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0546 #PolyU
The long staircase continues to burn intensely. Around 50 members of the raptor squad push to East Tsim Sha Tsui bus terminus. Many people tried to run away but were arrested.

Source: Apple Daily
#Nov18 #PolyUMassacre #HumanitarianCrisis #PLA #TiananmenMassacre #HongKong8964
0615 #PolyU
Fire on Cheong Wan Road bridge above Cross Harbour Tunnel Toll Plaza.

The fire is put out at 0635.

Source: Apple Daily
#Nov18 #PolyUMassacre #HumanitarianCrisis #PLA #TiananmenMassacre #HongKong8964
Police tear gas barrage continues, delivery van shot and damaged
11.18 Tsim Sha Tsui

A van for fast delivery was shot by policeman, the windshield was broken and the car was cracked. The shell of the tear gas grenade was left in the car and the car was filled with tear gas smell.

Nothing was processed after the van was shot, the driver removed all the goods from the van.

Source: USP United Social Press

#HongKong8964 #TiananmenMassacre #HumanitarianCrisis #PLA #Nov18
Police fire tear gas at hospital

Elizabeth Hospital, Jordan
1320 Multiple shots of tear gas fired

1325 Police fired tear gas towards journalists and narrowly missed his body

Source: Stand News
#TiananmenMassacre #PolyU #Nov18 #PLA #HumanitarianCrisis
Live Update 1530
First-aiders from Red Cross Allowed into PolyU

A group of first-aiders compromised with the police and are allowed to treat patients inside PolyU. They claimed the police allowed them to stay for several hours.

Source: First Hand
#PolyU #TiananmenMassacre #PLA #Nov18 #HumanitarianCrisis
Parent Concerned about Students' Safety, " I Hope my Daughters would not be Crippled or even Die"

A single parent who has two daughter currently trapped inside PolyU is interviewed by Apple Daily. She has already contacted the Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre for help. She also calls for other parents to stand up as well to resue their children in peaceful ways. The parent also expressed that she would not mind if her daughters are going have a criminal record. She is more worried if they could come out safe, since she has no idea if they are safe inside the campus at the moment.

Source: tg@hongkongstandstrong_live, Apple Daily

#PolyU #TiananmenMassacre #PLA #HumanitarianCrisis #Nov18
Secondary School Principals Claim Students Under 18 Can Leave PolyU Without Being Arrested Immediately

2329 | Legislator Ip Kin-yuen and a group of secondary school principals arrive at PolyU and begin to meet their students. They express that they will leave with secondary school students. For those under 18, their identity card numbers will be recorded and no arrest will be made immediately. However, the police maintained the right to prosecute at a later date.

The visiting group also expresses that there are around twenty principals inside PolyU, with 60 to 70 more waiting outside.

Source: Now News
#Nov18 #HumanitarianCrisis #PolyU #PLA

#WhyNotQuarantinedAtMilitaryBase #HighSpeedRailNextToMilitaryBase
(27 Jan) Fanling residents are rioting and setting fire for a quarantine quarter not even 1 hectare large. Actually the Shek Kong Barracks next door is 100 times as large. Their “residents” are patriotic. And, more importantly, the emergency station of High Speed Rail is right next to it. A military base surely has a treatment centre, and even a shooting range. Convenient enough.

People’s Liberation Army is using totally 2750.7 hectares of land. According to information excerpts prepared by the Legislative Council in January 2011, “The number of stationed personnel was not officially announced. But it is estimated to be about 8,000 to 10,000 people.” 10,000 servicemen use 2,750 hectare of land for military purposes, meaning almost 30,000 square feet for each person.

Source: https://bit.ly/37Afkew

#PLA #Fanling #FungZizeng
US Defense Adds SMIC and CNOOC to Blacklist

The US Department of Defense added four more Chinese companies, including SMIC and CNOOC, with alleged ties to the Chinese military restricting them from receiving certain goods and services from the US.

According to the US Department of Defense, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), China International Engineering Consulting Corp., and China Construction Technology Co. are controlled or owned by the Chinese military, bringing the total number of blacklisted Chinese firms to 35.

In September, the US Department of Defense indicated that it was working on a decision on blacklisting SMIC. In the same month, the US Department of Commerce informed some companies that they need to obtain a license before supplying goods and services to SMIC as the products or equipment supplied could be used for military purposes and pose an “unacceptable risk”.

Source: Stand News #Dec04


#US #DepartmentofDefense #Blacklist #PLA #SMIC #CNOOC
#Huawei #MengWanZhou Caught Wearing 'Made in Taiwan' Mask

//Meng Wanzhou, who is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, appeared in a Canadian court on Dec 21, 2020.

Most notable to Taiwanese observers was the fact that she was wearing a purple surgical face mask with the words "Made in Taiwan" in plain sight on the lower righthand corner of the face covering.

The fact that she was wearing a mask manufactured in Taiwan was extraordinary given that Meng is at the eye of the storm for an intense geopolitical rivalry between China and the U.S. and its ally — Taiwan. Meng's company, which is a national champion for China and has numerous ties to the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) and People's Liberation Army (#PLA), has become a major target of sanctions and litigation by the Trump administration amid the trade war between the U.S. and China.//

Source: Taiwan News #Dec21

Read full article:

#TaiMoShan #CCPRules
Simplified Chinese Slogans and #PLA Occupy Hong Kong's Highest Peak: “Listen to CCP and Follow CCP's Order"

Tai Mo Shun, which is the highest mountain in Hong Kong, is a hiking attraction for many people. It is where one can view Miscathus in Autumn and frost in Winter.

Lately, civilians found slogans written in Simplified Chinese characters, a script which is used in China but not Hong Kong, on the wall of the Radar Station on Tai Mo Shan. The discovery has surprised many Hongkongers.

These China-style slogans in red read "Listen to the CCP, Follow the CCP” and “Strict Law and Discipline, Correct Social Atmosphere”. Another simplified Chinese slogans, “loyalty and Perseverance” written in yellow was found on kerbs. A China flag in a map form was even painted on the hillside, which is a typical characteristic found in state-owned buildings in China.

Photos: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/27860

A warning sign outside the steel gate of the radar station labels it as a “restricted area”. It warns: “No entry without permission in this restricted area”, and “No photo and painting on any building in this restricted area”.

On Jan 8, 2021, a journalist sighted a man in a camouflage-style military uniform walking from a dome-shaped building to another building on the mountain. A car with a license plate “ZG”, which stands for People’s Liberation Army (#PLA) was also sighted. The administrator let the vehicle come in and go up to the mountain.

In 2011, the Hong Kong government had granted 100k sq. ft land in Tai Mo Shan to the Chinese PLA.

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News #Jan8