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#Separation #Hongkongers
On #MothersDay, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists, remanded or exiled, Pay Homage to Their Mothers

Usually on Mother’s Day, many families would go out and celebrate. However, some are less fortunate this year in Hong Kong.

On May 9, 2021, exiled former #Demosisto leader #NathanLaw posted a photo with his mother on Facebook. He said this festival reminds him of the many pro-democracy protestors who became separated from their families. “Only until justice is done can family warmth return.”

Nathan Law recalled, “no matter how busy I am, on Mother's Day, I can always let go of my work and sit before a dinner table with my family.”

He admitted he saw festivals as an excuse to step away from work, but this year he thought of all the protestors who were forced into leaving their own families due to political oppression.

“For everyone who is remanded, imprisoned, or exiled, there is always a mother at home waiting for their return, waiting for days, for months, for years.”

He hoped there can be a new meaning for Mother’s Day. “Please remember those behind bars and oceans apart.”

The facebook page of democrat #TakchiTam, who is remanded on National Security charges, also posted a video that was recorded earlier of him singing the song “Mother, I did no wrong.”

In the video, he said the festival also reminded him of all the young men and women exiled or imprisoned due to the movement. However, he believed when people are united in their pursuit of justice and truth, a new family will be forged.

[Editor's note: “Mother, I have done no wrong” is a song written in remembrance of the 1989 June Fourth Massacre in Beijing. The title is a reference to a famous banner raised by the pro-democracy students who went on hunger strike in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

The lyrics sing:

“We want no one to define right or wrong.

We want no one to convict others at will."]

Source: Stand News #May9


#JuneFourth #Mothers #Exile #PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalPrisoners
#HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "We can still strive for the future we want by our actions from moment to moment"

Part 1 / 3

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

"That year, the feeling of hopelessness led to a wave of student suicides. One youth after another became overwhelmed by the feeling of darkness as they could not see their future, and ended their brief lives.

One of my best friends was among them; he departed suddenly, without leaving a word behind. After that, I spent countless days and nights curled up on my bed, watching countless sunrises and sunsets outside my window, berating myself for being unable to prevent the tragedy from happening.

It was then that I began to doubt the phrase 'determining my own destiny'. No matter how my self-determined spirit struggles, it could not slow down the fall and corruption of this land by even a little bit.

So I began to think that, in this cruel society, self-determination was probably only an absurd joke.

I was caught up in all these depressing emotions when I came to find Buddhism. I reached a relevation one day, and understood that all things came from dependent arising, and are emptiness by nature; whether times are good or bad, nothing is permanent, and nothing lasts forever.

From this, I learned to put aside my own preconceptions, and let go of my own honor and disgrace. I no longer worry whether every effort I paid would be rewarded. I only concern myself with whether what I think and do are improving myself, those around me, and the world I live in. The past cannot be changed; the present is bound by the past; but the future is determined by our choices today.

Even though much of the world is beyond our control, even beyond our knowledge, we can still strive for the future we want by our actions from moment to moment. Perhaps this is what 'determining my own destiny' really meant. This is how, through faith, I found the strength to carry on living, and the courage to meet my own future destiny."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#Court #HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "I see hope...many people are still striving for Hong Kong"

Part 2 / 3

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

Previously, Part 1:

"...As stated in my case, I was arrested during a protest on Oct 20, 2019, which was 576 days ago.

During this period of time, nearly ten thousand citizens had come under arrest due to the movement or other political reasons. More and more people are forced to leave Hong Kong, with no chance in sight for their return.

This development is surely the opposite of the outcome that many had hoped for: 'determining our own destiny', or democratic self-governance.

After my arrest, a police officer asked me mockingly: What did I feel I've achieved by taking to the streets?

Thinking back now, over these 576 days, it certainly seemed like I've achieved nothing, except losing more and more fellow students and friends. Undoubtedly, this caused me more pain than the court case now being brought against me.

However, different from the overwhelming feeling of powerlessness in the years past, today I do not feel hopeless at all, and have not given up on my belief in 'determining our own destiny'.

These 576 days had been long and full of changes. There had been trauma and pain, but at the same time, I see hope. Because I know that, outside of the courts and prisons, out of sight of others, many people are still striving quietly for Hong Kong, taking up the fight in place those who have fallen.

Local business owners absorb losses to make their Hong Kong brands shine; artists and creative minds are working day and night to reclaim the city's coveted reputation of 'number one in Asia'.

These Hongkongers are full of life and dreams, and I can feel the immeasurable bravery and wisdom in them. Before such great people, I feel humble, and have no more excuses to wallow in self-pity.

They make me firmly believe that this city is not fated to spiral downward forever; this city will create infinite possibilities for the future."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#Court #HongkongersVoice #Letter
Former #StudentsUnion President #OwenAu: "No matter what awaits us in the future, I believe that our generation is one who determines our own destiny"

[Editor's note:

The following is a letter written by Owen Au Cheuk-hei, the former president of the Students' Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). The letter was submitted to the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on May18, 2021, where the 22-year-old Au was trialed for "participating in an unauthorized assembly", "possessing weapons" and "obstructing justice" among other charges in a pro-democracy protest on October 20, 2019.

On the same day in court, Au has been convicted and the court will deliver his sentence on June 2, 2021.]

Previously, Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

"...Nobel Prize laureate Albert Camus used to say, 'Each generation doubtless feels called upon to reform the world. Mine knows that it will not reform it, but its task is perhaps even greater. It consists in preventing the world from destroying itself.'

Due to historical reasons, our generation has no choice but to be born into a Hong Kong where political rights and the room for free speech are dwindling day by day.

Two summers ago, we chose to fight back against the fate that was forced upon us, demonstrating to the world our determination to take hold of our own destiny. Now is the time that we take up the responsibility for our choice.

The world is changing, perhaps for better, or perhaps it is crumbling. But no matter what awaits us in the future, I believe that our generation is one who determines our own destiny:

we all hold fast to our own duties in our own ways, striving to create a new, beautiful era that we can truly call our own."

Source: InMedia #May18

#PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #HongKongProtests #AntiELAB
#WhiteTerror #FrozenAsset
#Reuters: HK’s Pro-democracy Newspaper #AppleDaily to shut within days according to #JimmyLai adviser

//Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily will be forced to shut “in a matter of days” after authorities froze the company’s assets under a national security law, Mark Simon, an adviser to jailed owner Jimmy Lai told Reuters on June 21, 2021.

The closure of Apple Daily would undermine the former British colony's reputation as an open and free society and send a warning to other companies that could be accused of colluding with a foreign country, media advocacy groups said.

Next Digital (0282.HK), publisher of the top-selling 26-year-old newspaper, would hold a board meeting on Monday [June 21, 2021] to discuss how to move forward after its lines of credit were frozen, the adviser, Mark Simon, said.

"Vendors tried to put money into our accounts and were rejected," he said by phone from the United States.

"We thought we'd be able to make it to the end of the month. It's just getting harder and harder. It's essentially a matter of days."

Apple Daily said on Sunday the freezing of its assets had left the liberal newspaper with cash for “a few weeks” for normal operations.”

In May, Reuters reported exclusively that Hong Kong's security chief had sent letters to tycoon Lai and branches of HSBC and Citibank threatening up to seven years' jail for any dealings with the billionaire's accounts in the city...

Authorities are also prosecuting three companies related to Apple Daily for alleged collusion with a foreign country and have frozen HK$18 million ($2.3 million) of their assets...

Simon told Reuters it had now become impossible to conduct banking operations in the global financial hub.

"We can't bank. Some vendors tried to do that as a favour ... and it was rejected."

The newspaper has come under increasing pressure since owner and Beijing critic Lai, who is now in jail, was arrested under the national security law last August and has since had some of his assets frozen...

Simon said some reporters had received threatening phone calls from unknown sources.

"Our staff are now just worried about personal safety," he said...//

Read full article:

Source: Reuters #Jun21

#PoliceState #NationalSecurityLaw #PressFreedom #HongKongMedia #Journalism #PoliticalSuppression #MarkSimon #FreeJimmy

Related stories:

[June 17, 2021] HK Police Raids Apple Daily Again and Arrests 3 Editors and 2 Executives


"We Will Press On": Apple Daily Prints 500,000 Copies Despite Police Raid


Hongkongers Rush to Support Apple Daily After Midnight


[June 18, 2021] HK Police Charges Apple Daily Editor-in-chief and #NextDigital CEO with #NationalSecurityLaw

#PoliceState #AsiasFinest
Two more ministers with a police background in Hong Kong; Pro-China lawmaker: "I don’t think there’s any problem with a police state"

On June 25, 2021, the Hong Kong SAR government announced personnel change in the top adminstration, where at least two more officials with law enforcement backgrounds will take up key senior positions.

The current Secretary for Security #JohnLee has been appointed as the new chief secretary. He is the city's first top minister with a police background.

Police Commissioner #ChrisTang will become the Secretary for Security. One of his deputies, #RaymondSiu, is promoted to the police chief.

The personnel change was announced by Chief Executive Carrie Lam in Hong Kong and officiated by the State Ministry of the PRC in Beijing.

The "promotion" has stirred up discontent among the public. Many deemed it as a blatant manifestation of a "police state" in Hong Kong.

However, pro-Beijing lawmaker Alice Mak, of the Federation of Trade Unions, said, "If it’s a police state, why not? I don’t think there’s any problem with a police state."

The government's announcement came one day after the police and the Security Bureau had cracked down the city's pro-democracy newspaper #AppleDaily, by forcing the newspaper and related magazine under #NextDigital to close down on June 24, 2021. The police arrested and charged several editors, news commentators and executives under the #NationalSecurityLaw, while the Security Bureau froze the assets of the newspaper and three related companies.

Source: InMedia #Jun25

#FailedState #PoliticalSuppression
Former Political Satire Host Leaves Hong Kong for #Taiwan: "Sorry for Not Being Able to Say Goodbye"

On July 11, 2021, Tsang Chi-ho, a radio and TV host who was suddenly sacked by the public broadcaster #RTHK in June 2021, announced on Facebook that he has left Hong Kong for Taiwan. Tsang apologized for not being able to tell and say goodbye to his friends in advance.

Tsang wrote, "I woke up and realised that a 'Hong Kong' that is not Hong Kong anymore." He said he missed his friends a lot.

"In each of our heart, there lie many people, happenings and thousands of words. The path thereafter we will continue to walk," Tsang wrote in his post.

Many netizens left words of encouragement to Tsang: "Safety comes first," "As long as you and your family are well," and "Thank you for what you have done for Hong Kong" among others.

Taiwanese netizens also told Tsang "Welcome to Taiwan".

[Editor's note: #TsangChiHo is one of the hosts of the famous political satire #Headliner produced by RTHK. Under political pressure, the long-running popular program has been suspended. The public broadcaster RTHK termimated Tsang's contract with immediate effect in June 2021, despite the popularity of another radio show he was hosting.]

Source: Stand News #Jul11

#PoliticalSuppression #Exile #Migration
#PoliticalPersecution #PoliceState
HK Pro-democracy Activist punished in solitary confinement for arbitrary offences

On July 20, 2021, Former Councilor of Southern District, #TiffanyYuen Ka-wai, had finished serving her 4-month jail term after taking part in the June 4 vigil at Victoria Park in 2020, which was banned by the police for the first time in 30 years.

At the end of her prison term, she was sent to the Lo Wu Correctional Facility to continue to be detained for charges linked to the pro-democracy camp primaries of Legislative Council election in 2020.

At the detention cell, she hugged several other pro-democracy activists also being detained.

Soon afterwards, Yuen was penalized by the authorities for “making physical contact with other prisoners” and placed in solitary confinement for 10 days.

Yuen’s friend Wong Li-li told reporters that there was no enforcement guidelines in the Correctional Services Department decision. Wong explained that “physical contacts” occur naturally in prison routines, condemning that the Department’s decision is arbitrary and targeting unfairly at Yuen.

Look into the Prison Rules in Hong Kong for offences against prison discipline, it certainly didn’t consist of making “physical contact with other prisoners," Wong said.

#HKProtest #NationalSecurityLaw #WhiteTerror #FailedState

Source: InMedia; #Jul24


#PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalActivists #Prison
#PoliticalSuppression #DistrictCouncil
Former Democratic District Councillors Opt to Stay after Resignation and Open Stalls for Wine-Selling, “Want to Slow Down the Collapse of Civil Society”

In July 2021, the HKSAR Government claimed to disqualify democratic district councillors and would ask for a salary return from district councillors after disqualification, leading to the resignation of over half of these councillors. However, resignation does not mean leaving the area permanently. Instead, some of the resigned councillors continue their contribution to society in another way. For example, LAM Siu-Bun's office in Yau Tsim Mong becomes a miscellaneous stall; LEUNG Kwok-Ho's office in Cheung Chau becomes a wine shop; former Kwai Tsing District Councillor WONG Pit-Man returns to the community organisation Tsing Yi Islanders as a convener to organise different events.

The above three did not leave but having different perspectives. LEUNG admitted a struggle between being an “ordinary person” to take care of his family and staying for the community. However, many fellow co-fighters are in prison now, and he said, “I need to be here! With my ability. I don’t want to leave!”. LAM, was the assistant of IP Kin-yuen, strengthened his persistence to stay after the collapse of the HK Professional Teacher’s Union, “I don’t want to see a sudden collapse of civil society!”. WONG thought that she loaded down her identity as a district councillor, “returning” to her past, being a convener of an organisation concerning the community, doing what she should do.

Yet, what they all have in common, is, "Stay in the community even if they are no longer a district councillor".

#disqualify #hongkong #districtcouncil #LamSiuBun #LeungKwokHo #WongPitMan #IpKinYuen #TsingYiIIslander

Source: Stand News; #Aug13


#disqualification #DQ #DistrictCouncillor
Pro-Democracy Hong Kong Singer #DeniseHo Live-Streams Concert, Vows to Carry On Singing

Pro-democracy Cantopop singer #DeniseHo was scheduled to play in her concert "Becoming the Song" on 8-12 September. However, just 8 days before her concert, the Hong Kong Arts Center abruptly cancelled Ho's venue booking.

Braving many difficulties, Ho went ahead to perform online on September 12, at the original scheduled time.

Ho said that it was like performing in sauna parlour, as the venue she eventually found was without air conditioning; she and her band were soaked in sweat. However, she felt that it was much more memorable experience for everyone than having a concert on a "proper" stage.

Denise Ho was thankful for her supporters. She said, "the best way to thank my supporters is to carry on singing."

Source: Stand News; #Sept13


#FightforFreedom #Cantopop #Music #SingWithYou #jjgmj