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How CCP Infiltrate Media? Former Editor-in-Chief of a Canadian Newspaper Explains in a Hearing

The Commons Special Committee on Canada-China Relations at House of Commons of Canada hosted a hearing. Victor Ho, the former editor-in-chief of a Chinese-language newspaper Sing Tao Daily B.C. edition, said that the Chinese government is using the identity of oversea Chinese to “brainwashes” Chinese Canadians, citing numerous examples of CCP constantly infiltrating the Canadian Chinese-language media.

The Ottawa news website "Blacklock’s Reporter" quoted Victor Ho, now living in Vancouver, saying that the Chinese consul general Tong Xiaoling gave a speech on July 23 this year at CHMB-AM (in Vancouver). She criticised some Hongkong people for deliberately slandering and undermining the Hong Kong National Security Law. She even accused Canadian activists for "trying to intimidate people who truly care about Hong Kong."

Victor Ho also noted that Thomas Leung, a Canadian radio commentator, showed his support of violent suppression and cracking down on Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators in a CJVB-AM program last year. He urged the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to investigate such cases, safeguarding Chinese communities from being infiltrated by political directive and protecting the national interests of Canada.

#CCP #Canada #HongKong #China #VictorHo #Infiltration #Brainwash #China #Hearing #SingTaoDaily #CHMBAM #TongXiaoling #CJVBAM #ThomasLeung #CRTC

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12
CCP Has Infiltrated All Walks of Life in UK, with HSBC and Standard Chartered Employing Over 600 Party Members

British media raises concerns about the China Communist Party (CCP) placing their members in foreign countries. Following the concern of the US intelligence on infiltration to US Democratic Party members by a Chinese spy, the British's Mail on Sunday claimed to have obtained nearly 2 million CCP members’ details, revealing that many of them are working in British academia and also in wide variation of industries, involving 79 thousand companies and their branches, such as HSBC, vaccine manufacturer Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Some of them even work in the British consulates, raising suspicions of espionage. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) issued a short statement, describe the findings as disturbing. Some Australian parliament members have called on the government to find out whether CCP spies are infiltrating the Australian system.

A large amount of CCP member in HSBC, Standard Chartered, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

The Mail on Sunday reported that information on 1.95 million suspected CCP members, including their names, date of births, addresses and phone numbers, was circulated on Telegram. In September, a Chinese dissident forwarded this information to IPAC, which composed of cross-parties European and American parliamentarians. The Mail on Sunday recently analysed the data, finding that HSBC and Standard Chartered together employed more than 600 CCP members in the UK in 2016. It also reported that these two banks have long been criticised for their stance on dissidents issues in Hong Kong. Moreover, CCP members are also found to be employed in the defence industry including Boeing, Airbus, and Rolls-Royce. As for the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer and AstraZeneca alone have already employed 123 CCP members.

The Mail on Sunday also discovered that many CCP members are working in foreign diplomatic organisations in China via a company called "The Shanghai Foreign Agency Service Corporation", which has a Chinese official background, and at least 249 CCP members were registered with the agency in 2016. The CCP also infiltrated into academics, that according to the British policy, overseas students not from the EU or the Five Eyes network are required to have an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate to enter. But it was found that some of the CCP members have been senior researchers in the UK top universities, participating in sensitive subject such as aerospace engineering.

#China #CCP #Infiltration #IPAC #MailOnSunday #Telegram #CCPmember #HSBC #StandardChartered #Pfizer #AstraZeneca #UK #Britain #ShanghaiForeignAgencyServiceCorporation #Spies

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
We can't think what is stupider than letting #CCP control the manufacturing and supplying of a strategically important material like graphene. #BorisJohnson, watch out.
#infiltration #meme #graphene #nationalsecurity #parliament
#CCPRules #Infiltration
Concern over ‘#censorship’ rules of New Zealand-Chinese news site

//An influential Chinese-language media outlet in #NewZealand warned its users their information could be shared with 'relevant state agencies' if they violated #ChineseLaws. promotes itself as New Zealand’s “most influential” Chinese-language media outlet, with half a million ‘daily average user visits’ to its multi-platform website. Besides providing news coverage, the site also runs message boards where a variety of topics, including current affairs, are discussed. It claims to have 81,000 daily forum users.

...Until July, the terms of service for these forums contained clauses forbidding speech on a range of topics and said that users who violate Chinese laws in their postings could have their information shared with “relevant state agencies,” indicating China’s intelligence apparatus would be able to potentially identify them. It also meant criticism of China’s ruling Communist Party was all but banned.

...A list of forbidden conduct on the forum, as seen last month, includes “leaking state secrets”, “damaging national honour and interests”, “undermining national unity”, inciting “subversion of state power”, "undermining national policies" and promoting “cults”. Virtually identical wording was discovered on the terms of service for China’s state-backed social media platform #WeChat and a list of “prohibited content” outlined by the Chinese Ministry of Culture.//

Source: Newsroom #Sep20

#CCP #PRC #UnitedFront
Forwarded from China Insider With David Zhang
Media is too big
A #ChineseStudent at #PurdueUniversity was harassed by pro-Chinese Communist Party regime students. But the university is fighting back against CCP influence. This is alerting campuses across the country to look at their own potential problems with #Infiltration from Beijing.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
We did warn the world about the infiltration of #CCP's cells into all institutions - schools, businesses, and eventually governments, and #ChristineLee is definitely not the only one. Across the Atlantic, #Canada's spy agency CSIS warned against #CCP's influence being normalized in the senate too.
Slide 2 photo was shot in #HongKong's Poly U, as the university was under siege and attacked by the police in 2019.
#China #espionage #infiltration #britain #uk #MI5
#China Targeted #US Federal Reserve system to Build Informant Network and Access #Data, Probe Finds

//China tried to build a network of informants inside the Federal Reserve system, at one point threatening to imprison a Fed economist during a trip to Shanghai unless he agreed to provide nonpublic economic data, a congressional investigation found.

The investigation by Republican staff members of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs found that Fed employees were offered contracts with Chinese talent-recruitment programs, which often include cash payments, and asked to provide information on the U.S. economy, interest-rate changes and policies, according to a report of the findings released Tuesday [July 26, 2022].//

Read more:

Source: WSJ #Jul26

#Espionage #Beijing #Security #Infiltration #FED
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CCP knows where everyone’s money is, and how much everyone has in the bank? Oh dear… good one, #HSBC.
#China #bank #infiltration #asset
Forwarded from China in Focus - NTD
Media is too big
A former Canadian intelligence official has been speaking out about Chinese #Infiltration of the #CanadianGovernment for decades, stating that for the past 40 years, the Canadian government has been compromised.