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Suspected Leaked Guidelines from TikTok, Videos Filmed with Ugly Faces or Poor Backgrounds not Recommended

(22 Mar) In order to ensure the content shared by users would not contain anything inappropriate, lots of companies would hire administrators to check, and, if necessary, to remove content which might be offensive. Recently, The Intercept has obtained leaked data of TikTok, which included the guidelines for TikTok’s administrators. In the guidelines, the administrators should exclude the users who are considered “ugly”, “too old”, disabled from the “For You” section of the app. The shooting environment which appeared to be too poor should not be allowed as well. Besides, the document emphasis TikTok shall side with China’s foreign policies. Administrators shall remove everything that includes the Tiananmen massacre, support for the independence of Taiwan and Hong Kong and content “harmful to China’s national pride”. In response, TikTok stated the guidelines are to prevent cyberbullying and those guidelines have already been cancel last year. TikTok also emphasised that it is a platform for the users to freely express themselves.

Source: Unwire HK

Further reading
Youtube Censorship
#ChinesePropaganda #Censorship #FakeImage #TikTok #Discrimination
Media is too big
#WHO #ChinesePneumonia #ChinesePropaganda
Australian News Program: WHO Promotes China's Interest and Propaganda

Source: Sky News, Australia
#WuhanPneumonia #CoronavirusPandemic
Swedish Former Representative to European Parliament: China Should Apologize to the World for Coronavirus

In an opinion article published by a Swedish newspaper on 19
March, 2020, Gunnar Hökmark, Chairman of Stockholm Free World Forum and Former member of the European parliament, asks the Chinese Communist Party government and its leader to apologize to the world for withholding information of the coronavirus and "using its economic power, systematically threatens democratic countries in order to destabilize and silence criticism".

From China's imprisonment of Swedish citizen Gui Minhai (bookseller in Hong Kong) to Chinese tourists' behaviour, Hökmark wrote that:

"The aggressive Chinese attacks on Sweden for our handling of the Coronavirus should be seen against the fact that the Chinese Communist Party wants to escape all kind of responsibility for the spread of the epidemic. 

Lousy animal husbandry and poor food standards, along with fear of the dictatorship and its culture of silence, are the main reasons why the world is presently wrestling with a terrible global pandemic. Its background lies in the inability of a totalitarian system to take people's perceptions, security and life into account. It is not Sweden or Europe that is the problem in all this. It's China.

And it is China that, using its economic power, systematically threatens democratic countries in order to destabilize and silence criticism.

On Radio Sweden, the Chinese propaganda attack was incomprehensibly described as something very sharp and because of that worth listening to. They neglected that this is how the Communist regime for a long time has acted against Sweden, among other democracies.

We saw the same pattern of denials and false accusations when Iran shot down the Ukrainian passenger plane and when Russian air defense units in Ukraine shot down the airplane MH17."

Source: Expressen, (19-Mar)


Independent Journalist Condemns China’s misinformation and manipulation of data, calling the pandemic a “Jin-ping Coronavirus”

#Sweden #ChinesePropaganda #CCP #SharpPower #Censorship
Chinese Netizens Impersonate Taiwanese to Apologize to the WHO

The screenshot shows that a Twitter user who introduced herself as "a girl from China" in her profile, represented Taiwanese to apologize to the WHO.

The WHO chief has recently offended Taiwan after he accused Taiwanese of lodging "racist critique" to him. Although WHO chief has yet disclosed any evidence, it has been reported that China's Internet army was mobilized to claim themselves "Taiwanese" and make apology to the WHO in the name of "Taiwan".

Source: Internet
#ChinesePropaganda #Fake #CCP #WHO #Taiwan
#SCMP #Fake #Opinion
Alibaba-owned South China Morning Post Published Opinion Articles by Fake Persona

According to a United States media, a fake persona under the name of "Lin Nguyen" claimed to be an analyst had sent opinion articles to several media outlets around the world. One article titled "For Hong Kong protesters, the right thing to do for the city now is stay at home" was published by South China Morning Post, which had been acquired by Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma. After the incident was exposed, South China Morning Post withdrew 5 articles as such.

Source: CNews