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WHO admits China never reported the existence of coronavirus outbreak

//The World Health Organization backtracked on its assertion that the Chinese government alerted the United Nations agency about the coronavirus outbreak.

//“despite public reporting to the contrary... China never notified the WHO about the outbreak in Wuhan.” The change was spotted by McCaul and first reported by the Washington Free Beacon.

//“I’m glad to see the WHO and the Chinese Communist Party have both read my interim report on the origins of the pandemic and are finally admitting to the world the truth — the CCP never reported the virus outbreak to the WHO in violation of WHO regulations,”

//McCaul’s June report said the WHO found out about the coronavirus outbreak when Chinese media reports about an atypical pneumonia outbreak began to leak online and that the organization also discovered a post on the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases, a U.S.-based open-access platform for early intelligence about outbreaks, on the last day of 2019.

//There's evidence that China covered up the coronavirus's spread, muzzled whistleblowers, intimidated doctors, misled the WHO, and blocked outside health experts. China knew by late 2019 that human-to-human transmission was occurring, but on Jan. 14, the WHO tweeted: “Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.”

//In April, the U.S. Intelligence Community was reported to believe the Chinese Communist Party downplayed the outbreak and that China continued to mislead the world.

//Numerous news outlets reported that China directly alerted the WHO about the coronavirus outbreak on Dec. 31, and the WHO never publicly sought to correct the record.

//China repeatedly claimed it had reported the outbreak to the WHO, including as recently as early June through the state-run China Daily, but Beijing appears to have backed off this assertion

//The 50-page report highlighted China's “failures to share accurate information” and its “suppression of voices seeking to warn the world.” GOP investigators concluded Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware that a pandemic was underway weeks before the public was warned.

//The WHO “enabled the CCP cover-up ... while at the same time praising the CCP’s response,” according to GOP investigators, who also determined "the COVID-19 global pandemic could have been prevented if the CCP acted in a transparent and responsible manner."

Full Article: Washington Examiner, (02-Jul)
#WHO #Coronavirus #China #Report #backtracked #Xi

China’s propaganda machine permeates the world, how “little pinks” and “red communist apps” are weaponized

Source: The Reporter

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Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refutes that the American Congressional-Executive Commission’s report is “Passages of lies, a paper scrap “

(2 Dec) On the 2nd of December, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Office) issued a statement criticizing the annual report published by the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), which is under the US Congress, is “a pack of lies and a scrap of paper”. The Office said it was interference to Chinese internal politics and Hong Kong’s internal affairs, as the report suggested covering for Hong Kongers and imposing economic sanctions. “Again, the US demonstrates the “US bully” across the world and its ugliness.”

In the report, the USCC stated that the “One Country, Two System” promised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is being undermined with the establishment of National Security Law in Hong Kong. The Office rebutted the accusation “mouthful nonsense and transposing black and white”, and that there is a similar law in the US. “The National Security Law in Hong Kong is supported by 1.4 billion Chinese fellow nationals, including Hong Kongers and from international communities. Hong Kong is going to meet the breakthrough of turning from chaos back to peaceful public order through the legislation of the law “, said the Office. (Editor’s note: According to “One Country, Two System” committed by the CCP, all laws, including National Security Law, shall be designed and enacted by local legislation instead of Beijing; the current National Security Law was enacted by Beijing directly without consultation and process through Hong Kong’s legislation.)

The Office further criticized that the act of revoking Hong Kong’s independent tariff status by the US was for eroding the business development in Hong Kong and backing the “Lam Chau party” (Editor’s note: The name “Lam Chau” means “fail together” in direct translation, it is believed that the term originated from the screen capture of the scene “If we burn, you burn with us” from the Hunger Games series, that was used by Hong Kongers to express their anger toward the government on the internet. It then became an unofficial party named by the pro-Beijing party, referring to the group of pro-democracy Hong Kongers that, in their opinions, always try to put Hong Kong in danger and create mutual assured destruction together with Hong Kong and the CCP) and the criminals (meaning the pro-democracy protesters) to against the Hong Kong government, describing that it is the US destroying rules and causing troubles to Hong Kong and China.

The Office continued that the CCP is taking right and justice steps to resume the peace and public order in Hong Kong, but the US always “protect and well treat those criminals (meaning the pro-democracy protesters and citizens) who are against the CCP and Hong Kong” by imposing economic sanctions. The Office further mentioned that the report takes no credibility and must become a piece of trash in the history, stating that Hong Kong is closely connected to the CCP and advising the US senators to give up as soon as possible, otherwise they are only bring held up as an object of ridicule.

In the latest annual report by the USCC, it stated that Hong Kong is governed by the CCP’s tyranny more directly and comprehensively through the National Security Law in Hong Kong, which would change the relationship between Hong Kong and other democratic countries including the US. The USCC suggested the US Congress lower the requirements of US visa application for Hong Kongers who are persecuted by the CCP.

Source: The Stand News

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#China #UnitedStates #MinistryofForeignAffairs #CongressionalExecutiveCommission #Report
#Report #ChinaDream
China Is Building Entire Villages in Another Country’s Territory

By Robert Barnett

//In October 2015, China announced that a new village, called Gyalaphug in Tibetan or Jieluobu in Chinese, had been established in the south of the #Tibet Autonomous Region (#TAR)...

#Gyalaphug is, however, different: It is in #Bhutan. Wu and a retinue of officials, police, and journalists had crossed an international border. They were in a 232-square-mile area claimed by China since the early 1980s but internationally understood as part of Lhuntse district in northern Bhutan. The Chinese officials were visiting to celebrate their success, unnoticed by the world, in planting settlers, security personnel, and military infrastructure within territory internationally and historically understood to be Bhutanese...

This new construction is part of a major drive by Chinese President #XiJinPing since 2017 to fortify the Tibetan borderlands, a dramatic escalation in China’s long-running efforts to outmaneuver India and its neighbors along their Himalayan frontiers. In this case, China doesn’t need the land it is settling in Bhutan: Its aim is to force the Bhutanese government to cede territory that China wants elsewhere in Bhutan to give Beijing a military advantage in its struggle with New Delhi.

Gyalaphug is now one of three new villages (two already occupied, one under construction), 66 miles of new roads, a small hydropower station, two Communist Party administrative centers, a communications base, a disaster relief warehouse, five military or police outposts, and what are believed to be a major signals tower, a satellite receiving station, a military base, and up to six security sites and outposts that China has constructed in what it says are parts of Lhodrak in the TAR but which in fact are in the far north of Bhutan....

Today all of the Menchuma Valley and most of the Beyul are controlled by China. Both are being settled. Together, they constitute 1 percent of Bhutan’s territory; if it were to lose them, it would be comparable to the United States losing Maine or Kentucky...

In Chinese, the term for so-called salami-slicing tactics—slowly cutting off  piece by piece of other nations’ territory—is can shi, or “nibbling like a silkworm.” It’s serious business: The belief that India was gnawing at fragments of China’s territory drove Mao to launch the 1962 Sino-Indian War. And the converse of the phrase is jing tun, “swallowing like a whale.” The small bites of the silkworm can turn into crushing jaws...//

Read the full reportage:

Source: Foreigh Policy #May7

#Invasion #Tianxia #AllUnderHeaven #Beijing #Expansion #CCPRules #Bhutan #PeacefulRise #CanShi #Borders
IMF chief called out over pressure to favor China while at World Bank

World Bank leaders, including then-Chief Executive Kristalina Georgieva, applied "undue pressure" on staff to boost China's ranking in the bank's "Doing Business 2018" report, according to an independent investigation released Thursday.

The report, prepared by law firm WilmerHale at the request of the bank's ethics committee, raises concerns about China's influence at the World Bank, and the judgment of Georgieva - now managing director of the International Monetary Fund - and then-World Bank President Jim Yong Kim.

Source: Reuters #Sep17

#China #Bank #JimYongKim #Report #IMF
China Fires Back at Reports of U.S. Commandos in Taiwan

See whether the PLA will launch a targeted air strike to eliminate those U.S. invaders!’ the chief of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda outlet threatened on Thursday.

Some leaders in China almost immediately expressed outrage Thursday at a new report indicating the U.S. has secretly stationed forces on Taiwan in an attempt to bolster the island nation's defenses against the increasing likelihood of an attack from the mainland.

Source: USNews #Oct07

#China #Taiwan #US #PLA #CCP #Report
China Fires Back at Reports of U.S. Commandos in Taiwan

See whether the PLA will launch a targeted air strike to eliminate those U.S. invaders!’ the chief of the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda outlet threatened on Thursday.

Some leaders in China almost immediately expressed outrage Thursday at a new report indicating the U.S. has secretly stationed forces on Taiwan in an attempt to bolster the island nation's defenses against the increasing likelihood of an attack from the mainland.

Source: USNews #Oct07

#China #Taiwan #US #PLA #CCP #Report