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Citizens Volunteer to Clean the Venue after the Vigil

This year's Tiananmen vigil in Victoria Park was banned for the first time in 31 years, yet a large number of citizens still flocked into Victoria Park. By 21:00, the crowd had dispersed, and some citizens voluntarily helped to clean up candle wax left on the ground.

Source: Stand News #June4
#June4Vigil #Macau
Jund 4 Vigil in Macau - Teens arrested for commemorating

At least 3 teenagers, including two daughters of pan-democratic lawmaker in Macau, were arrested for taking a commemorating photo at the June Fourth Vigil. They were detained for three hours and may be charged of illegal gathering.

According to Macau netizens, some citizens insisted to sit at San Ma Lo to commemorate June 4 Massacare in groups of two and three, abiding by the rule of social distancing. Yet they were interrogated and dispersed by the police.

Source: Apple Daily #June4
#Court #PoliticalPrisoner
#JoshuaWong: Don't Let the World Change Us

In almost 2 years since the Anti-ELAB movement broke out in 2019, Hong Kong's representative figures of the pro-democracy "resistance" camp are either in jail or in exile.

Among them, former lawmaker #EddieChu, former journalist #GywnethHo, district councillors #LesterShum and #TiffanyYuen have been detained and denied bail since late February 2021. They are among the 47 pro-democracy activists arrested for joining the primary election in 2020.

Former chair of #Demisisto #NathanLaw and former spokesman for the Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (#HKIAD) #SunnyCheung have to sever ties with their family in Hong Kong and live in exile.

On March 30, 2021, district councillor #JannelleLeung and activist Joshua Wong, alongside Shum and Yuen, were trialed for taking part in an "unauthorised assembly" on #June4 in Victoria Park in 2020.

They were among 24 pro-democracy figures who were charged for participating in the annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the 1989 #TiananmenSquareMassacre in Beijing. The vigil was for the first time banned by the Hong Kong police in 2020. It is still uncertain that whether the annual rally could be held in 2021.

The four pro-democracy activists admitted to joining the rally and were remanded in custody. In the courtroom, Joshua Wong yelled, "Even if we cannot change the world, don't let the world change us."

The 24-year-old Wong is currently serving his sentence for surrounding the police headquarters during the #AntiELAB protest, while being additionally charged with other offences connecting to the primary election and June 4th #vigil.

Source: Stand News #Mar30

#PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #47Democrats
#PoliceState #Arrest
HK Police Arrest #GrannyWong
for "participating in unauthorized assembly" ALONE

On Sunday, May 30, 2021, Granny Wong was arrested by the police at around 15:19 in Wan Chai for "participating in unauthorized assembly".

Granny Wong was alone when the police surrounded and took her away by a police vechicle near the police headquarters.

Earlier, some pro-democracy group in Hong Kong had filed a protest authorization request for May 30, 2021 to commemorate the 1989 June 4th Tiananmen Massacre and condemn the Chinese Communist Party for the brutal crackdown.

The protest, alongside the annual candlelight vigil that has been taking place in Hong Kong's Victoria Park since 1990, was rejected by the Hong Kong police.

On the day, police continued to stop and search passers-by near Southampton Playground in Wan Chai, which is part of the protest route supposedly.

Source: Big #May30

#June4 #TiananmenMassacre #HongKongProtest #NationalSecurityLaw
#Solidarity #NeverForget
Hong Kong Restaurant Gives Free #Candles On the Eve of #June4 Commemoration Day

On June 3, 2021, the restaurant Villa Villa Cafe & Bar, located in North Point, Hong Kong, placed boxes of candle for customers and passersby to take.

The annual candlelight vigil in commemoration of the June 4th #TiananmenMassacre has been banned by the Hong Kong police for the second year. The organizer who had been holding the #vigil in #VictoriaPark since 1990 called on Hongkongers to commemorate the pro-democracy victims of the brutal crackdown by the CCP "in each of their own way".

In their facebook page on June 2, 2021, Villa Villa Cafe & Bar wrote that they "made a wrong order of birthday candles". The restaurant welcomed fellow citizens to take them for free. The remaining candles would be donated to a church nearby.

The person-in-charge of the restaurant Mr Tse told InMedia that "everything's in the heart".

Source: InMedia #Jun3

#YellowEconomy #Conscience
#FirstHand #June4
Hongkongers Fill Churches for #TiananmenMassacre Memorial Mass

A number of Catholic churches across the city are open on the evening of June 4, 2021 to hold memorial masses for the June 4 Tiananmen Massacre that took place in Beijing 32 years ago.

The Holy Cross Church in Sai Wan Ho was full by 8pm. Long lines of citizens remained outside, however; they stood outside the church, maintaining a 1.5m social distancing. Many held up their cell phone lights.

Photos: #FirstHand
Text: Community Media #Jun4

#CandleLight #NeverForget #Vigil #Church
The Famous Reporter Jonathan Mirsky, being Beaten up in the June 4 Incident, has Passed Away at Aged 88

A famous reporter Jonathan Mirsky had passed away in Britain on September 5, at the age of 88. Jonathan had been concerning about China throughout his life. He once had a live report on the June 4th incident in Tiananmen Square. He was beaten by armed police until his left arm was broken and three teeth fell out. Jonathan has worked for The Times in Hong Kong since 1993 and resigned in 1998 due to the soft attitude to China from owner Rupert Murdoch.

During the Vietnam War, like many intellectuals at the time, Jonathan Mirsky, as a scholar, actively criticised the United States. He also opposed the United States for isolating the policies of China, which he used to believe the protest of Mao was beneficial to China. In 1972, he was invited to visit China for six weeks as a Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars member. He noticed that the organiser tried to hide a few terrible situations in China. Because of this, he changed his mind from a Mao fan to a counter-revolutionary.

Source: Stand News #Sep12


#JonathanMirsky #June4 #China #TiananmenSquare #HongKong #VietnamWar #UnitedStates #Mao #Protest
#TonyeeChow #Court
Hong Kong Judge Questions Arrested Pro-democracy Barrister: Can You Access Internet in Jail?

Barrister Tonyee Chow Hang-tung is a pro-democracy activist in Hong Kong and the former Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China. The now-disbanded Alliance was known for organizing the annual June 4 vigil in Hong Kong to commemorate the victims of the Tianamen Square Massacre in Beijing in 1989.

She was arrested for state subversion by the Hong Kong authority.

The authority accused her of calling on citizens to participate in June 4th commemorative event in 2020, which was banned by the government. Chow was charged with "inciting others to participate in an unauthorised assembly".

The case was heard in Hong Kong's West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts by Judge Chan Wai-mun on October 5, 2021.

Chow, who has been detained since her arrest, stated that she would defend herself and make her own statement. She will argue whether it is constitutional to restrict the dispute to freedom and whether the related article she disseminsted can ce considered as an "incitement".

Due to the limited resources she has when on remand, Chow asked for one to two weeks' time for preparation.

The Judge then questioned her, “Where did you find the law books in jail? Can you access Internet?” The query made citizens attending the session laughed.

Chow responded that she would rely on her professional knowledge of law and seek help from friends.

Source: Stand News #Oct5

#June4 #HKASPDMC #Vigil #TiananmenSquareMassacre #Internet #ChowHangTung #CivilSociety #Law #Alliance
#Court #PoliticalOppression
"It was Conscience that Drove Hongkongers for 32 years to Mourn June 4th": Tonyee Chow Defends Herself in Court Against June 4 Unlawful Assembly Charge

Tonyee #ChowHangTung, former Vice-Chairperson of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (#HKASPDMC), was accused of promoting and calling on others to participate in the June 4 rally, and had earlier pleaded not guilty to the charge of inciting others to participate in an unauthorized assembly. The case was resumed in the West Kowloon Magistrates Court on Oct 25th.

Tonyee, who is herself a barrister, represented herself in court. She mentioned that all the cases brought against her are related to the Alliance and June 4th. The authorities are piling on these charges, showing that the regime is attempting to suppress and eliminate the memory of June 4th step by step.

She reiterated that after the police banned the rally this year, the Alliance had publicly announced that it would not hold a candlelight rally in Victoria Park. She has since written articles and taken interviews, in which she had simply appealed to the public to overcome their fears and continue to mourn June 4 through personal actions. She questioned how a call for action with no specified location could incite an unauthorized assembly, saying that the regime "might as well admit directly that what is forbidden is the June 4 memorial itself".

Tonyee stressed that it was not anyone's incitement that drove the people of Hong Kong to mourn June 4th for 32 years; rather, it was every person's conscience. "If the court wants to use the word 'incite', it ought to say that it was the people of Hong Kong who had incited me to do this."

And if she were to be punished for it, she would have no regrets, she said.

Source: Stand News; #Oct25
Full account of Tonyee's defense speech (in Chinese) : https://thestandnews.page.link/o3zrFQwM34J6m8ky9

#June4 #HongKong #Democracy #Protest #Court
#WhiteTerror #Oppression
Over a dozen companies refuse to transport #PillarofShame, citing concerns over Chinese government's reprisal

The Pillar of Shame - the Tiananmen memorial at the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) which stood for more than 20 years - has been dismantled and packed away in cargo containers by the University management in the middle of the night in December 2021.

Since then, the creator of the Pillar, Danish artist #JensGalschiøt, had been attempting to ship the Pillar back to Denmark.

In a statement, Galschiøt said that his team, including lawyers, 2 shipping companies, and even the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs were involved in the effort, but they had yet to find a company to move the cargo container from storage to the container wharf.

12 shipping companies turned them down, all citing concerns over the Chinese government taking vengeance on them.

Galschiøt reiterated that he is still hopeful for success, but it remains unclear as to when the Pillar can be shipped out of Hong Kong.

Source: Inmediahk; #Apr19

See also:
The Pillar of Shame is being destroyed in these minutes : Jen Galschiot calls for public record on Twitter (Dec 23, 2021)

New School for Democracy Announces Rebuilding Pillar of Shame in Taiwan: "One Pillar Falls, Thousands More Will Be Raised" (Jan 27, 2022)

#June4 #TiananmenMassacre #Memorial
Denise Ho offers encouragements during online concert, sheds tears for those who lost their freedom

On May 22, Hong Kong singer and prominent pro-democracy activist Denise Ho (#HOCC) hosted an online concert, a week after her arrest by National Security Police.

When performing her new song "Dear Black", she sobbed for a long while before she could calm herself down.

Ho explained that she was grieved by those who going through difficult times, both the ones in Hong Kong and those dispersed around the world.

"Some of them are still in Hong Kong, but I could hardly see them," she continued, "because they lost their freedom." She admitted that she cried several times in the past week.

Denise Ho was one of the five trustees of the #612HumanitarianReliefFund. The five were arrested by Hong Kong National Security Police on May 11 for alleged “collusion with foreign forces”.

The Fund provided legal and financial assistance to more than 2,200 people prosecuted for their part in the 2019 pro-democracy protests. It had ceased operations in 2021 after police announced it was under investigation, and requested administrators to provide details on its donors.

Toward the end of the concert, Ho comforted her supporters, saying, "the happiest moments in life are when you are walking steadfastly, and certain that you know what you are doing, and you have no regrets."

#PoliticalOppression #June4 #612HumanitarianFund #HOCC

Source: Inmediahk; #May22
#Oppression #June4
Hong Kong authorities "blocked" venue for once-annual candlelight vigil for Tiananmen massacre victims for a third year running

On May 24, a local daily, Ming Pao reported that the Leisure and Cultural Service Department (#LCSD), which administers the Victoria Park soccer pitches where the rally used to take place, has suspended any bookings on June 4, the 33rd anniversary of the #TiananmenMassacre, although bookings are available on other days in the same month.

Just 3 days afterwards, on May 27, the football pitches at Victoria Park were seen fully booked on June 4 from as early as 7am in the morning. No bookings, however, were seen for the rest of June. The same daily found. 

The vigil has been banned -- ostensibly for public health reasons -- for the past two years and the leaders of its organizing group, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, arrested for colluding with foreign powers under a national security law imposed by Beijing from July 1, 2020.

Ming Pao; #May24


Ming Pao; #May27



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Hong Kong Catholic group will not hold Tiananmen crackdown masses citing fears over national security law
#WhiteTerror #June4
Facebook banned authentic Beijing June 4th massacre photograph

Just two weeks before the 33rd Memorials of June 4th Massacre, a media veteran in Hong Kong found a photograph linked to the Tiananmen crackdown had been banned by Facebook.

The photograph that she posted many years ago showed a tank running over protest student Fang Zhang's legs.

Facebook claimed the photography is inappropriate content linked to "violence and bloodshed".

Even though, Facebook said it didn't violate "Community Standards', it argued that the photograph could be "deemed sensitive to some people."

Notes to editors:
Fang Zheng is a former student protester who was seriously injured during the Tiananmen massacre in 1989 in Beijing, China. During the evacuation of the Square in the early morning of June 4, Fang was run over by a People’s Liberation Army tank, which led to the amputation of both his legs.

Source: RFA Cantonese; #May20
#Solidarity #June4
Tiananmen vigil events across globe in solidarity with Hong Kong

"The Chinese government’s concerted efforts to erase the Tiananmen crackdown from history have spread to Hong Kong since the national security law was enacted in the city in 2020. But the atrocities of 4 June 1989 must never be forgotten,” Hana Young, Amnesty International’s East Asia deputy regional director, said in a statement.

Amnesty International and other rights groups have planned events and memorials overseas. Vigils will be held in cities such as San Francisco and Washington DC in the US, Seoul in South Korea, Taipei in Taiwan, Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, Sydney in Australia, Oslo in Norway, Paris in France, Amsterdam in the Netherlands and London in the UK.


Source: Amnesty International; #May26
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#NeverForget #NeverTrustCCP
Excerpted from archived news footage from Hong Kong news station #TVB, the video recorded one of the chaotic scenes of the Tiananmen Massacre near Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.

The sound of gunfire is incessant.

Today, many youngsters in China have never heard about the June 4 massacre, due to the Chinese government's censorship.

Take a good look of this video.

Keep it.
Share it, and
Remember it.

#June4 #TiananmenMassacre