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#Rumors #ChineseInfiltration

Editor’s Note: There are rumours circulated on the Internet that China might be involved in the riots in the US but have yet to be verified.

(2 Jun) Baiqiao Tang*
If this snapshot is real, CCP (Chinese Communist Party) should be in trouble.

Washington xxx
User 1: Who shouted in Chinese last night? Didn't we agree to stay low, hide at the back and run away after finishing?
User 2: Because of the loud shouting, the video is circulating in the U.S. now.
User 3: Military Officer Zhang was also there. Still everyone there were disorganized and lack principle.

Red Color: WeChat record about officials from Embassy of the People’s Republic of China participating in the riot outside the White House. Footages showed someone shouted “run, quickly” in Chinese at the scene.**

Notes: *Baiqiao Tang is a survivor from the Tiananmen Square Massacre

Source: Baiqiao Tang's Twitter

Digital fraud in the South Korean general election? Possibility of Chinese manipulation in the vote-counting machines
(1 Jun) South Korea's general election in April was a landslide victory for President Moon Jae-in's ruling Democratic Party. But since then, there have been allegations of election fraud.
According to East Asia Research, the election fraud is related to digital fraud. It is suspected that the vote-counting machines, computer hardware and software, as well as information network telecom equipment manufactured by China's Huawei Technologies, had been tampered with. There are also suspicions on the QR codes used for mail-in votes and early ballots.
East Asia Research said that the instructions needed to operate the vote-counting machines “can come from the QR codes on the early-vote ballots as they are counted, or it can also be sent from an external source to the vote-counting server via the Internet”.
The National Election Commission chose LG U+ 5G, which uses Huawei equipment, as the wireless network for pre-vote ballots. East Asia Research said that “servers used at the election sites could be connected to servers in China, and the user on the Chinese end could access the vote-counting machines”.

Source: Newsweek Japan

Further reading:
Were The April Parliamentary Elections In South Korea Rigged And Fraudulent?

#Korea #Election #DigitalFraud #ChineseInfiltration #Hauwei
Forwarded from NOW 新聞

#港聞 港大研究發現,由湖北乘包機返港的人,有4%曾經感染新型冠狀病毒,因沒有病徵而未被確診,推算湖北省於三月底,已有220萬人受病毒感染,當中九成七人沒有確診。而本港居民,少於0.05%有病毒抗體,在研發出疫苗前,會有再爆發疫情的風險。 (6/10/18:40) 全文

Behind China’s Twitter Campaign, a Murky Supporting Chorus

//Swarms of accounts are amplifying Beijing’s brash new messaging as the country tries to shape the global narrative about the coronavirus and much else.

//No doubt some of these accounts are run by patriotic, tech-savvy Chinese people who get around their government’s ban on Twitter and other Western platforms. But an analysis by The New York Times found that many of the accounts behaved with a single-mindedness that could suggest a coordinated campaign of the type that nation states have carried out on Twitter in the past.

//Of the roughly 4,600 accounts that reposted China’s leading envoys and state-run news outlets during a recent week, many acted suspiciously, The Times found. One in six tweeted with extremely high frequency despite having few followers, as if they were being used as loudspeakers, not as sharing platforms.

//Nearly one in seven tweeted almost nothing of their own, instead filling their feeds with reposts of the official Chinese accounts and others.

//In all, one third of the accounts had been created in the last three months, as the war of words with the Trump administration heated up. One in seven had zero followers.

//It is far from clear that the Chinese government is behind the swarms of accounts helping to spread its gospel on Twitter.

//The Times’s findings add to other recent evidence suggesting that Twitter is being manipulated to amplify pro-Beijing messages. Next Dim, a data firm in Israel, discovered two mundane-looking tweets praising China’s coronavirus response that were liked and reposted hundreds of thousands of times in March, possibly with the help of strategically placed influencer accounts.

//The U.S. State Department found inauthentic-seeming accounts that in April cited a Cambridge University study to raise doubts that the coronavirus originated in China. The most active of these accounts referred to the study in scores of tweets, even though the study’s lead author dismissed that interpretation of its findings.

//The State Department has denounced China’s efforts to burnish its image and drown out criticism during the pandemic, comparing them to Russia’s disinformation campaigns. Both countries are using a range of tools to “shape and tilt any given information environment in their favor,”

//Beijing’s Twitter brigade includes Hua Chunying, the head of the foreign ministry’s information department. Since joining the platform in October, Ms. Hua has attracted more than half a million followers with her feisty put-downs of the United States.

//Public records show that Beijing is trying to expand its influence on the Western internet. China’s internet regulator has sought out contractors to help it “make use of overseas social media platforms to develop online propaganda on major themes,”

Full Article: NTY, (08-Jun)

#Twitter #ChinesePropaganda #Coronavirus #VirusOrigin #US