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From #NathanLaw's Facebook:

On 1 July 2019, protestors went inside the #LegCo and unfurled the banner reading “There is no rioter, only tyranny”. They declared a manifesto and reiterated the 5 demands.

Today, Andrew Leung disqualified Dennis Kwok; Chan Kin-Bor removed most pro-democracy lawmakers; Starry Lee was elected as the House Committee chairperson with 40:0 votes.

To quote from the #July1 manifesto: “The society might criticise us. Yet, who is behind the social divide? Who causes public discontent? What did Hong Kong do? Why are Hongkongers persecuted like this?"

Violence comes from tyranny. Under the CCP's oppression, Hongkongers resist, fight for their future and take back their legislature. The LegCo on July 1 represented the people.

After that day, the LegCo spent millions to redo the chamber, costing Hong Kong’s future. I'd rather have a LegCo filled with graffiti and manifesto, instead of glamour but evil deeds. Structural violence is way more destructive than the so-called street violence.
Global Call for #Save12HKYouths Detained by China for over 60 days

Over the weekend of Oct 23, 2020, citizens in Sweden, South Korea, Italy, India, the US, Canada, Australia and the UK among others initiated actions demanding China to return 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers to Hong Kong.

In London, near Tower Bridge Hongkongers waved "liberate Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong Independence" flags. Nathan Law, former chair of Demonsisto, apeared and spoke in the public for the first time since he was exiled to the UK.

An online assembly to support the 12 Hongkongers detained in China will be held on Sunday, Oct 25, 2020 at 8pm HKT:


Source: Stand News #Oct24
Cast Your #Vote Now: TIME's Person of the Year

The TIME magazine is hosting its annual Person of the Year poll.

Among the individuals selected, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law, who is currently in exile, is enlisted in the poll.

The poll is open for readers from all around the world to vote:

Source: TIME #Nov15

#Court #PoliticalPrisoner
#JoshuaWong: Don't Let the World Change Us

In almost 2 years since the Anti-ELAB movement broke out in 2019, Hong Kong's representative figures of the pro-democracy "resistance" camp are either in jail or in exile.

Among them, former lawmaker #EddieChu, former journalist #GywnethHo, district councillors #LesterShum and #TiffanyYuen have been detained and denied bail since late February 2021. They are among the 47 pro-democracy activists arrested for joining the primary election in 2020.

Former chair of #Demisisto #NathanLaw and former spokesman for the Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (#HKIAD) #SunnyCheung have to sever ties with their family in Hong Kong and live in exile.

On March 30, 2021, district councillor #JannelleLeung and activist Joshua Wong, alongside Shum and Yuen, were trialed for taking part in an "unauthorised assembly" on #June4 in Victoria Park in 2020.

They were among 24 pro-democracy figures who were charged for participating in the annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the 1989 #TiananmenSquareMassacre in Beijing. The vigil was for the first time banned by the Hong Kong police in 2020. It is still uncertain that whether the annual rally could be held in 2021.

The four pro-democracy activists admitted to joining the rally and were remanded in custody. In the courtroom, Joshua Wong yelled, "Even if we cannot change the world, don't let the world change us."

The 24-year-old Wong is currently serving his sentence for surrounding the police headquarters during the #AntiELAB protest, while being additionally charged with other offences connecting to the primary election and June 4th #vigil.

Source: Stand News #Mar30

#PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #47Democrats
#Separation #Hongkongers
On #MothersDay, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists, remanded or exiled, Pay Homage to Their Mothers

Usually on Mother’s Day, many families would go out and celebrate. However, some are less fortunate this year in Hong Kong.

On May 9, 2021, exiled former #Demosisto leader #NathanLaw posted a photo with his mother on Facebook. He said this festival reminds him of the many pro-democracy protestors who became separated from their families. “Only until justice is done can family warmth return.”

Nathan Law recalled, “no matter how busy I am, on Mother's Day, I can always let go of my work and sit before a dinner table with my family.”

He admitted he saw festivals as an excuse to step away from work, but this year he thought of all the protestors who were forced into leaving their own families due to political oppression.

“For everyone who is remanded, imprisoned, or exiled, there is always a mother at home waiting for their return, waiting for days, for months, for years.”

He hoped there can be a new meaning for Mother’s Day. “Please remember those behind bars and oceans apart.”

The facebook page of democrat #TakchiTam, who is remanded on National Security charges, also posted a video that was recorded earlier of him singing the song “Mother, I did no wrong.”

In the video, he said the festival also reminded him of all the young men and women exiled or imprisoned due to the movement. However, he believed when people are united in their pursuit of justice and truth, a new family will be forged.

[Editor's note: “Mother, I have done no wrong” is a song written in remembrance of the 1989 June Fourth Massacre in Beijing. The title is a reference to a famous banner raised by the pro-democracy students who went on hunger strike in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

The lyrics sing:

“We want no one to define right or wrong.

We want no one to convict others at will."]

Source: Stand News #May9


#JuneFourth #Mothers #Exile #PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalPrisoners
#Education #AcademicFreedom
University of Chicago received complaint for inviting #NathanLaw to participate in school event and "hurting its Chinese students"

Source: Stand News #May24

Read more
Pillar of Shame placed outside Chinese Embassy in Rome. Nathan Law: China government's atrocities must be exposed to the world

As the G20 summit is to be held in Rome for two days from Saturday (30 October), exiled Hong Kong legislator Nathan Law Kwun-Chung took the "Pillar of Shame" to the Chinese Embassy there yesterday (27 October) to protest. He said he might not be able to stop the Chinese Communist Party (#ccp) from committing atrocities, but he hoped to draw public attention to human rights issues in China.

Joint with Luke de Pulford, a British member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), and others, Nathan Law erected a three-metre-high "Pillar of Shame", a replica of the original "Pillar of Shame" status made by the same Danish sculptor Jens Galschiøt, outside the Chinese Embassy in Rome yesterday.

"We may not be able to stop the Chinese Communist Party's atrocities, but with the G20 summit around the corner, there is something we can do to get the media's attention and to direct some of the public opinions towards the human rights of the Chinese Communist Party," he said. He would also meet with parliamentarians from different countries in Rome in the coming days, hoping to remind them of the importance of fighting the expansion of Chinese Communist authority when they gather.

Source: Stand News #Oct28

#PillarOfShame #NathanLaw #G20 #Summit #Rome #LukeDePulford #IPAC #China


[Translator note: According to the Stand News video, Nathan Law said, "it is a statement about the atrocity and the massacre that the Chinese Communist Party did to its people, its crushing of democratic pursuit, and the pursuits of its people to decide the future of their own country", which is not quite the same as what the news article say]
Five Overseas Hongkongers including #NathanLaw wanted by HK Authorities Over #BlankVotes and #NoVote 'Incitement'

In Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (#ICAC) issued a warrant on December 18, 2021 to arrest five exiled activists, including Nathan Law Kwun-chung, for inciting voters to cast blank or invalid ballots in the Legislative Council election on December 19, 2021.

Apart from former lawmaker Law, four others, including Sunny Cheung Kwan-yang; and former district councilors Timothy Lee Hin-long, Lee Ka-wai, and Carmen Lau Ka-man are also wanted persons.  

Source: Stand News, #Dec18


#Regime #FakeElection #PoliceState #CCPStyle #FailedState
#FirstHand #June4
Assembly in #London: #Hongkongers and #Ulkranians In Solidarity

Photo album: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/32822

At Downing Street, London on June 4th, 2022, Hongkongers and Ukrainians organized a fight against dictatorship assembly. The solidarity movement voices support for the fight for freedom across mainly Hongkongers and Ukrainians.

Exiled activist #NathanLaw, a former legislator in Hong Kong and the founder of #Demosisto, was the first guest speaker of the event. He said to the crowd, "no matter where we are from, we are all escaping from the dictatorship regime."

He said that not only Ukrainians but also Hongkongers have been following the Russian invasion news.

Carman Lau Ka-Man, a former Wong Tai Sin District Councillor in 2019, was the next one to speak, urging overseas Hongkongers to do more when they were able to and to help those in Hong Kong who are suffering in jail or under suppression.

"Perhaps 1989 seems quite long ago, but let's not forget what we did in the year of 2019."

#BenedictRoger, the founder of #HongKongWatch, brings a yellow umbrella to the event, saying the umbrella is not only for rainy weather, but also to symbolise the dignity of the people who fight for democracy and the movement against dictatorship regime.

A Ukrainian representative spoke and emphasised that Ukraine is a geographic buffer between Russia and Europe, protecting the whole Europe from Russia. She urged the world to stop using fuel supplied by Russia in order to stand with Ukraine.

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#Resistance #Solidarity #FightForFreedom #RussianInvasion #CCP