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Former ambassador: Canada needs to loosen ties with China

Former Canadian ambassador to China interprets the country’s "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy and mindset regarding international affairs.

China, in a fury of how a state as inferior as Canada dares to refuse their demand of releasing Meng, arbitrarily detained the two Canadians. This shows that China has no understanding of judicial independence. Its regime basically measures every aspect of the world with power. It sees any kind of relationship as masters and vassals. Western allies, especially Canada, should start to reappraisal their relationships with China. Instead of saying yes to all of their demands, countries should reduce engagement with China.

Now that the world is distracted by the pandemic, China decides to implement “National Security Law” in Hong Kong to take away people’s rights by denying its agreement with #UK and other friends of Hong Kong. This is another reason why we should be alerted of a world dominated by China.

#China #Canada #HongKong

#OpinionArticle #NganShunKau

Why's the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (FAPRC) playing nice to the US recently?

(10 Jul) Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held an seminar about framework of foreign affairs, including WANG Yi who was the former Vice Foreign Minister; all expressed soft and pleasure gesture to United Stated (US). It’s well-known that CCP was tricky on its foreign affairs communication, its attitude could reflect the shift of political benefit practically.

//It is only a strategic consideration of the timing to put a bet or observe for opportunity, which has no correlation with its country policy.

//Why CCP release an signal of compromised... nothing is happening in Hong Kong locally due to National Security legislation Law

//CCP forcedly imposes the Law without paying for painful price

//The most important thing for CCP now is to make US people to feel better, not to fight heavily against CCP.

//If US accepts these terms... it’s a win-win situation for both US and CCP if US Organizations are still staying and making money in Hong Kong.

//Yet, US would lost its propriety of defending universal value... more difficult to reunion other countries when coping with CCP in a long run.

//CCP is just playing US via its gimmick of unseeable soft and hard attitudes, to evaluate whether US is serious in fights with China

//If US is still having unrealistic hope on CCP, falling of empire region (US) would be the destination.

//requires our persistent belief to fight for the last

//US views National Security Law as its future relationship with CCP

Full Translation:

Source: Ngan, Shun-kau's Faceboook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#nationalsecuritylaw #foreignaffairs #US #China #wolfwarrior #diplomacy #FAPRC #onecountrytwosystems
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Old news new meme
With their wolf warrior policy, covid management etc, they deserve it 100%

Who here thinks the negative sentiments gonna be worse next year? 😂

#CCP #China #meme #COVID #wolfwarrior #internationalpolicies #diplomacy
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#WolfWarrior - PFFFFT! Slap #CCP out of its illusion that countries can't survive without #Chinese business!
#meme #australia #tariff #wine #english #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
I’m sure most people aren’t new to these especially with wumao/50 cent armies. Disgusting how CCP make things up so people support them.

Support #freespeech! And fact check things!

#ccp #china #disinformation #meme #wolfwarrior #fakeaccount #wumao #50cent #fakenews #diyms
“Who Is The Wolf? BTW, China Is Not A Lamb”: Tweet from Chinese Embassy Baffles Internet

As China continues flexing its muscles as part of its “wolf warrior diplomacy”, the Chinese Embassy in Ireland posted an enigmatic tweet inspired by Aesop’s fable of the wolf and the lamb. Published on 1 April, it began by asking rhetorically who the wolf was and went on to say that China was not a lamb to the confusion of the Internet. The tweet has since been deleted.

The fable originally tells the story of a lamb running into a wolf at a creek, where the wolf hurls various false charges against the lamb to justify its predation. When the lamb proves its innocence and refutes the accusations, the wolf gives up looking for an excuse and eats it straight away. The lesson is understood to be that there is no point appealing to reason in face of one as wickedly unreasonable as a wolf.

The tweet began with the question “Who is the wolf?” and went on to say that some had accused China of engaging in “wolf warrior diplomacy”. The embassy then noted how in the fable the wolf fabricates charges just so it can eat the lamb. Wrapping up the tweet, it wrote that “The wolf is the wolf, not the lamb” while remarking that “China is not a lamb”.

Source: Stand News #Apr01

#China #Ireland #Embassy #Twitter #WolfWarrior #Diplomacy
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Never seen anyone eat avocado this way? Neither have we seen any country does diplomacy CCP's way.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #diplomacy #ccp #china #beijing #wolfwarrior #avocado #meme #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CCP's wolf warrior at it again!!! // Ethnic cleansing is indeed the darkest period in #European history, Europeans know that, that's why they say "never again". #WillyBrandt performed the historical gesture of kneeling before a monument in the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw, enabling Germany to start healing from the Nazi's humanitarian crimes. We don't quite understand what #WangYi is trying to achieve here - to remind Europe of its painful history so that they must stand firmer against #CCP's #genocide of the #Uyghurs now?
#Uyghurgenocide #diplomacy #wolfwarrior #China #English #diyms
#WolfWarrior #Disinformation
Chinese #ForeignMinister tells Germans ‘you know what #genocide looks like’

Source: Sydney Morning Herald #May27

Read more
#WolfWarrior #Disinformation
Chinese #ForeignMinister tells Germans ‘you know what #genocide looks like’

//It is estimated that 1 million Uighurs have been detained in so-called re-education camps in Xinjiang.

China’s Foreign Minister #WangYi rejected academic research detailing the abuses, including forced labour and forced sterilisations of women.

#Uighur women who have been detained in the camps have detailed systemic rape, abuse and torture. China has refused to allow independent investigators into the camps and denies any abuses are taking place.

“There is no forced labour in China,” Wang said. “There’s no such thing [as] concentration camps in #Xinjiang.”

“And there’s no such thing as genocide - our European friends know what is genocide,” he said, referring to the Holocaust when Nazi Germany murdered 6 million Jews during World War II.

#Buetikofer, who leads the European Parliament’s China delegation, was one of the politicians sanctioned.

Buetikofer described as reckless Wang’s attempts to use the Holocaust to dismiss claims of crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.

“Wang Yi basically tells us ‘shut up, you shouldn’t talk’.

“The Holocaust should not be used as a diplomatic football for rhetorical gains,” he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

“The fact of the matter is that it has been precisely because of our wretched history that we have built our democracies and European Union on the basis of adherence to human rights and the rule of law. For us it is an historic obligation.

“If this People’s Republic of China had nothing to hide, they would open up and allow a full independent investigation; no amount of aggressive wolf-warrior diplomacy will obscure the fact that they still have not done so,” he said.//

Read the article:

Source: Sydney Morning Herald #May27
#InternationalRelations #Regime
#China Pressures #Ukraine by blocking #COVID19 #vaccine shipment

//China pressured Ukraine into withdrawing its support for a call for more scrutiny of human rights in China’s western region of Xinjiang by threatening to withhold Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines destined for Ukraine unless it did so, diplomats told The Associated Press on Friday, June 15, 2021.

Ukraine briefly joined a statement by over 40 countries, presented by Canada at the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday, urging China to allow immediate access for independent observers to Xinjiang. Some human rights groups have alleged Chinese mistreatment of Muslim Uyghurs and others in the region.

On Thursday, Ukraine pulled its name off the list of supporting states after Chinese authorities warned Kyiv that they would block a planned shipment of at least 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Ukraine unless it did so, said diplomats from two Western countries. The diplomats spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Ukraine has agreed to purchase 1.9 million doses of CoronaVac vaccine from China’s Sinovac Biotech. As of early May, Ukraine had received 1.2 million doses, according to Health Minister Maxim Stepanov.

In the past, China’s government has been no stranger to pressuring other countries in Geneva diplomatic circles or in national capitals either to line up behind its statements or avoid backing statements that criticize, question or seek scrutiny of human rights in the country...//

Read full article:

Source: Associated Press #Jun25

#Uyghurs #CCP #WolfWarrior #Diplomacy #MadeinChina #Sinovac

Image: Stand News
#InternationalRelations #Regime
#China Pressures #Ukraine by blocking #COVID19 #vaccine shipment

//China pressured Ukraine into withdrawing its support for a call for more scrutiny of human rights in China’s western region of Xinjiang by threatening to withhold Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines destined for Ukraine unless it did so, diplomats told The Associated Press on Friday, June 15, 2021.

Ukraine briefly joined a statement by over 40 countries, presented by Canada at the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday, urging China to allow immediate access for independent observers to Xinjiang. Some human rights groups have alleged Chinese mistreatment of Muslim Uyghurs and others in the region.

On Thursday, Ukraine pulled its name off the list of supporting states after Chinese authorities warned Kyiv that they would block a planned shipment of at least 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Ukraine unless it did so, said diplomats from two Western countries. The diplomats spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Ukraine has agreed to purchase 1.9 million doses of CoronaVac vaccine from China’s Sinovac Biotech. As of early May, Ukraine had received 1.2 million doses, according to Health Minister Maxim Stepanov.

In the past, China’s government has been no stranger to pressuring other countries in Geneva diplomatic circles or in national capitals either to line up behind its statements or avoid backing statements that criticize, question or seek scrutiny of human rights in the country...//

Read full article:

Source: Associated Press #Jun25

#Uyghurs #CCP #WolfWarrior #Diplomacy #MadeinChina #Sinovac

Image: Stand News