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#RTHK #PressFreedom
Patrick Li Criticises LMF’s Cursing Songs as “Indecent” and Unsuitable as the Interviewee. All Programs in RTHK Need His Approval Before Airing

Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs Patrick Li, who had no media experience, was brought as an outside manager and became the Director of Broadcasting. Only four days since his office, he unleashed his swaggering. Li held an Editor Meeting with all department heads of RTHK. In Apple Daily’s exclusive news, Li stated in the meeting that all programs within that week need his approval before airing. Among the Public Affair Programs in his “approval scope”, Hong Kong Connection will be about animal rights; This Week will focus on movies, while Hong Kong Stories will air an interview with the band LMF. Li criticised that LMF was indecent with their cursing in songs and suggested that other interview guests should be invited.

#LMF #PatrickLi #DirectorofBroadcasting #EditorialFreedom #Censorship

Source: Apple Daily, #Mar4

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Board Of Advisors Issued Statement Criticizing Director Of Broadcasting's Attempt To Turn #RTHK Into Government Propaganda Machine

Patrick Li, former Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs and current Director of Broadcasting, has been seen constantly interfering with the public broadcaster RTHK’s programs since he took office in early March 2021.

In a statement issued on March 27, 2021, 19 members of the RTHK Board of Advisors criticized Li's intention to turn RTHK into a government propaganda machine.

The statement mentioned that Li has misinterpreted editorial independence as “editorial independence of RTHK” and stressed that it should not be defined by a small group of management on their personal stance and political mission.

The statement demanded Patrick Li to immediately explain the reasons and criteria for canceling or changing programs, and abolish the mechanism of sending program proposals to the Editorial Board for pre-screening.

The petition included signatures including Barrister Randy Shek, Mr. Francis Fong, Honorary President of The Hong Kong Information Technology Federation, Ms. Phyllis Cheung, Executive Director of Hong Kong Unison, Professor Lisa Leung, Associate Professor of Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Ms. Leticia Wong, District Council member , Mr. Warren Tam Ka-chun and Mr. Sin Chung-kai.

This petition listed a series of incidents related to Li, including the request for previewing programs such as “Hong Kong Connection”《鏗鏘集》 , “Viewpoint 31” 《視點31》; removing parts of the interview within programs of “Hong Kong Stories: The Pandemic Walker” 《香港故事:疫行者》, “LegCo Review” 《議事論事》and “The Pulse” 《脈搏》; and requesting staff to submit program proposals to an editorial committee composed of the Director and directorate staff for approval in early stages of program production.

Source: Stand News #March27


#Journalism #Propaganda #PatrickLi #StateMachine #FailedState