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Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Wechat and tiktok are definitely apps owned by Chinese companies. Which means under the ccp-laws, they are required to hand over user data. How’s that not affecting national security?

Also another ccp-affiliated company, Huawei, also tried to have law suits against the gov and failed.

Guess suing the gov just their thing?

#ccp #china #huawei #tiktok #wechat #wecom #meme #US #america #boycottchina #boycottchineseapp #english #diyms #usa
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
CCP IS ATTACKING CHURCHES IN HONG KONG! With its track records with burning churches in mainland China, arresting congregants who attended Zoom Easter service, we're not surprised that #CCP's claw is extending to #HongKong churches. Seize this moment to show #China that you stand for #freedomofreligion. Sign the petition to demand HSBC to unfreeze these accounts.
Yes, we know that Vatican is Catholic and this raided church is Christian. But it is not so much a problem of which God one believes in, than the principle of religious freedom, and CCP's animosity to any religion. Because under CCP rule, your only faith must be the party.
#HSBC #church #religiosfreedom #freedom #catholic #christian #english #diyms
#HumanRights #Solidarity
French Footballer Griezmann cuts ties with
#Huawei citing fears over treatment of #Uighurs

//The France and Barcelona forward Antoine Griezmann ended his affiliation with Huawei on Dec 10, 202p, saying there are “strong suspicions” that the Chinese tech giant has contributed to the repression of the mostly Muslim minority Uighurs.

Griezmann’s announcement followed media reports that Huawei has tested facial recognition software intended to help China’s surveillance of the group.

“Following strong suspicions that the Huawei company has contributed to the development of a ‘Uighur alert’ thanks to facial recognition software, I am announcing the immediate termination of my partnership with the company,” Griezmann said in an Instagram post.

“I take this opportunity to invite Huawei to not just deny these accusations, but to take concrete actions as quickly as possible to condemn this mass repression, and to use its influence to contribute to the respect of human and women’s rights in society.”//

Image: BBC
Source: The Guardian


#AntoineGriezmann #CCP
#Mainlandization #CCP
China's Maoyan Entertainment Becomes Hong Kong's New Ticketing System; Concert Tickets will have to be Purchased through Chinese Firm

China's biggest ticketing operator Maoyan Entertainment (1896) won the tender to the ticketing services offered by the Hong Kong government's Leisure and Cultural Services Department at a low price of 91.7 million HKD, which is cheaper than 7 years ago.

The local firm Cityline which had been the ticket system provider for 14 years stated that it is quite difficult to hire IT talents and resources in Hong Kong with the same price, and it will end its service at the end of 2021.

If citizens want to book tickets for 28 venues including Hung Hom Stadium and Queen Elizabeth Stadium, they will have to purchase through the Chinese firm. Experts have expressed their concerns about the user's privacy issues.

Source: Apple Daily #Dec16

#BigData #Privacy #Maoyan
#Huawei #MengWanZhou Caught Wearing 'Made in Taiwan' Mask

//Meng Wanzhou, who is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, appeared in a Canadian court on Dec 21, 2020.

Most notable to Taiwanese observers was the fact that she was wearing a purple surgical face mask with the words "Made in Taiwan" in plain sight on the lower righthand corner of the face covering.

The fact that she was wearing a mask manufactured in Taiwan was extraordinary given that Meng is at the eye of the storm for an intense geopolitical rivalry between China and the U.S. and its ally — Taiwan. Meng's company, which is a national champion for China and has numerous ties to the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) and People's Liberation Army (#PLA), has become a major target of sanctions and litigation by the Trump administration amid the trade war between the U.S. and China.//

Source: Taiwan News #Dec21

Read full article:

#CCP #Censorship
China Censors “Western Holidays”, Blurring All Christmas Decorations on Variety Show

In recent years, China has often been reported to boycott Western holidays. The most recent case may be the online premiere of Hunan Television’s (also known as “Mango TV”) variety show “Star Detective” (明星大偵探) Season 6 on Dec 24. On the show, almost all Christmas decorations seen were blurred out and censored; Christmas hats and hair accessories worn by celebrities were also covered by animation effects. In effect, the whole screen was blurred out except for the actors. This caused a lot of controversy among viewers.

A Chinese netizen cited another case in November, where a dorm counselor at Harbin Institute of Technology was reported for sending chocolate to students during Thanksgiving. It is believed that the television station did it to head off future repercussions from the authorities. Until now, there has not been an official explanation from the school.

According to a report analysis by BBC Chinese, China's recent waves of boycotting Western holidays can be traced back to a document published by the Chinese Communist Party in 2017 named “Re: Opinions on the implementation of inheriting the Excellence of Chinese Traditional Culture” (關於實施中華優秀傳統文化傳承發展工程的意見). This document strongly advocates the promotion of traditional Chinese culture, and instructs that “Our Festivals” should be carried out in-depth. However, there was no mention of boycotting Western holidays.

The report also pointed out that there are quite a number of schools and institutions that are "voluntarily” boycotting Western holidays.

Source: Stand News, #Dec26
#TaiMoShan #CCPRules
Simplified Chinese Slogans and #PLA Occupy Hong Kong's Highest Peak: “Listen to CCP and Follow CCP's Order"

Tai Mo Shun, which is the highest mountain in Hong Kong, is a hiking attraction for many people. It is where one can view Miscathus in Autumn and frost in Winter.

Lately, civilians found slogans written in Simplified Chinese characters, a script which is used in China but not Hong Kong, on the wall of the Radar Station on Tai Mo Shan. The discovery has surprised many Hongkongers.

These China-style slogans in red read "Listen to the CCP, Follow the CCP” and “Strict Law and Discipline, Correct Social Atmosphere”. Another simplified Chinese slogans, “loyalty and Perseverance” written in yellow was found on kerbs. A China flag in a map form was even painted on the hillside, which is a typical characteristic found in state-owned buildings in China.

Photos: https://publielectoral.lat/guardiansofhongkong/27860

A warning sign outside the steel gate of the radar station labels it as a “restricted area”. It warns: “No entry without permission in this restricted area”, and “No photo and painting on any building in this restricted area”.

On Jan 8, 2021, a journalist sighted a man in a camouflage-style military uniform walking from a dome-shaped building to another building on the mountain. A car with a license plate “ZG”, which stands for People’s Liberation Army (#PLA) was also sighted. The administrator let the vehicle come in and go up to the mountain.

In 2011, the Hong Kong government had granted 100k sq. ft land in Tai Mo Shan to the Chinese PLA.

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News #Jan8

#MadeinChina #Harrassment
Beijing Mouthpiece Defames a 11-year-old Hong Kong Boy and Uses Fake Identity to Approach his Family

In Hong Kong, 11-year-old #JoelWong, the founder of the Tin Shui Wai Community Concern Group, was assaulted by a pro-Beijing elderly man on January 25, 2021.

Wong saw a group of elderly women and men gathering and dancing in a park in Tin Shui Wai. When he approached the group, reminding them to keep the music down, he was headbutted by one of the men who also punched Wong on his tummy.

Since Wong reported the case to the Hong Kong Police, Wong has been harassed by Ta Kung Pao, a Beijing-owned newspaper. On January 26, 2021, the CCP mouthpiece even published a so-called "interview" with Wong’s Grandmother on its frontpage, defaming the community-caring Wong as "going astray".

The Concern Group told Stand News that the reporter of Ta Kung Pao, who "interviewed" Wong's grandmother first claimed to be his teacher and social worker. When Wong's grandmother let the reporter into their apartment, he took picture of their household and other family members. It was only after that he then revealed his identity as a reporter.

The Concern Group denounced the reporter’s action, calling it “shameful” to chat with Wong's family and “betray their trust.”

Source: Stand News #Jan27

#BeijingLoyalist #TaKungPao #CCP #Doxxing #FakeIdentity
#Propaganda #MainMelody
"Perfect Harmony": A July 1 without #AppleDaily and Annual Pro-democracy March

July 1, 2021 marks the 24th year since Hong Kong was handed over to China, and is also the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP). It is also the first July 1 after the outspoken #AppleDaily was shut down and the annual pro-democracy march has been banned by the police.

The headlines of the remaining printed newspapers in the city sing praises in "perfect harmony" for the CCP and the HKSAR.

A full-page ad adorned the front page of Ming Pao, Economic Journal, Oriental Daily, Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong Economic Times, South China Morning Post, all wishing the SAR and the Party a happy birthday.

#July1Protest #Newspaper #MediaLandscape

Source: Stand News #July1
Overpassing gathering restrictions, more HK Government Officials found in private dinner with #CCP officials and businessmen

In a tip-off story published in late August 2021, the Under Secretary for Security #SonnyAu Chi-kwong, Director of Immigration #Au KaWang and Commissioner of Customs and Excise, #HermesTang Yi-hoi were found attending a controversial private dinner with senior executives of #ChinaEvergrande in March this year in Wanchai.

Police reportedly fined the three top officials for violating the COVID-19 gathering restriction.

Sources further revealed that more high-ranking CCP officials have also attended the private dinner, including officials from the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong, and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Hong Kong.

At the time of this report, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Hong Kong has not responded to press inquiry. The Security Bureau, on the other hand, did not deny that assistant Commissioner Song Ru’an has attended the dinner.

The Bureau, however, stressed that only three Hong Kong officials were involved. It refused to divulge further, citing privacy and ongoing criminal case investigation as reasons.

Hong Kong Police did not reply whether a fine ticket will be issued to the assistant commissioner, Song.

Other attendees of the private dinner were Lai Wai-ha, Deputy Director of China Affairs of the University of Hong Kong; a commissioner of Fire Department and current senior executives of four Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong.

Responding to press inquiry, the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) denied that it was an official event saying that Lai was "invited by her friends" to the dinner.

The Fire Department said the concerning official has left the Department so it could not comment on personal matters.

All four Chinese enterprises have yet to respond.

Source: Stand News; #Aug30

#Gathering #GatheringBan #Officials #FailedState