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• 要求日後美國國務卿進行年檢時,需特別考慮各種立法包括但不限於23條立法、使用《緊急法》或人大釋法,有否損害香港民主發展、法治、司法獨立、人權和自由(立場書第7e段)。
• 要求日後美國國務卿進行年檢時,需特別考慮香港執法機關之行為,是否符合《基本法》、《世界人權宣言》、《聯合國「執法人員使用武力和火器的基本原則」》、《聯合國「執法人員行為守則」》、《聯合國禁止酷刑公約》等國際人權標準(立場書第7f段)。
• 要求美國聯合G7盟友,個別或聯合監察香港自治,並在聯合國框架內作出跟進(立場書第7g段)。
• 將制裁對象由個人擴闊到公司實體(包括國企),以至涉事人的直屬親屬等等(立場書第12段)。


#香港人權與民主法案 #香港政策法 #港美關係 #民間外交
#HKHRDA #HongKongPolicyAct #USHK #CitizenDiplomacy

杏林覺醒 Médecins Inspirés
精算思政 Act Voice
At-grade 2.0 園境 • 願景
思政築覺 ArchiVision
藝界起動 Artists Action
思言財雋 Financier Conscience
良心理政 HK Psychologists Concern
保險起動 Insurance ARISE
IT Voice
進步教師同盟 Progressive Teachers' Alliance
社工復興運動 Reclaiming Social Work Movement
量心思政 Surveyor Conscience
全民教育局 HKEd4All
物理治療起動 Physio Action
工程思政 Engineer Frontier
職療同行 OccuFocus
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The Progressive Lawyers Group has also co-signed.

The United States government is going to conduct the first annual certification on the state of Hong Kong’s autonomy according to the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act”. The Progressive Scholars Group and all other post-umbrella professional groups have submitted a Joint Submission to the United States President and all Congressmen. The main points of the Joint Submission include:

▋全文(只有英文版)Full text (English only):
• 要求美國國務卿在年檢報告明確規定,美國對香港自治的長期認證,將取決於能否儘快落實符合國際標準的全面民主化。
The Secretary of State should, in his upcoming annual certification, explicitly state that the United States’ long-term certification of Hong Kong’s autonomy will be hinged upon an earlier, full democratization of its government and legislature according to international standards.
• 要求美國總統聯合G7盟友發表聲明,敦促中國政府儘快落實符合國際標準的全面民主化。
The President should coordinate with G7 allies to issue a joint statement, urging the Chinese government to implement an earlier, full democratization of the Hong Kong government and legislature according to international standards.
• 對造成警暴行為的香港政府官員實施制裁,包括但不限於林鄭月娥、李家超、盧偉聰及鄧炳強。
Sanctions should be imposed on Hong Kong government officials who are responsible for the extensive police brutality. Such persons should include, but not limit, to Carrie Lam, John Lee, Stephen Lo and Tang Ping-keung.

▋《香港人權與民主法案》全文Full-text of HKHRDA
▋首份專團聯合立場書1st Joint Submission by Professional Groups
▋第二份專團聯合立場書2nd Joint Submission by Professional Groups

#香港人權與民主法案 #香港政策法 #港美關係 #香港自治 #民間外交
#HKHRDA #HongKongPolicyAct #USHK #HKAutonomy #CitizenDiplomacy
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#StandWithHK】The first HKHRDA annual certification is imminent. Therefore, Demosistō, Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation, Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong., Network DIPLO and Civil Assembly Team have jointly initiated an open letter addressing to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. We have lined-up nearly a hundred of local and overseas groups to co-sign the letter and will organize a series of actions such as press conference, online assembly and signature campaign to bring the voices of Hongkongers to Washington. We ask for the following TWO additions to incorporate into the upcoming certification report:
《香港人權與民主法案》首次年度認證迫在眉睫。為此,香港眾志 Demosistō、香港大專學界國際事務代表團 Hong Kong IAD、Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.、Network DIPLO - 民間外交網絡和民間集會團隊 Hong Kong Civil Assembly Team發起「致美國國務卿邁克.蓬佩奥的公開信」,廣邀了近百個香港本地團體和海外團體參與聯署;同時組織一系列後續行動包括記者會、網上集會、簽名運動等等。我們要求在年檢報告加入以下兩點:

📝 Open Letter | 公開信:
📺 Press conference | 記者會:
• Requesting US to adopt full democratization as an important condition for future annual certifications: “U.S. future annual certifications of Hong Kong’s autonomy will be assessed based on the progress of full democratization of its government and legislature according to international standards”.
• Requesting US to formally commence sanction procedures: “Formal investigations will be launched by the U.S. government to identify and consider sanctioning those Hong Kong government officials who are directly responsible for the extensive police brutality that grossly violated internationally recognized human rights since June 2019”.

📌Follow-up actions 後續行動📌
🧑‍🤝‍🧑315 Online assembly網上集會:
✍️Groups to co-sign團體聯署:
✍️Individuals to co-sign巿民聯署: