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#FirstHand #9months
Police Deployed to Suppress Any Possible Memorial on 9th Mensiversary of the Yuen Long 7.21 Attack

1946 | Yuen Long

Today marks the 9th mensiversary of the 7.21 attack. 9 months ago, triads discriminately attacked citizens returning home in Yuen Long. The Police have been repeatedly denying its involvement in coalescing with the triads with lax arresting of the involvers and providing a sluggish response that day.

Today (Apr 21) the MTR closes the major exits in Yuen Long station and police are deployed to prevent civilians from commemerating the 7.21 attack.

In the evening, a car accident happened nearby Tung Yik Market in Yuen Long. A large group of riot police arrived and dispersed the onlooking crowd.

Targeting youngsters, riot police conducted stop and search across the street and a cordon line was set up in front of the wet market, causing sever traffic jam.

#Apr21 #YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive
#FirstHand #Apr21
Under the Menace of Coronavirus, Hongkongers Carry On Sit-in to Commemorate 7.21 Attack

20:40 | Yoho Mall, Yuen Long
Participating citizens sat inside Yoho Mall where social distance was respected.

They waved flags, displayed slogans and chanted protest slogans including "Down with the Chinese Communist Party, Give Back Hong Kong".

#YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Police Deployed to Suppress Any Possible Memorial on 9th Mensiversary of the Yuen Long 7.21 Attack
#FirstHand #Apr21
9th Month After the Yuen Long Triad Attack: Rights and Freedom Further Suppressed by the Authorities in Hong Kong

9 months have passed since July 21 2019, but have not obliterated the agony shared among the pro-democracy protesters, young and old. Black-clad civilians gathered at a shopping mall nearby Yuen Long station, mourning victims of police brutality and the further deterioration of rights and freedom in recent events in Hong Kong.

#YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Citizens Sing Out Discontent Over Alleged Triad-police Collusion
Police State Continues in Hong Kong: Riot Police Suddenly Intercept, Make Arrest and Pepper Spray Civilians

21:50 | Yeung Long, Kai Tei
Riot police suddenly blocked the pedestrian bridge for stop and search. Around ten young people were demanded by riot police to crouch down.

Some of the civilians were pepper-sprayed. Riot police also cordoned the area and demanded the press to step backward.

22:10 |
Another group of civilians was stopped and searched by the police in front of the oil station, including some teenagers aged under 18. The tension was high.

Some civilians were arrested.

Sources: Cupid News; Apple Daily #Apr21 #YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Hong Kong Police Round Up Young People for Stop and Search During Coronavirus Crisis
#PolliceState #PressFreedom
Police Damage Student Reporter's Camera

22:50 | Yuen Long
A police officer smashed a student reporter's camera filter with his truncheon during clearing operations on Yau San Street.

Pieces of the damaged filter were stuck on the front of the lens, and hence cannot be removed.

Source: HKU Undegrad #Apr21
#YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive

Riot Police Taunts Child's Legitimate Request for His Identification Documents During Interception
Child Responds "Are You Stitching Me Up?"

#PressFreedom #WhiteTerror
Erosion of Press Freedom: Hong Kong Receives Lowest Ranking in World Press Freedom Index Ever

According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Hong Kong has fallen seven places in the latest World Press Freedom Index to 80th, with regard to many acts of violence against the media during pro-democracy protests.

Past ranking of Hong Kong:
Year 2002: 18th
Year 2009: 48th
Year 2019: 80th

Source: RSF #Apr21

Further Reading:
China seeks ‘new world media order’ says watchdog, as Hong Kong plunges to 80th in press freedom index
#GlobalSupport #Korea
52 Korean Civil Society Organizations Denounce the Arrest of Pro-Democracy Figures by Hong Kong Police: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

//...freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression are basic human rights that must be guaranteed.

We also express our deep concern that the arrest of pro-democracy activists by Hong Kong police could aggravate the social division and confusion at a time when governments and citizens must cooperate to fight the global disaster situation of COVID-19.

...“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” the injustice occurring in Hong Kong is, after all, a threat to justice that should be guarded by democratic societies around the world.

Therefore, we will continue to stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong citizens’ peaceful resistance toward democracy till the end. We strongly urge the Hong Kong government to immediately cease its unjust and arbitrary arrests of pro-democracy activists.//

#CCPcontrol #Censorship #Silencing
Furious Chinese Netizens over City Lockdown posts National Anthem "Rise Up" to Protest, and are Promptly Blocked on Weibo

With the widespread of #Omicron in Shanghai, the Chinese government is responding with a tougher stain on the lockdown of the city, leading to public discontent and resistance.

Many Chinese netizens used the first line of the national anthem, "Rise up! Those refuse to be slaves", as a hashtag and posted it on #Weibo to express their anger. This was blocked by Weibo later on, which is ridiculously tantamount to making the national anthem a forbidden word.

It was found later, after searching on Weibo, that the national anthem is still searchable, but the search results would be blanked if the keyword is a hashtag of the national anthem.

This is not the first time China has banned its national anthem. Back in the early days of the #COVID19 outbreak in #Wuhan, when 'whistle blower' Dr. Li Wenliang died, Douban.com banned the lyrics of the same song for "containing radical current affairs or ideology".

Source: Whats News Media; #Apr21

Related article
National Flag Guard – Doctor LI Wenliang was died due to the systematic speech controls, which he believed in and supported
#Election #FailedState
Hongkongers set up a Facebook page to make fun of the Chief Executive hopeful's poor writing skill

Although most people in Hong Kong seldom pay much attention to the small-circle Chief Executive election, the substandard writing skill of the sole candidate, John Lee Ka-chiu, did stir up discussions and local people's interests.

In recent days, netizens created a public page on Facebook, titled "Daily Watch over Lee Ka-chiu's Chinese Writing Standard".

The page took a twisted approach to show "concerns" over this year's one-candidate-CE election.

It edited and even gave scores to the official posts on Lee's election page on Facebook.

Many of Lee's posts have seen heavily edited in red so that the language becomes more proper and readable.

To many people's surprise, Lee's election team actually took on many of these edits and amended their original writing.

Ah Chiu, (Pseudo name), administrator of the "Daily Watch" page expressed that since Lee failed to provide an election manifesto when he launched his election campaign, nor has he made meaningful contact with local citizens, his substandard writing skill, is perhaps, the only thing that people could remember.

Source: Commons; #Apr21