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#StandWithHongKong #NeverGiveUp
Hongkongers Tell the World Their Fight for Freedom and Democracy Continues

Hongkongers climbed all the way to the local hill Lion Rock that overlooks the city and displayed the words "Save HK" and "Save 12" on the top.

"Save 12" is the short form for
#Save12HKYouths, a call to rescue the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who have been detained by the Chinese authorities for over 40 days since the end of August 2020.

More photo:

Source: Resistance Live Media #Oct3

#SaveHK #Save12 #LionRock #NeverGiveUp
Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg Joins #Save12HKYouths

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong tagged climate activist Greta Thunberg in the online global marathon campaign for #Save12HKYouths.

12 pro-democracy Hongkongers have been captured by Chinese coastal guards in late August 2020 and detained in China for over 50 days without being able to meet their family or lawyers hired by the families, with some even being denied critical medication by Chinese authorities.

Source: Twitter @GretaThunberg

Read more:

Italian Activists #RadicaliItaliani Call on the World to #Save12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers Detained in China
Concern Group Calls for Local and International Attention to Save 12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers Arrested by China

Concern group convener Owen Chow Ka-shing, former Secretary General of Demosisto Joshua Wong Chi-fung and former legislator Eddie Chu Hoi-dik and district councillor Lester Shum called for an online assembly on Sunday, October 25, to show support to the 12 Hongkongers detained in China and their families.  

Owen Chow expressed that only international attention could bring hope to this case. He revealed that 30 cities will voice support in various formats around the globe, such as assembly or rally from October 23 to October 25.

With reference to Granny Wong’s experience of detainment in China,  Eddie Chu expressed that with more attention from Hong Kong and around the world, the treatment of those detained in China will be significantly improved. He asked Hongkongers to continue paying attention to the case in order to put pressure on Chinese authorities.

Joshua Wong sponsored printing 50,000 copies of “Never Forget 12 Fellow Protesters” on transparency sheets in a bid to encourage Hongkongers’ continued support. Each sheet carried a name of one of the detainees, a small boat and a short message that read, “Bring Them Back”.  

The design of the transparencies was inspired by Zhen Jianghua, a human right activist in China who was also arrested and detained. 

Lester Shum said that 23 October marks the 60th day since the 12 youths' official arrest and detainment in China.  Shum asked for Hongkongers' attention on this case, which he believed would provide support to the detainees and their families, so that they would know that they were not left alone.

Source: InMedia HK  #Oct20

 #FailedState  #12LivesMatter
#LesterShum #JoshuaWong #EddieChu #OwenChow
Forwarded from 12港人關注組
【中國律師爭取會見 鍥而不捨】







[Chinese Lawyers insisted to fight for access to the 12 Hongkongers]

The family-appointed Chinese lawyers have not given up their attempts to interview the 12 Hongkongers. Four of them, including Quinn Moon's lawyer Lu Siwei, Huang Lam-Phuc's lawyer Lu Tingge, Kok Tsz-Lun’s lawyer Lin Qilei and Tang Kai-yin's lawyer Song Yusheng, went to the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau this morning to complain that the Yantian Detention Centre, the Yantian District Procuratorate and the 110 police answering centre have violated the law by blocking their interviews with clients.

The aforementioned four lawyers, along with Li Yu-hin's attorney Liang Xiaojun, went to the Yantian Detention Center yesterday to request access to their clients. The officers again claimed that each of the 12 had already appointed two lawyers.

The five lawyers further requested for an interview with the client to verify the claims of the detention centre in accordance with the "Regulations on the Protection of Lawyers' Right to Practice in accordance with Law" of the five ministries were also rejected.

Mr. Lu highlighted that his client, Huang Lam-Phuc, was still a minor and could not appoint his own lawyers. He questioned the validity of the Detention Centre's claim that Huang had appointed lawyers.

The five tried to contact the Yantian District Procuratorate stationing officer in the detention center to lodge a complaint, but the call was not answered. No police officer arrived even though they called the 110 emergency number to report the case. It wasn't until the afternoon that the five lawyers went to the Yantian District Procuratorate in person to file a complaint against the detention center and 110, that the officers were willing to receive them. After documenting the case, the officers said they would reply in writing as soon as possible.

The lawyers said that two of the detainees had been able to use the money their families had deposited, but were still prohibited from accepting outside deliveries of clothing.

In fact, the 12 lawyers are now forced to "petition" to the Public Security Bureau as other citizens and are under increasing political pressure. Today, the sources from the internet said that another Chinese human rights lawyer Chang Weiping has been arrested and disappeared. Given the Chinese lawyers’s perseverance facing great danger, we must keep up the pressure in Hong Kong until the 12 Hongkongers return to Hong Kong safely.

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/save12hkyouths
IG: www.instagram.com/save12hkyouths
Twitter: https://twitter.com/save12hkyouths
Email: save12hkyouths@gmail.com
Global Call for #Save12HKYouths Detained by China for over 60 days

Over the weekend of Oct 23, 2020, citizens in Sweden, South Korea, Italy, India, the US, Canada, Australia and the UK among others initiated actions demanding China to return 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers to Hong Kong.

In London, near Tower Bridge Hongkongers waved "liberate Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong Independence" flags. Nathan Law, former chair of Demonsisto, apeared and spoke in the public for the first time since he was exiled to the UK.

An online assembly to support the 12 Hongkongers detained in China will be held on Sunday, Oct 25, 2020 at 8pm HKT:


Source: Stand News #Oct24
Forwarded from 12港人關注組
【國際連動 聲援十二港人】


- 香港蘋果日報
- 香港獨立媒體網
- 立場新聞

另歡迎所有媒體轉載 🙏🏼


[Global Solidarity Campaign]

Online assembly to support the 12 Hongkonger will be held tomorrow (25/10) at 8pm HKT. There will be sharing sessions for family members and various guest speakers.

The online assembly will be broadcast live on our FB page (12 Hongkongers Concern Group) with sign language interpretation, and on the following media:
Apple Daily;
Inmediahk.net; and
Stand News.

*All media are welcome to share 🙏🏼

Please join us to support the 12 Hongkongers and their families, also demand the Authorities to bring them back immediately!

- - - - -
Facebook: www.facebook.com/save12hkyouths
IG: www.instagram.com/save12hkyouths
Twitter: https://twitter.com/save12hkyouths
Email: save12hkyouths@gmail.com
Lands Department Declares "Save 12 HK Youths" Banner Illegal; Outrageous: Helena Wong

The West Kowloon Government Offices informed pro-democracy lawmaker Helena Wong Pik-wan that her two banners hanging at Princess Margaret Road Prince Edward were illegal and that she needed to remove them in 2 days.

Two slogans, “#Save12HKYouths” and “Boycott brainwash education”, were printed on the banners with her name and LegCo logo. Wong chastised the decision, calling it outrageous and that she wouldn’t remove them. Also, she denounced the government for slowly transitioning to an autocracy, and stated that they wished to “force everyone to shut up and to not have any descent negative opinion on the government.”

Source: Inmedia #Oct27
Global Solidarity with 12 Hong Kong Youths

Thanks Vancourites to help in completing the huge poster. Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activists (VHKPoActs) hope to raise global awareness and demand China in immediate releases for 12 Hong Jong youths.

Source: VHKPoActs #Oct25


#Vancouver #save12HKyouths #HongKongprotest
Over 33 U.K. Lawmakers Write to Chinese Embassy, Demanding the Release of 12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers Jailed by China

In a letter addressing the Chinese Ambassador in the U.K. Liu Xiao-ming, over 33 British lawmakers express their concern at China's treatment of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who were arrested by the Chinese authorities in August and since then detained in China.

The co-signed letter condemned the Chinese government for barring the detainees from family visits and meeting the lawyers appointed by their family. Among the 12, Andy Li is a BNO passport holder.

Source: Stand News #Nov1
Image: Nathan Law

#HongKong12 #UK
#Save12HKYouths #Save12
Mother of Detained Pro-democracy Hongkonger: "When Can You Come Home, My Son?”

Wong Wai-Yin is one of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who were arrested by Chinese authorities in late August 2020 and jailed in China since then without any trial and without being able to meet with their families and lawyers.

Wong's mother took a picture near their home, thinking of her son and pleading for his return.

"We live in this village and we cross this bridge everyday. Ever since the [Hong Kong] police raided our home, they blockaded the bridge and sealed off at least half of the village," Wong's mother said, "Whenever I cross the bridge to work or to go back home, I think of you. When can you come home, my son?”

The 12 Hongkongers have been jailed by the Chinese Communist Party government for over 70 days.

Source: Save 12 HK Youths Concern Group #Nov2

#BringThemBack #MotherandSon #WongWaiYin
"Liberate Hong Kong" and "Save 12": Pro-democracy Slogans Appear Near University Before the One-year Mark of the Siege of #PolyU

On the eve of the one-year mark of the siege of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), protest slogans "Liberate Hong Kong" and "Save 12" appeared on a footbridge after midnight on November 12, 2020.

Since the #PolyUSiege, a wire fence has been install along the footbridge connecting the campus to the train station. The pro-democracy slogans were formed by padlocks of different colors attached to the fence.

Source: Stand News # Nov12

#NeverForget #NeverForgive #Save12 #Save12HKYouths
#Save12HKYouths #Day100
Hongkongers Climb Amah Rock, Longing the Return of 12 Pro-democracy Protesters Jailed in China

Nov 30, 2020 marks the 100th day since China has detained 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers.

On the evening of Nov 29, civilians in Hong Kong climbed up to the Amah Rock and displayed the sign of "#Save12". The Amah Rock is also called the Mong Fu Shek. The rock got its name, as its shape resembles a woman carrying her baby waiting for the return of her husband lost at sea.

In August 2020, China captured 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers and has them jailed in Shenzhen, barring them from meeting their families and lawyers appointed by the family.

In the past few months, people in Hong Kong incessantly demand Chinese authorities to return the 12 Hongkongers.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov29


#AmahRock #MongFuShek #HongKongProtests #BringThemBack
#Solidarity #Hongkongers
Student Group Connects Citizens to Jailed Pro-democracy Hongkongers

#StudentPoliticism is holding a Christmas Eve Street Booth on Dec 23, 2020, on the Mongkok pedestrian bridge.

Postcards are available for citizens to write to the 12 pro-democracy Hong Kong youths detained in China, as well as all jailed protesters, so that Hongkongers can stay connected during this Christmas season.

Date: 23 December 2020
Time: 1700 - 1900
Location: Pedestrian Bridge near MongKok East MTR (entrance of Moko Mall)

#HongKong #save12HKyouths #HongKongProtest #BringThemBack #Christmas2020
#HongkongersVoice #NeverGiveUp #Save12HKYouths
Hongkongers Send Christmas Cards to Support 12 Pro-democracy Protesters Detained by China; HK Student: We Shoulder the Pain Together

The "Save 12 Hong Kong Youths Concern Group" recently launched a campaign to send Christmas cards to the 12 Hongkongers who have been detained by the Chinese authority for over 100 days.

Yau Tsim Mong District Councilor Chu Kong-wai organized the Christmas card station on December 18, 2020 in Mong Kok, hoping that Hong Kong people would keep paying attention to the 12 detainees to protect them from inhuman treatment.

Candice, a secondary school student who joined the campaign said that she hopes to shoulder the pain experienced by the 12 HongKongers, so that they know that Hong Kong people have always been by their side,

"I hope that they can insist on their ideas, they have done nothing wrong." The HKSAR government earlier stated that the Liber Studies subject should be reformed. Candice said that the Liberal Studies teacher mentioned the 12 Hongkongers before in class but did not discuss it in depth, "I could feel the pressure borne by the Liberal Studies teacher, but s/he told us that s/he would teach us until nothing was allowed to teach."

Mr. Ho, who is in his 50s and works in the air transport industry wrote on the Christmas card the words, "May Heaven destroy the CCP".

Regarding whether his Christmas card can be delivered to the 12 Hongkoners, Mr. Ho said, "I didn’t expect this card could be successfully delivered when I wrote these words, but I will still say what I want to say.".

Mr. Ho said that his friend had been unjustly imprisoned in China for eight months, which has made him no longer believe in the judicial system of China.

Source: InMediahk #Dec19

#Christmas2020 #Save12 #BringThemBack
#Save12 #BringThemBack
China Informs 12 Hong Kong Youths' Families of Their Trial Only 3 Days Prior on Christmas Day

On the Christmas Day of 2020, the families of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers detained in China not only could not see their loved ones; seven families also received a last-minute notice from the lawyers appointed by the Chinese Government that the trial of ten of the 12 Hongkongers would take place on Dec 28, 2020, which was in less than 3 days including the public holidays.

Among the 12 Hongkongers detained by the Chinese authorities since August 2020, ten of them will face trial on Dec 28, 2020 at the Yantian Court in China, but only seven families received such a notice.

The Chinese court told the media that it belonged to a "secret case" and no public and media would be allowed to audit. The trial is also not listed in the timetable of the Yantian People's Court.

The #Save12HKYouths Concern Group released a statement on Dec 25, 2020, demanding the delivery of confirmed, open and clear information of the trials of the 12 Hongkongers. They also demanded the presence of their families, the lawyers hired by their families, Hong Kong and international media and diplomats from different countries to be allowed in court.

The families also demanded the Chinese authorities to allow them to pay the prison a visit, were the detained Hongkongers to be sentenced; and the HKSAR government to send representatives to make sure the civil rights of the Hongkongers could be protected.

Source: Save 12 HK Youths Concern Group #Dec25

#HumanitarianCrisis #ChineseCourt #RulebyLaw #Christmas2020
Hong Kong news updates
[Families kept in the dark on arrangement for return of 8 Hongkongers] Today, 8 of the 12 Hongkongers who were detained by Chinese authorities were released and returned to Hong Kong. Transfer arrangements were made by the authorities in advance but none…
We are very disappointed at how the authorities had handled the matter which has caused unnecessary distress to the families.

We urge the authorities to refrain from acting in such a disrespectful manner on the days when the remaining 2 Hongkongers who are still in Chinese prison, Quinn and Tang, are released and to inform their relatives of the relevant arrangements as soon as possible so that they can avoid unnecessary anxiety and travel.

Finally, the families would like to thank the Hong Kong people and the local and international media for their continued attention on the 12 which led to their safe return to Hong Kong.

The families would also like to thank the Chinese human rights lawyers for their assistance. Two lawyers, Lu Siwei and Ren Quanniu, were disbarred for taking up this case, and other lawyers had been harassed repeatedly.

We shall not forget their selfless dedication. We hope that you will continue to support and care about both the 10 who have returned to Hong Kong and the 2 who are still in the Mainland, as they are still facing long periods of detention and upcoming legal proceedings.
