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News from non-state media sources about China and Taiwan. 来自非国营来源关于中国和台湾的新闻。中英双语 Bilingual English and Chinese
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China’s Diplomatic Offensive Sees Major Setback as Discontent Grows in Europe, Says New York Times

With Sino-US relations having remained tense in recent years, Beijing has arranged for its foreign minister Wang Yi to visit Europe in August in what was said to be an attempt to show goodwill to Europe and strike a new balance in international relations. But a New York Times commentary said more and more European countries are voicing dissatisfaction at China’s trade tactics, policies towards Hong Kong and Taiwan, human rights record, and other issues. The growing discontent, it said, has seriously undermined China’s diplomatic offensive in Europe.

Steven Lee Myers, head of The New York Times’ Beijing bureau, pointed out that while China believes Europe, given its pragmatism, could play a stabilizing role as Sino-US relations deteriorate, Europe’s changing perception of China poses a major challenge for the Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Myers wrote, “In the short term, it threatens to undermine the country’s post-pandemic economic recovery by stifling new investments as the United States restricts them, especially in high tech. In the longer term, it could blunt his ambitions for China to offer an alternative to the United States as the global leader dictating the rules for governance and trade.”

Myers sees China’s authoritarian system as representing very different political values from those of Europe, noting that the same goes for the new National Security Law in Hong Kong, which “has been used to crack down on dissent in the semiautonomous territory.” Janka Oertel, director of the Asian programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said similarly that “[i]t makes it really hard for [China] to convey a message of cooperation and peacefulness and harmonious society, if at the same time you see schoolgirls being beaten up by the Hong Kong police.”

Europe’s dissatisfaction at China’s policies has become even more pronounced amid the Wuhan virus pandemic. China’s attempt to conceal its mishandling of the outbreak in the beginning and its subsequent ‘mask diplomacy’, which exposed the poor quality of its protective gear and medical supplies, have had a knock-on effect on attitudes towards China, especially in the Netherlands and Spain. According to the results of last week’s ECFR poll, only 7% of Europeans see China as a useful partner in the fight against the pandemic with 62% of the respondents viewing China negatively.

Sources: Apple Daily #Sep18

#Europe #US #HK #China #NewYorkTimes #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #Pandemic #COVID19 #Diplomacy
UAE Claims 86% effectiveness of Sinopharm COVID Vaccine, Experts Question Failure to Account for Clinical Test Data

The UAE health authorities announced on Wednesday (Dec 9) that the Chinese Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine has been tested and confirmed to be 86% effective, making it the first country in the world to certify the effectiveness of a Chinese-made vaccine. However, some academics, holding a wait-and-see attitude, believe that the UAE authorities have not provided key and detailed information, including data from the Phase 3 clinical trials.

The UAE is one of the ten countries where two of Sinopharm’ vaccines are undergoing clinical trials. UAE indicated that it had approved an interim analysis of the vaccine’s Phase 3 clinical trial data, which showed 100% effectiveness in preventing mild symptoms from turning into moderate to severe conditions. They also claimed an overall effective protection rate of 86%, adding that the vaccine poses no serious safety concerns.

The Sinopharm Group did not confirm the news or comment to the media for several hours after UAE’s announcement. The New York Times even reported that it was disconnected when it tried to reach the group on the phone. It was only at dusk on Thursday (Dec 10) that Sinopharm uploaded its vaccine registration statement for the UAE. Still, it did not provide further data on the Phase 3 tests, such as the number of people infected with the vaccine and the volunteers’ age. The group also did not make any “welcome” remarks.

#UAE #China #Sinopharm #COVID19 #Vaccines #Trials #TestData #NewYorkTimes

Source: Stand News #Dec11
Forwarded from China Insider With David Zhang
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The #NewYorkTimes pulled an #Ad at the last minute in March of 2020. But for what reason? Today I got to speak with the client who paid for the Ad. His name is Brett Kingstone, a real estate developer from Florida.

He tells me that after the entire editorial procedure and approval from the paper, it was pulled from print at the last minute before hitting major cities and publishing.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
In Cantonese we say "面係人地俾,架係自己丟" (roughly translated as: people give you face but we can't help you if you decide to throw it away", my translation is bit crappy - if you have better suggestions you can comment!)
Anyways, #ErickTsang is the worst type of a**-kisser 🙄🙄 Apparently, similar threatening letters have been issued to papers like #FinancialTimes, #Economist and #NewYorkTimes too.
#HongKong #legislativecouncil #legco #election #vote #blankvote #ccp #china #beijing
Media is too big
The #NewYorkTimes sues the #StateDepartment for #HunterBiden business deals’ info with CCP members. According to the book, "Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win” Hunter helped the CCP promote the #BeltandRoad Initiative.

1847 #中國 #解放軍 #實彈演習 #台灣 #台海局勢 #國際要聞



2222 #中國 #解放軍 #台灣 #軍演 #台海局勢 #國際要聞


0235 #G20 #峇里 #拜登 #習近平 #會面 #國際要聞







2218 #英國 #中國 #核能 #國家安全 #國際要聞
英國宣布將投資7億英鎊,與法國電力公司合作興建Sizewell C大型核電廠。雙方達成協議後將各佔核電廠一半控制權。於新協議下,英國政府將向中國廣核購入其20%股份。英國政府未有公佈涉及金額,但表明價格將反映股份的市場價值及中國廣核應得回報。

分析認為,新協議反映英中兩國的商業關係進一步疏離。於過去二十年,英國一直努力吸引中國投資當地,兩國圍繞Sizewell C的合作更是2015年時任英國首相卡梅倫與到訪中國國家主席習近平的行程重心。但基於香港問題及其他國際形勢改變,兩國關係於近年日漸緊張。

英國亦擔心中國投資當地核能及通訊等敏感行業,憂慮中國企業將帶來國家安全隱患。英國首相辛偉誠於日前更直指英中關係的黃金時代已完結,而英國政府亦一直尋找方法中止中國廣核參與Sizewell C計劃。雖然中國廣核將退出Sizewell C計劃,但目前仍繼續參與興建中英法三方合作的興利角核電廠。該企業於倫敦附近亦有計劃另興建一座核電廠,但基於兩國關係降溫,相信成功遙遙無期。

英國財政大臣侯俊偉另外亦表示,投資Sizewell C核電廠將令英國進一步邁向能源獨立。英國正嘗試轉用核能及風力發電等新能源,從而減少依賴天然氣發電,並降低天然氣價格波動推高電價的風險。但新核電廠將需要十年或以上方能開始供電,難以影響短期電力價格。
