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#HumanitarianCrisis #FailedState
Detainees On Hunger Strike for 178 Days to Protest Against the HK Authorities' Inhumane Treatment

In Hong Kong, ever since June 2020, the detainees at the Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre (#CIC) have been going on hinger strike, protesting the Center’s inhumane treatment, arbitrary detention, poor hygienic condition and failure to provide suitable medical treatment.

The Centre run by the Hong Kong government detains those subject to deportation.

According to the CIC Concern group, on Dec 23, 2020 the court rejected to grant a writ of Habeas Corpus to a 41-year-old Pakistani detainee Ahmed Sani Salman who has entered the 178th day of his hunger strike.

In an open letter, Salman revealed that he has already lost 31kg of hisbody weight, leading to heart disease, organ failure and muscle problems.

The concern group on Dec 26, 2020 said the three remaining hunger strikers have started take in food after they decided to file an appeal to the court.

Still, because of their depleting health they will need to stay in the ward for a week before returning to the regular cells.

At first, there were 28 detainees taking part in the hunger strike, but many had to stop because of poor health.

Among the last three, Shah apologized, “178 days is really too long. I am sorry that we have to stop, but please continue to support is.”

The CIC Concern Group supports the decision, saying they are still on the road to fight for freedom, and urging more public awareness and support.

Source: Stand News #Dec26

#BoxingDay2020 #HungerStrike
#CCP #Censorship
China Censors “Western Holidays”, Blurring All Christmas Decorations on Variety Show

In recent years, China has often been reported to boycott Western holidays. The most recent case may be the online premiere of Hunan Television’s (also known as “Mango TV”) variety show “Star Detective” (明星大偵探) Season 6 on Dec 24. On the show, almost all Christmas decorations seen were blurred out and censored; Christmas hats and hair accessories worn by celebrities were also covered by animation effects. In effect, the whole screen was blurred out except for the actors. This caused a lot of controversy among viewers.

A Chinese netizen cited another case in November, where a dorm counselor at Harbin Institute of Technology was reported for sending chocolate to students during Thanksgiving. It is believed that the television station did it to head off future repercussions from the authorities. Until now, there has not been an official explanation from the school.

According to a report analysis by BBC Chinese, China's recent waves of boycotting Western holidays can be traced back to a document published by the Chinese Communist Party in 2017 named “Re: Opinions on the implementation of inheriting the Excellence of Chinese Traditional Culture” (關於實施中華優秀傳統文化傳承發展工程的意見). This document strongly advocates the promotion of traditional Chinese culture, and instructs that “Our Festivals” should be carried out in-depth. However, there was no mention of boycotting Western holidays.

The report also pointed out that there are quite a number of schools and institutions that are "voluntarily” boycotting Western holidays.

Source: Stand News, #Dec26
Parents' Distrust on Chinese Brainwashing Education Induce Over 10 Millions of Migrants to the US, Japan and Canada

Sino-US relations have deteriorated in recent years, but the number of Chinese immigrants continues to rise. The Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and Institute of Development of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics released China International Migration Report 2020, a blue paper, this week. It states that China has accumulated 10.73 million immigrants, making it the world's third-largest immigrants exporter. The United States continues to be their first choice, having 2.89 million in accumulation up to last year. Moreover, immigrants population is getting younger, many of them came to the US to study as early as high school, while the proportion of "investment immigrants" has significantly declined. Some lawyers specializing in immigration services said that although many Chinese parents are resistant to "brainwashing education" in China, the US is also tightening visa restrictions for Chinese people.

Chinese citizens tend to immigrate to the US, Japan and Canada

The report cites the International Migrant Stock 2019 by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), which shows that China has accumulated 10.73 million emigrants, making it the third-largest exporter of migrants in the world. For the top three countries they migrated, the order was the United States, Japan and Canada, having the same data as 2015. Last year, the number of Chinese immigrants to these three countries accumulated to 2.89 million, 780 thousand and 690 thousand respectively. In the past four years, there are 220 thousand, 70 thousand and 46 thousand.

Source: The Stand News #Dec26

#ChineseEmigrants #Immigration #UnitedStates #Japan #Canada #ChinaInternationalMigrationReport #InternationalMigrantStock2019 #UNDESA #China
