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#SocialCreditSystem #MassSurveillance #HealthCode
#JoshuaWong: Health Code is an eHandcuff, a path to CCP's Social Credit System

Recently in Hong Kong, pro-China newspapers and Beijing royalists have been ferociously pushing for the implementation of Health Code in eateries and shopping centers. They even blustered of taking on the same system straightly from Mainland China.

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong criticized on his Facebook that Health Code is effectively no difference than an "eHandCuff". He called it a means for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to tighten their grip on Hong Kong, and pave way for Social Credit System and masd surveillance.

Wong pointed out that there is no scientific evidence showing Health Code is useful in epidemic prevention, as health experts reiterated.

Given that coronavirus has an incubation period, negative test result at one point of time does not mean that there is no risk of infection in the future. That is to say, implementing health code, could actually deceive citizens to believing that they are safe to commute, which inadvertently, would speed up the spread of Coronavirus.

Wong further elaborated that Health Code was implemented in China as an integral element to #NationalSurveillance. A source, claiming responsible for data management of Health Code in Hang Zhou said, “once the health code is activated, its database will start running, examining and analyzing across all available data-sets relevant to the user, including location data on Alipay and the shop the user frequented.”

In Wong’s opinion, Health Code is just a step away from a big data enabled “point-to-point” or “people-to-people” surveillance system, not only monitoring citizen’s daily routine, but also confining their mobility by restricting how they travel and where to go. The real function of Health Code is like an electronic handcuff.

Source: Stand News #Aug18 #FailedState #CCP #HangZhou
Thousands in Henan protested banks for witholding their money, resulting in large scale police and public confrontation

The frozen deposits situation at banks in #Henan Province has not eased. In the early morning of Sunday (10 July), thousands of bank account holders, unable to withdraw their deposits, gathered and protested at Zhengzhou People's Bank.

Online videos showed protesters holding up banners demanding the bank to return their deposits. Police and a large number of unidentified men arrived at the scene, to whom protesters chanted "triads". Efforts to disperse the crowd turned into violent clashes, and many were injured.

Four rural banks in Henan Province began to close their online withdrawal and transfer channels in April, affecting more than 400,000 people, involving deposits of up to 40 billion yuan.

It was reported that when some depositors planned to go in person to Henan to withdraw money last month, their #HealthCode turned red, effectively restricting their movement. It is suspected that the concerned authority was behind this controversial act.

Source: Radio Free Asia #Jul11

Detailed report [in Chinese] ➡️ https://bit.ly/3OZ3r7v

#China uses #coronavirus warning app to stifle #dissent

//China's #COVID19 warning app enables health authorities to move quickly against a virus outbreak. But it seems officials also use the app to stop perfectly healthy people from doing what Beijing doesn't want them to do. And the target is dissidents.//

Watch the video:

Source: DW #Jul17

#HealthCode #MassSurveillance #Beijing #Authoritarianism