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Wolf warrior at it again. Is there anything wrong with wanting to know the truth behind a #pandemic that cancelled the entire 2020?
#ccp #china #huxijin #globaltimes #propaganda #statemedia #dominicraab #diplomacy #uk #britain #english #diyms
CCP Has Infiltrated All Walks of Life in UK, with HSBC and Standard Chartered Employing Over 600 Party Members

British media raises concerns about the China Communist Party (CCP) placing their members in foreign countries. Following the concern of the US intelligence on infiltration to US Democratic Party members by a Chinese spy, the British's Mail on Sunday claimed to have obtained nearly 2 million CCP members’ details, revealing that many of them are working in British academia and also in wide variation of industries, involving 79 thousand companies and their branches, such as HSBC, vaccine manufacturer Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Some of them even work in the British consulates, raising suspicions of espionage. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) issued a short statement, describe the findings as disturbing. Some Australian parliament members have called on the government to find out whether CCP spies are infiltrating the Australian system.

A large amount of CCP member in HSBC, Standard Chartered, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

The Mail on Sunday reported that information on 1.95 million suspected CCP members, including their names, date of births, addresses and phone numbers, was circulated on Telegram. In September, a Chinese dissident forwarded this information to IPAC, which composed of cross-parties European and American parliamentarians. The Mail on Sunday recently analysed the data, finding that HSBC and Standard Chartered together employed more than 600 CCP members in the UK in 2016. It also reported that these two banks have long been criticised for their stance on dissidents issues in Hong Kong. Moreover, CCP members are also found to be employed in the defence industry including Boeing, Airbus, and Rolls-Royce. As for the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer and AstraZeneca alone have already employed 123 CCP members.

The Mail on Sunday also discovered that many CCP members are working in foreign diplomatic organisations in China via a company called "The Shanghai Foreign Agency Service Corporation", which has a Chinese official background, and at least 249 CCP members were registered with the agency in 2016. The CCP also infiltrated into academics, that according to the British policy, overseas students not from the EU or the Five Eyes network are required to have an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate to enter. But it was found that some of the CCP members have been senior researchers in the UK top universities, participating in sensitive subject such as aerospace engineering.

#China #CCP #Infiltration #IPAC #MailOnSunday #Telegram #CCPmember #HSBC #StandardChartered #Pfizer #AstraZeneca #UK #Britain #ShanghaiForeignAgencyServiceCorporation #Spies

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13
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Can you imagine if #CCP controls how you defend your country?! The #UK should ban such investments!
#russia #china #military #defence #parliament #britain #english #diyms
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Thank you #Britain for formally putting #China's #humanrights abuses on the table. However, judging by #CCP's newest denial camps in #Xinjiang as fabrications, we doubt whether #DominicRaab's call for the UN to send an independent expert for unfettered access to #Xinjiang will come to pass. Mere lipservice is not enough!
#Xinjiang #Uyghurs #UK #UnitedNations #UN #uyghurs #hongkong #english #diyms
UK Revokes a China's Media CGTN Broadcasting license and Beijing Rebuts BBC as "Fake News”

China Global Television Network (CGTN), a subsidiary of China’s state-owned China Central Television, has been repeatedly questioned as biased. The Office of Communications (Ofcom) in the UK announced to revoke the local broadcasting license of CGTN today. On the other hand, the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry criticized a BBC report from last month as fake news linking politics to the pandemic and asked for apologies.

Ofcom confirmed on Thursday after the investigation that Star China Media owned the broadcasting license of CGTN. However, this company has no right to control the editorial content of this station. Therefore, it does not meet the legal requirements for the license.

CGTN once requested to transfer the broadcasting license to a company called China Global Television Network Corporation. However, as the “important information” for the application is missing and the company are ultimately controlled by CCP, Ofcom refused the request for license transfer. Ofcom emphasized that they have already given enough chance to CGTN, but they still failed to comply with the law, so they decided to revoke its license.

Source: Stand News #Feb04

#China #Beijing #CGTN #CCTV #England #Britain #UK #BroadcastingLicense #BBC #FakeNews #CCP #Ofcom #License
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The latest foreign policy review of #BorisJohnson names #China as a "systematic challenge" to #Britain. Here is merely one among many examples why #CCP-ruled China is a malicious force, not a healthy competitor. To quote #TomTugendhat, St George wouldn't see the dragon as a competitor 🙄🙄
#tax #uk #military #cambridge #manchester #edinburgh #universities #sanction #espionage #english #diyms
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When will #Britain (and other Western countries) realize that #CCP is with malicious intent and cannot be brought to reason with conversation?! Just take #HongKong as an example, #USA has talked with #China in Hawaii in 2020, then they imposes the "national security law". #UK itself has verbally condemned #Beijing many times for violating the Sino-British Joint Declaration, it didn't stop them from cancelling elections and throwing democratically elected lawmakers in jail. Fooled me badly once, shame on you. Fooled me badly twice, shame on me. But it seems #DominicRaab would like to go for the third, fourth, fifth times.
#Integratedreport #diplomacy #security #nationalsecurity #borisjohnson #english #diyms #meme
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Let this be just the beginning! #CCP is the tumour the world has been taking too long to get rid of!
#sanctions #Magnisky #EU #europe #UK #britain #canada #usa #hostagediplomacy #humanrights #uyghurs #xinjiang #hongkong #tibet #english #diyms