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17 Sept Press Conference on the Allerged Disappearance and Death Cases in Prince Edward Station on 31 August

Lawmaker Alvin Yeung summarised the following record from the fire service department's on-site logbook which had provided the following information:

1. That on the night of the incident, 3 injured cases flagged as red (for serious injuries) disappeared in later entries from the logbook after the initial mention

2. That from 1 Sept 00:36 to 01:02, no record of any sort can be found during 26 min. That time period drew an absolute blank

3. That entries in the log book were modified on 3 Sept and 10 Sept. In real time, on-site entries in the logbook mentioned 9-10 injured cases, but the total number of cases of reported injury dropped down to 7 on 3 Sept

* Entries in the logbook cannot be deleted nor added, but only edited.

[Oct 31: Two months after the 8.31 Prince Edward Station Attack]

Police failed to disperse crowd after firing multiple rounds
Over a thousand people occupied Nathan Road

At 19:57, police hoistes Blue and Black flags. Multiple rounds of tear gas canisters were fired after.

Protesters on Nathan Road held their umbrella formation and yelled to the police, "Nowhere to be seen on 7.21, Beat us to death on 8.31".

After regrouping, protesters began to push towards the direction of police station while the police fired more tear gas towards Prince Edward Road West.

Several passersby without protective equipment were carried away by first-aiders.

Meanwhile, police fired multiple rounds of rubber bullets and at least 6 tear gas canisters at protesters towards the intersection of Nathan Road and Prince Edward Road West.

The crowd mourning the suspected deaths on 31.8 police indiscriminate attack on citizens at Prince Edward Station grew bigger.

Source: InMedia

#831PrinceEdward #Oct31
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[Oct 31: Two months after the Police Indiscriminate Attack at Prince Edward Station on Aug 31]

Police Officers desecrate the memorial hall set up for the deceased and victims of police brutality next to Prince Edward Station.

#831PrinceEdward #Oct31
Naked Female Corpse Found On Kwai Chung Building Platform

[Editor's note: Since deaths were suspected during police attack on civilians at the Prince Edward Station on August 31, citizens have been alarmed by the discovery of bodies in the city. In October, the discovery of 15-year-old Chan Yin-lam, naked when found in the water, had raised concerns across the territory, as the police claimed the case as "unsuspicious".]

A fully naked, middle-aged woman was found by residents on Kwai Wo Building’s platform at 7:39 am in the morning of December 18. EMTs and firemen at the scene confirmed the woman’s death. The scene is currently on lockdown by the police for further investigation.

Kwai Wo Building has 19 floors, and the woman was found on a platform on the 5th floor. Investigations are ongoing to identify the woman and to determine the cause of her death.

#Death #831PrinceEdward #Suicides #ChanYinLam
#Mar31 #831PrinceEdward
Blue Warning Flag in Tuen Mun

21:48 | Tuen Mun
Police tonight conducted arrests in Lung Mun Oasis for unknown reasons, leading to conflict between residents and police. More than hundred riot police officers deployed in Tuen Mun. One district councillor was arrested for not carrying ID card with him.

Sources: Facebook livestream from LMtsangkamwing, Cupid Producer, Real-time Broadcast

#TuenMun #HongKongProtests #PoliceState
District Councilor: Police are Abusing Anti-Crowding Laws to Arrest Citizens and Impose Political Pressure

2314 Prince Edward
District Councilor Chan Po-ming states that he went to the vigil alone and did not know nearby citizens. However, while being searched by the police, he was asked if he was gathering with four other nearby citizens. He noted that these types of events kept happening, and it is unacceptable that the anti-epidemic policy is being used as a political pressure tool.

Source: Apple Daily #Mar31
#DistrictCouncil #831PrinceEdward #AntiEpidemic
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#FirstHand #Apr30
Protest Slogans Sounded Again in Shopping Mall in Hong Kong

1917 | Tin Shui Wai
While shoppers chanted protest slogans near Kingswood Ginza, significant police reinforcements have arrived.

PTU officers might use the gathering ban to disperse and issue fines against citizens.

#831PrinceEdward #Tinshuiwai
#IPCC Police Review Report Criticised for Being False and Biased

IPCC published its report on the anti-ELAB movement. Yuen Long District Councillor Tommy Cheung commented on the report on 17 May during RTHK’s City Forum program. Cheung said that he did not expect anything from the report: “you can’t be disappointed when you don’t have any expectation, but this report still blew our minds.”

He pointed out that the “facts” in the report were partial. In one instance, the report cited fake news and a fake poster calling for protest in Yuen Long on July 22, 2019 from Chinese social media, Weibo. Though it was known to be fake, the report still claimed that it was from LIHKG forum.

Cheung criticised IPCC for failing to verify its source and questioned the credibility of the report. IPCC council member Chan Kam-wing admitted that they “did not investigate”.

Cheung also indicated that the report reduced the July 21 incident into a “conflict between the black-clad and the white-clad". In reality, the white-clad gangsters did not just attack black-clad citizens, but also train passengers and passersby including a pregnant lady.

Moreover, the report justified the police’s claims such as “I can’t read the watch” and “I can’t see any weapon” as a “public relations” problem. Cheung showed that the report was biased towards the police: For instance, it was mentioned that someone tried to “freeze” the 999 call center, but in reality, they were citizens who tried to seek help.

Former Student Union President of the Education University Leung Yiu-ting, who was arrested during the 8.31 Prince Edward station incident, questioned why the police never seek information from witnesses. This contradicts the police saying that they want to investigate.

Source: Stand News #May17 #PoliceBrutality #HongKongPolice #721YuenLong #831PrinceEdward
9th Mensiversary of 831 Terror: Riot police put orange tape on their shoulder for reasons still unclear

Nine months ago, at the Prince Edward subway station, large groups of pro-democracy protesters on their way home were brutally attacked and arrested by riot police. Since then, citizens went to the station on the last day of the month to mourn by laying white flowers for the victims of police brutality.

Late afternoon today (May 31), riot police were sighted at B1 exit of the subway station to remove white flowers laid down by citizens. Instead of using the orange tape for cordon lines, some officers pinned it onto the shoulder area of their uniform, citizens suspected that it is for covering up their ID number, but operation callsigns could still be seen on their uniform.

Source: Stand News #May31
#PoliceState #HongKongPolice
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#FirstHand #Remembrance

2114 | #AlliedPlaza, #PrinceEdward
Nearby Allied Plaza on Nathan Road, a large troop of riot police, armed with guns and shields on their hands, arrived on the scene for reasons unknown.

#May31 #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #FailedState #831PrinceEdward
Citizens chant “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times.” Police hoisted purple flag warning of the violation of National Security Law

2009 | Prince Edward
Today marks one year after 831 Attack at Prince Edward station. Many civilians came and offered flowers outside the station. At around 20:00, some civilians chanted slogans like “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times” and “Hong Kong Independence is the only way". Police hoisted a purple flag and warned civilians might violate the National Security Law.

Source: Stand News #Aug31
#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState
#831PrinceEdward #PoliceState
Hong Kong Police Injures Pregnant Woman

2204 | Mong Kok
According to reporters on site, police had pepper-sprayed citizens on spot. At least one person was subdued. Several citizens felt unwell after being sprayed, including a pregnant woman and her husband. Reporters stated that police refused to have voluntary first-aiders provide medical treatment to citizens on spot.

A man, purported to be her husband, has bloody injuries on his back and waist.

Citizens at the scene recalled the husband challenged the police as to why they shoved his wife, and then was attacked himself by two cops. As seen from live footage, the police officer had to wash the pregnant woman’s face with water as well, seemingly to wash out pepper spray. Her face displayed extreme pain and suffering.

Source: Apple Daily, NOW, Egg Club, Incendio #Aug31
#PoliceBrutality #HongKongProtests #HumanitarianCrisis
Media is too big
#831PrinceEdward #PoliceState

Footage of the Pregnant Woman's Injury

Source: Studio Incendio
Police arrests couple, tearing girl's clothes in the process

After conveying an injured pregnant lady to the ambulance, riot police officers rushed to the exit D3 of the subway station and arrested a couple who clung together.

The riot police officers tried to pull them apart forcefully, eventually tearing the girl's clothes apart and causing her top to be exposed.

Source: HKGolden
#31Aug #Aug31 #PoliceState #FailedState
Man Experiences Shortness of Breath While Being Searched by Police

2327 | #MongKok
While waiting to get searched by the police, a man clutched his chest in discomfort. Reporters focused on his face, and it was very obvious that he was in pain.

The man was searched for nearly 30 minutes, and displayed signs of nausea and vomitting. He then fell to the ground. Bystanders frantically called out for medical attention.

The man seemed like he needed medical attention and assistance in breathing. It was clear from livestream that he was experiencing extreme difficulties in breathing.

The man was stretchered to an ambulance. He continued to display difficulties in breathing even while being conveyed to the hospital.

Source: Apple Daily
#31Aug #831PrinceEdward #FailedState #PoliceState
Large number of journalists fined for violating group gathering ban despite keeping safe distance

Read full report below:

Source: Stand News
#Aug31 #PoliceState #FailedState
#FirstHand #Oct31
The 14th month of the 831 Prince Edward Incident

1851 | Today marked the 14th month since the 831 Prince Edward incident, which HK police indiscriminately attacked pro-democracy protesters on their way home at the Prince Edward subway station after a day of rally.

It was believed that many protesters were brutally assaulted by police and many seriously injured.

Amidst the COVID-19 social gathering ban, young protesters continued to pay tribute to those injured at the station, bringing with them white flowers and handbills with protest messages.

#Oct31 #neverforget #neverforgive #831PrinceEdward
#Nov30 #FirstHand
Police Take Students Away by Police Vehicle for Reason Unknown

21:21 | Kwong Wah Street

Police took away students from the concern group Student Politicism to a police vehicle with the car plate number "AM9890" for reasons unknown.

It was reported that the students and the passersby had chanted some slogans.

#831PrinceEdward #Remembrance #15Months #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#PoliceState #StudentPoliticism
#Conscience #Professionalism
HK Journalist Reporting Police Brutality Does Not Back Down Despite Threats

Wanchai district councilor #LeungPakKin was a journalist for #RicePost on the scene of the 8.31 Prince Edward Attack, and had recorded video of the attack as it unfolded in 2019.

Earlier in August 2021, someone had mailed him a box cutter blade, along with a threatening letter: "Shut up about 8.31, and your family will stay safe".

In response to inquiries by Stand News, Leung saif that he will not keep quiet because of the letter. He says that the attack had been a collective memory of everyone, and it will not disappear simply because he stopped talking.

He elaborates on his thoughts on the letter on his Facebook page, stating that it didn't have to be him talking about the 8.31 attack by the police. "The video already showed everything. The people and events in the video are the most important [proof]. The violence dealt by the armed men in the video, whether they're reasonable, whether they're proportional - there's no need for me to say more."

Leung said that he had turned down all interviews since last year.

Source: Stand News #Aug30


#831PrinceEdward #WhiteTerror #Censorship #Threat #DistrictCouncillor #Journalism
#DinosaurAtMTR #PrinceEdwardAttack #NeverForget
MTR Ad Campaign Alludes to 8.31
Local Satire Artist Makes Parody Image on Attack Anniversary

Last week, Hong Kong Science Museum ran an ad campaign in MTR stations promoting its “MTR x Dinosaur Adventure Art Competition 2022”, which complements the Hong Kong Science Museum’s “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Big 8 – Dinosaur Revelation” dinosaur exhibition, including actors in dinosaur costumes running around inside train stations.

Many netizens left comments on MTR's Facebook post alluding to the #831PrinceEdward attack, in which the Police’s Special Tactical Contingent - often nicknamed "Raptors" - flooded into Prince Edward station and attacked passengers indiscriminately, leaving many bloodied and traumatized.

Today, satire artist SurrealHK published this edited image titled "Dinosaurs seen in MTR?! Inspired by #DinosaurAtMTR". No comments have been made regarding today's date, which happens to coincide with the 3rd year anniversary of the #831PrinceEdward attack, leaving much to the reader's interpretation.

#831PrinceEdward #831TerrorAttack

Source: SurrealHK