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Carrie Lam claimed that a full shutdown of the border is meaningless and keeps ignoring the people's requests, despite all the negativity surrounding the decisions made by her. It has been a rather disastrous month, as community outbreaks happening in various locations and districts of Hong Kong.

Her actions have left many Hong Kongers suspicious of the intentions of her plans. It feels like she is exploiting this disease, and using her actions with dealing with this disease as a tool of revenge against the Hong Kongers, for their support of the anti-extradition protest last year.

She might be thinking that by complying to the Draconian government of China, and responding to the outbreak in this manner, it will force the Hong Kongers to regret over their actions and support for the Anti-Extradition bill.

Over in China, we are witnessing mainland Chinese affected by Covid-19 standing up for their rights, against the Chinese Communist Party. There has been massive public outrage over the government's lack of efforts in combating the disease. Social media posts calling and demanding for democracy, freedoms and autonomy have been appearing in large numbers, so much so that the government is unable to censor every single one of them. This pandemic has awakened the people. They will not tolerate the oppression anymore. None of us can predict the future, but at least, we need these actions of the mainland Chinese to make an impact on the Chinese Communist Party.

#CCP #FightForFreedom #Democracy #COVID19 #HongKongProtests #CarrieLam

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CUHK Graduates March In Support Of 12 HK Youth

Today is the graduation ceremony of CUHK. Although the ceremony was organised online due to the coronavirus, over 50 graduates march from the Goddess of Democracy in CUHK and then across the campus in the afternoon to voice their support to the 12 Hong Kong youth being illegally detained in the mainland.

Apart from their graduation gown, some wore the Vedetta mask and held slogans. Others even held black balloons. The security guards of CUHK used megaphones to warn protestors that they may be in violation of the gathering ban, and order them to keep the social distance. Some even started to stop and frisk the graduates, but they didn’t stop the protests so far.

Source: Hong Kong Citizen News #Nov19

#CUHK #Save12HKYouth #Democracy

How many of these have we lost? Hong Kong is no longer Hong Kong.

#onecountrytwosystems #GoHKGraphics #democracy #StandwithHK
Accusing Beijing for Suppressing Hong Kong Democratic Protest, NATO Secretary General Emphasizes Collective Policy Against China

US president Joe Biden arrived Brussels on Sunday night (13 June) to prepare the NATO Summit after the G7 Summit. The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltelberg said before the meeting that NATO member states need to strengthen their collective policy on China.

Jens Stoltelberg told Canada CBC in an interview that China has the second biggest defense budget, the biggest navy in the world, and is investing heavily in new military equipment, “that affect our security”. “China does not share our values,” he said. “We see that in the way they crack down on democratic protests in Hong Kong, how they oppress minorities like the Uyghurs and also how they use modern technology, social media and facial recognition, to monitor, to do surveillance of their own population.”

“All of this makes it important for NATO to develop a policy, to strengthen our policy, when it comes to China,” he added.

Stoltelberg said the world still have to engage with China on issues such as arms control and climate change, but China's arrest and ongoing detention of Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig is “absolutely unacceptable”.

Source: Stand News #Jun14


#NATO #suppress #democracy #michaelkrovig #michaelspavor #China #joebiden
#Court #PoliticalOppression
"It was Conscience that Drove Hongkongers for 32 years to Mourn June 4th": Tonyee Chow Defends Herself in Court Against June 4 Unlawful Assembly Charge

Tonyee #ChowHangTung, former Vice-Chairperson of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (#HKASPDMC), was accused of promoting and calling on others to participate in the June 4 rally, and had earlier pleaded not guilty to the charge of inciting others to participate in an unauthorized assembly. The case was resumed in the West Kowloon Magistrates Court on Oct 25th.

Tonyee, who is herself a barrister, represented herself in court. She mentioned that all the cases brought against her are related to the Alliance and June 4th. The authorities are piling on these charges, showing that the regime is attempting to suppress and eliminate the memory of June 4th step by step.

She reiterated that after the police banned the rally this year, the Alliance had publicly announced that it would not hold a candlelight rally in Victoria Park. She has since written articles and taken interviews, in which she had simply appealed to the public to overcome their fears and continue to mourn June 4 through personal actions. She questioned how a call for action with no specified location could incite an unauthorized assembly, saying that the regime "might as well admit directly that what is forbidden is the June 4 memorial itself".

Tonyee stressed that it was not anyone's incitement that drove the people of Hong Kong to mourn June 4th for 32 years; rather, it was every person's conscience. "If the court wants to use the word 'incite', it ought to say that it was the people of Hong Kong who had incited me to do this."

And if she were to be punished for it, she would have no regrets, she said.

Source: Stand News; #Oct25
Full account of Tonyee's defense speech (in Chinese) : https://thestandnews.page.link/o3zrFQwM34J6m8ky9

#June4 #HongKong #Democracy #Protest #Court