The Union would like to express our gratutide to the firemen and voluntary first-aiders who provided medical attention and care to Mr. Chow.

4. The Union would like to thank the civilian who defended the Mr. Chow from further harm from the police.

5. The Union has arranged legal aid for Mr.Chow.

6. The Union will strive to arrange all resources including a support fund of the Anti-Extradition movement, to aid Mr.Chow and his family through this tough time.

7. The Union will deploy members to the hospital to accompany Mr.Chow 24/7.

8. The Union would like to call for all HKUST students to show their support and pray for Mr. Chow at 6PM (Nov 4) in the HKUST Jockey Club Hall, we also hope people from various industries to pause their work and pray for Mr. Chow.

#HKUST #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #HongkongProtests #HongkongPolice
#PressFreedom #WhiteTerror
Television documentary leading to HK journalist’s arrest shortlisted for Asian Television Awards

On November 3, 2020, Hong Kong Police arrested RTHK journalist Choy Yuk-ling (a.k.a. #BaoChoy) for violating the Road Traffic Ordinance, concerning searches done at an openly accessible Transport Department database on car owner information. The searches were carried out for a television documentary about an alleged police-mobster collusion in July 2019.

The television documentary, titled "7.21 Who Owns the Truth", showed white-clad mobsters carrying weapons gathered in Yuen Long town area before attacking passengers of West Rail train at Yuen Long Station. Police officers sighted at neighbouring scenes failed to intervene and showed friendly gestures towards them.

A day after Bao Choy was arrested, the said television documentary she produced was reportedly shortlisted for the 25th Asian Television Awards, a substantial recognition of Choy's professionalism.

[Editor’s Notes
The Asia Television Awards, held since 1996, are the most prominent and recognised events in the Asian television industry, with a judging panel of more than 60 professionals from different regions.]

Source: Cupid News #Nov4 https://www.facebook.com/117540932243292/posts/680432435954136/?d=n

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#HKProtest #University
Defiant University Students Carry Out Pop-Up Protests on Graduation Day, Calls Attention to Persecuted Students

November 4 marked the annual graduation ceremony of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). Although no large-scale protests were seen this year under the iron grip of the National Security Law, traces of defiance still sprang up around the campus.

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NeverForget #Academia #WallofDemocracy #CUSU

Sources: Citizen News, Chinese University Student Press; #Nov4

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#HKProtest #University
Defiant University Students Carry Out Pop-Up Protests on Graduation Day, Calls Attention to Persecuted Students

November 4 marked the annual graduation ceremony of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). Although no large-scale protests were seen this year under the iron grip of the National Security Law, traces of defiance still sprang up around the campus.

Large Banners Protest Admin Interference in Student Governance

As early as 6:30am, a large vertical banner with the words “Restore Student Autonomy「還我學生自治」” was spotted, as was another smaller one that said “Consultation Must Precede Staff-Student Collaboration 員生共治,必先共議」” . By 8am, both banners had been removed by school staff.

On the #WallofDemocracy, a large notice board created for students to voice opinion, multiple posters were seen with the call “OSA and subsidiary faculty committee, join the provisional Administration”, protesting the school's new requirement for student organizations to be registered with the school administration.

During the graduation ceremony, defiant graduates from Nursing showed protest handbills that wrote “Dare to be different; Be Faithful to your belief 「棱角分明,毋負期許」”. Some social work graduates wore white ribbons on their graduation robes, and carried handbills with slogans such as “Grieve our Student Union”.

Ex-Police Security Chief Disrupts Students Handing Out White Ribbons, But Chastised by Parents

At around 12:30, 5 CUHK students held up a banner that wrote “Grieve my CUHK” on the University Mall, and set up a counter to hand out white ribbons.

Although the group of students did not obstruct the proceeding of graduation ceremony, they were quickly encircled by more than 10 campus security and were ordered to leave. The students demanded the security guards for reasons that they were not allowed to hand out white ribbons, as they were not obstructing the ceremony.

Lee Wing-kwong, head of Campus Security and a former Police Superintendent, ordered his staff to remove the students’ protest materials immediately. He was, however, stopped by members of Student Affairs Office, who asked him to “calm down”.

Some parents on the site stepped in to show their support to the protesting students. Quoting the classic Confucian text "Great Learning", they criticized the campus guards for abusing their powers: "Don't you officials remember the Way of the Great Learning?"

"We've Graduated, But They Couldn't"

Scattered protest activities continued around campus into the evening. Nine graduates, wearing their graduation robes, held up signs with names of fellow students who had been arrested and jailed for their involvement in the 2019 anti-ELAB movement.

Their names are Cheung Chun-ho, Tang Hei-man, Ko Tsz-bun, Lau Chun-yuk, Fu Ngai-Ching, Chen Lik-sik, Hui Yi-shui, Li Chun-ho.

The last sign read poignantly: "We've graduated, but they couldn't."

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NeverForget #Academia #WallofDemocracy #CUSU

Sources: Citizen News, Chinese University Student Press; #Nov4