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Those disregarding international order to be abandoned: Wang Yi

(28 Sep) China State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi stated that with widespread unilateralism and bullying occurring at the height of COVID-19, those who believe that having "big fists" permits them to disregard and destroy the international order will eventually be abandoned by the era.

During his speech at a forum, Wang Yi indicated that the international order is facing a huge unprecedented challenge and that all nations should join forces to defend the values of fairness and justice. Any attempt to reinstate hegemonic rule would drag the world back towards "the law of the jungle" and would be doomed to fail.

He also claimed that human society was experiencing a pervasive public health crisis and that the global economy was in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression. The great powers should bear significant responsibility in maintaining world peace and development. They must not pursue their own security at the expense of other nations, nor can they deprive them of their right to development with bullying.

He emphasised that China will staunchly adhere to the path of peaceful development and work with other countries to divest from the sophistry of so-called "my country first" [policies].

#CulturalHegemony #ChinaUSRelations #Hypocrite #FalseMarxism #UnitedNations #InternationalRelations

1. Now News
2. World News Monitor

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Xinhua News criticised forced closure of Confucius Institutes as political persecution

(28 Sep) Xinhua News Agency published a commentary stating that forced closure of Confucius Institutes was a form of political persecution. The article indicated that anti-China politicians from the US were unable to see the good in others and were intolerant of other cultures. Wielding their big stick [policy] of political oppression against Confucius Institutes that promote Chinese culture, it lambasted, was "isolationist rhetoric" possessed by "McCarthyism". There was no cure to pursuing political self-interest in lieu of virtue and suppressive paranoid delusions.

The article also pointed out that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's recent threat to shut down all Confucius Institutes in higher education institutions by the end of this year constituted further defamation and suppression. It stated that Confucius Institutes adopted a collaborative method of operations; it was the US universities that voluntarily applied for their establishment according to their own needs, based on "mutual respect, friendly negotiation and mutual benefit". Its operations and management were open and transparent, [it claimed,] strictly complying with local laws and university administration standards. Statistics show that the US currently has 81 Confucius Institutes.

Source: RTHK News, #Sep28

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#Xinhua #PoliticalPersecution

Luo Hui-ning, The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG): “Patriotism is not a choice.”

(30 Sep)Tomorrow [01 October] is the National Day of China and Mid-Autumn Festival. The National Day Celebration was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre today (30 September) and was attended by multiple Chinese and Hong Kong dignitaries, including Vice-Chairman of The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Tung Chee-hwa, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, Director of LOCPG Luo Hui-ning, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) Cheng Yan-hung and others. Luo stated that Hong Kong people’s national identity must be strengthened and emphasized that there is only room for “Two Systems” if “One Country” is preserved.

Luo mentioned that the National Security Law put an end to “the turmoil of rampant independence in Hong Kong and black violence [referring to the ‘violence’ from black-clad demonstrators]”, and that national security education needs to be strengthened in the future, especially on civil servants and youngsters.

He also said that Chinese patriotism is not a choice, but an obligation and a righteousness, and called for a "firm defence" and "firm footing" on major issues of right and wrong so that Hong Kong could break through the vortex of over-politicization and free itself from violence and phoenixism [ie. mutual destruction].

Carrie Lam expressed her gratitude to the Central Government for their assistance in the fight against the epidemic. She also added that the Central Government’s support made the enactment of the National Security Law of Hong Kong which is crucial given the severe blow to the economy and society stemming from the Anti-ELAB movement and violence of last year.

Source: Cupid Producer, Associated Press

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #Patriotism in

Liu XiaoMing Calls for cooperation between PRC & UK to boycott new Cold War & Theory of Unhook

(29 Sep) At a cocktail party of celebrating PRC National Day in United Kindom (UK), Ambassador of China to UK, Liu XiaoMing, delivered a speech that PRC and UK should remain rational and mature to boycott the so-called “New Cold War” and “Unhook” theory.

Liu pointed out that there are different social system, historical culture and country situation between PRC and UK, but both should have mutual agreement more than differences, cooperations more than competitions, both should live with peace, coordination to form a win-win situation which should not be intervened and be destructed; both should maintain rational and mature to stick with the right stance at history, to boycott so-called “New Cold War” and “Unhooked” theory.

Liu stated that PRC-UK relationship could develop forward; provided that both countries have mutual respect on the completeness of sovereign rights and territories, and base on the principle of non-intervention of both internal administration. Contrary, both would set back and encounter difficulties. PRC-UK should persist to historical vision and strategic eyesight, focusing on the rooted benefits of both countries, mutual respect, equally treat each other, to regard both as opportunity and partnership, instead of threaten or competitor.

#ChinaAmbassador #Boycott #NewColdWar #UnhookTheory #UK

Source: AM730 News

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Series A Club in Italy - Kalidou Koulibaly asked for release of Uyghurs; Chinese Internet Troll: Wish Them All Have Broken Legs such Orangutan!

(02 Oct) China have crushed and persecuted millions of Uyghurs over many years, poor human rights reputation have already spread around the World, Mesut Ozil is blocked by the media in China due to his speech of criticising China persecuted Uyghur in the Twitter. His name could not be found in any press or report in China, superseding by “Number 10”. Last Thursday, Napoli’s defender Koulibaly Koulibaly posted in his Instagram for expressing his support for Uyghur who were detained in the Xinjiang Re-education Camps. However, his behaviour, again, was led to Chinese netizen leaving comment under his Instagram post, some even insult this defender of Napoli as “Oranguton”.

China was alleged to build Re-Education Camps in Xinjiang for the purpose to persuade Uyghur, which have been leading to many supports for Uyghur from SportStars. Time to express support from Koulibaly on Instagram: “Millions Uyghur Muslim are detained and tortured in concentration camps in China. Not for what they do, but for who they are. This is the largest scale of imprison in 21th Century, it must be ended!”

China netizens immediately attacked Koulibaly by leaving comments in his Instagram post:”an Orangutan have not yet evoluted”, “object with Cerebral Palsy broke your legs”, “You are also brain-washed by overseas media, innocent please don’t speak bullshit”. It is believed that media in China will use the same way to block this defender of Napoli, by naming him as “number 26”, after Koulibaly supporting Uyghur in Instagram.

Apart from Koulibaly, a football star from French, Franck Ribery, also publish relevant post in Instagram, to stand with Koulibaly for expressing their support for Uyghur. But Ribery expected the attack from Chinese netizen, so that he had closed the leaving comment function in advanced.

#FootballPlayers #Uyghur #InternetTroll #LittlePink #Italy

Source: Apple Daily

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Near a hundred Chinese sand dredgers run rampant around Matsu, boat lights stretch over several miles along the night coast

Source: Apple Daily

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Fish With mercury and arsenic: Russian Federation temporarily limited fish import from China

(09 Jan) It became clear why fish and seafood from China were banned. Starting 9 January 2020, there has been a temporary ban of the fish supply to Russia, for example, tilapia, trout, shrimp and the so-called sea cocktails. "This is not a complete list and all of them can be extremely toxic", this conclusion was made by Russian experts as a result of a large-scale inspection. They found cadmium, mercury and arsenic in fish from China.

Tilapia can still be found in the market, but there is no data on its true origin. 

This is the tilapia fillet, labeled with such information: Khimki, such-and-such highway, 21 d ... (when reporter visited the addressed on thr kabel) There is no aqua farm in sight, but a car service is legally located. 

But there is a small print on the tag, stating " Country of origin: Southeast Asia ". This is the most commonly used name for China, says fishing expert Alexander Savelyev. He said, "China, as you know, there is neither a law on aquaculture, nor any effective instruments to control its quality and Rosselkhoznadzor studies confirm this".

In 2019, more than 40 cases identified unsafe fish products coming from China to Russia were found and monitored. Heavy metals were found in the fishstocks, such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic.

"50 million tons (of fishstock) grew in its ponds and left the place that they grow, China needs to do something with it. In Chinese culture there is a saying: If you are tired of your old shoes, throw them in the pond and in a year you will receive an excellent tilapia," said Alexander Saveliev, head of the fishing news agency.

The import ban has affected some types of Chinese shrimp and four types of aquaculture - eel, sturgeon, trout and tilapia, which sulfonamides have also been found. These are antimicrobial agents added when fish grows, along with other growth hormones. And this, doctors say, is just an explosive mixture for our health.  

"It leads to violation of its own microflora under the influence of sulfonamides. These chemicals have a damaging effect on the body, it is toxic. For example, some have such chemicals in their kidneys. Metabolism is changed and distorted. And on some adults it can even lead to obesity ," said MD, Tatiana Bandurina. 

Celestial Empire is one of the main fish suppliers in Russia. The year before last, China imported 36 thousand tons of frozen products. Naturally, the ban will lead to some increase in prices for fish and seafood, economists believe, however, the effect is only temporary. 

"Such drastic measures are justified. They will lead to a slight increase in prices in the short term. Within a few weeks, a couple of months, the imbalance will be eliminated, and prices will return to normal, " said economist Maxim Chirkov.

However, Russian warehouses are still full and filled with stocks of frozen Chinese fish, and the sales of products continues, despite the import ban. And China is still lucky, experts say. Not only the farmed fish, they believe, but also the fish caught in the sea and processed before being sold to Russia, needs to be thoroughly checked. After all, this product does not fall under the ban of the Rosselkhoznadzor, but that is why it does not become less dangerous.  

Ren TV
Pourquoi Taiwan

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#ChineseFarmFish #Russia #Ban #ImportFish

China Wenzhou launched "Teacher Ethics Code" to monitor teacher performance, points will be deducted if they violate code of ethics

Source: HK Headline Daily

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China Wenzhou launched "Teacher Ethics Code" to monitor teacher performance, points will be deducted if they violate code of ethics

(20 Nov) The quality of teachers has always been a matter of greatest concern to parents. Recently, Wenzhou, China has launched a "Teacher Ethics Code" program to monitor teachers' performance in order to evaluate and divide teachers into different levels. This approach has aroused heated discussion among netizens.

According to reports from China’s media, the Wenzhou Education Bureau recently launched the "Ouyue Teacher Ethics Code". The Education Bureau said that this "Teacher Ethics Code" will collect different data on all teachers in real time, and include both positive and negative reviews. Each teacher will get his own QR code.  Teacher’s ethics score will be displayed in one of the three colors: green means good ethics, no bad records such as violations to rules or code of ethics, etc. Yellow means that they have been criticized and disciplined for violations; In the end, red means that they have been warned, demerited, downgraded, dismissed or expelled due to violations.

The Chinese Education Bureau stated that it will provide teachers with a "disciplinary probation period" according to the degree of violation. If the performance during the "disciplinary probation period" is good, the color can be reverted to the original color . The Education Bureau stated that even if teachers change schools, they cannot change the color of the code. If a school has too many teachers with code yellow and red, the Education Bureau will issue a warning to the school, requesting the school to improve the construction of teachers' ethics and style. The Education Bureau emphasizes that the information on the "Teacher Ethics Code" is only for schools and teachers and will not be made public.

After the release of the news, heated discussions aroused among netizens. Some expressed their support and believed that it would help improve the quality of teachers. "This Teacher Ethic Code in Wenzhou is very good! It is recommended that it can be promoted nationwide" and "This can have a vigilant effect for teachers. "But there are also others who believe that the measures will only make it more difficult for teachers to teach attentively. "This is not a reason for schools to force teachers to do work other than teaching." "This decreases the rights of teachers, and becomes powerless against students who violate regulations.. The ultimate impact is on the quality of student education."

Source: HK Headline Daily

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#China #SchoolSystem #TeacherEthicsCode #Monitor #Performance #Teacher

Chinese human rights activist Zhang Wuzhou was prosecuted with disturbing social orders, and trial begins next tuesday

(20 Nov) Chinese human right activist Zhang Wuzhou was arrested, as she was displaying slogan 'never forget June 4, no evil law' to commemorate the June 4, 1989 incident and show support for Hong Kong's resistance against the National Security Law on the streets in Guangzhou, China. The trial will open next Tuesday in the Court in Guangdong Yuanqing city Qingcheng district. The Procuratorate described that Zhang has no regards to the national laws and shall be punished severely.

The Procuratorate pointed out, in the prosecution letter, that Zhang displayed the slogan in Guangzhou Baiyunshan park on 4 June, and sent the footages and photos to wechat groups, twitters and facebook. She refused to sign on documents, destoyed evidence, slapped the police, and refused to cooperate with the body check at detention facility.

The prosecutor believed that she was obstructing the public servants to execute their duties using violent means, speading fake information, causing disturbance and chaos to social orders. And she shall be charged with disturbing social orders and obstructing government administration.

Source: Radio Television Hong Kong

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#China #June4 #HumanRightsActivist #Arrest #Prosecut #ZhangWuzhou