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#WhiteTerror #Censorship #FreeSpeech
The Diocese Calls a Halt on Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese Crowdfunding for Apple Daily Advertisement

Source: Stand News #Aug29

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#University #LennonWall #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw
University Authoritites Censor Opinion Boards on Campus

Ever since the National Security Law came into force in HK on 30 June 2020, red lines were imposed everywhere. At universities, "Democracy Wall" and Lennon Wall, where people express their opinions, have been a symbol of free speech but were “sanitized” by the university authorities.

At University of Hong Kong, pro-indepedence wordings were removed. The students’ union cited the university management that any mention of “HK Independence” or “expelling Chinese Communists” would no longer be allowed on campus.

The HK University of Science and Technology even forbids blank post-it notes on notice boards. A Students' Union member lamented that not only on campus but in all Hong Kong there is no room to express oneself freely, "One might risk breaching the [national security] law even by not speaking.”

Source: Apple Daily #Aug29

#FreedomofSpeech #FailedState