#Rumors #ChineseInfiltration

Editor’s Note: There are rumours circulated on the Internet that China might be involved in the riots in the US but have yet to be verified.

(2 Jun) Baiqiao Tang*
If this snapshot is real, CCP (Chinese Communist Party) should be in trouble.

Washington xxx
User 1: Who shouted in Chinese last night? Didn't we agree to stay low, hide at the back and run away after finishing?
User 2: Because of the loud shouting, the video is circulating in the U.S. now.
User 3: Military Officer Zhang was also there. Still everyone there were disorganized and lack principle.

Red Color: WeChat record about officials from Embassy of the People’s Republic of China participating in the riot outside the White House. Footages showed someone shouted “run, quickly” in Chinese at the scene.**

Notes: *Baiqiao Tang is a survivor from the Tiananmen Square Massacre

Source: Baiqiao Tang's Twitter