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#Philippines foreign minister on #SouthChinaSea dispute

//The Philippine foreign minister on Monday demanded in an expletive-laced Twitter message that China’s vessels get out of disputed waters, the latest exchange in a war of words with Beijing over the South China Sea.

The comments by Teodoro Locsin follow Manila's protests for what it calls the "illegal" presence of hundreds of Chinese boats inside the Philippines 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

"China, my friend, how politely can I put it? Let me see… O…GET THE FUCK OUT," Locsin tweeted on his personal account.

"What are you doing to our friendship? You. Not us. We're trying. You. You're like an ugly oaf forcing your attentions on a handsome guy who wants to be a friend; not to father a Chinese province ...", Locsin said.//

Read full article:

Source: Reuters #May3
#Mainlandization #Economy
The Times: "How #Beijing bought up #Britain"

//Chinese investors have amassed a portfolio of #UK businesses, infrastructure, property and other assets worth nearly £135 billion, almost twice as much as was previously suspected.

The swift and largely unnoticed buying spree includes at least £44 billion of purchases by Chinese state-owned entities.

More than 80 of the 200 investments uncovered by The Sunday Times have taken place since 2019. These include:

- Stakes in critical infrastructure providers including Thames Water, UK Power Networks and Heathrow airport

- Nearly £57 billion worth of shares in FTSE 100 companies according to exclusive research by the data provider Argus Vickers

- About £10 billion worth of property and at least 17 private schools.//

Read full article:

Source: Times #May3
#Arts #FilmAwards
#Documentary about Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protests Awarded Grand Prize in Taiwan

[Editor's note: The Hong Kong authorities had classified the two documentary films as Category III, calling it "unsuitable" for an audience below 18 years of age. The authorities also demanded a warning to be placed before the films]

Hong Kong protest-related documentaries has won awards across the world.

The award ceremony of the 12th Taiwan International Documentary Festival unveiled on May 6, 2021 in which "Taking Back the Legislature" and "Inside the Red Brick Wall" were awarded Grand Prize for the Chinese-language Documentary Category.

The Jury explained the prize was given for “the capture of passion and contradictions of the insurgency of a people”.

“The Jury wishes to thank the collective communion of the group of filmmakers… for contributing to our understanding of how cinema feeds the conscience and collective memory of the world in our era of overwhelming control and surveillance. ”

The two documentary films capture different moments during the 2019 anti-ELAB protests in Hong Kong.

"Taking back the Legislature" is a documentation of the first instance of an occupation of Hong Kong’s legislature on July 1, 2019, while "Inside the Red Brick Wall" is about the week-long siege of the police on Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) in November 2019.

Source: Stand News #May3

#YingEChi #HongKongCinema #InsidetheRedBrickWall
#UnitedFront #Doxxing #Smearing
Pro-democracy Hong Kong students in UK harassed by Chinese students

Hong Kong students studying abroad have recently shared their experiences of being harassed when organizing events in school campuses in the UK in support of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Jamie and Kitty are among the Hong Kong students who suffer mobbing. Chinese students called them “cockroaches” and “traitors” in Mandarin.

Kitty said the organizers of Hong Kong-related events, including herself, were all doxxed. Their personal information was posted on China social media groups and they were tagged as “Hong Kong Independence Supporters” and “Cockroaches”.

Their application for holding the event was also held up by the school campus multiple times. The event was finally approved with the restriction that it has to be a silent event. “

It made me realize that our campus could no longer serve as a place for us to speak for the current situation in Hong Kong”, said Kitty. She accused the school of “fearing the loss of revenue by the tuition fees of Chinese students”.

Moreover, students revealed that the #CCP used the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in the United Kingdom (#CSSAUK), as a tool to penetrate school campuses in the UK in which Chinese students are bribed into voting the CCP appointed persons to become committees of the Association.

According to the CSSAUK website, it is an association that is “supported by the Education Section of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the UK”. It also claimed to be the largest Chinese association in the UK.

Source: Apple News #May3

#ChineseStudents #UK
China regulators reportedly meet banks to discuss protecting assets from US sanctions

Chinese regulators held an emergency meeting with domestic and foreign banks last month to discuss protecting trillions of dollars in overseas assets from US-led #sanctions similar to those imposed on Russia, according to a report.

The Financial Times reports the April 22 meeting between representatives from China’s central bank and finance ministry, and executives from all large banks operating in China, was called because Chinese officials are worried similar action could be taken against Beijing in the event of a regional military conflict.

While the officials and attendees did not mention specific scenarios, according to the report, the most likely trigger for international sanctions is thought to be a Chinese invasion of #Taiwan.

“If China attacks Taiwan, decoupling of the Chinese and western economies will be far more severe than [decoupling with] Russia because China’s economic footprint touches every part of the world,” one of the people briefed on the meeting told the Financial Times.

According to the Financial Times report, senior Chinese regulators asked bankers at the meeting what could be done to protect China’s overseas assets, especially its $US3.2 trillion in foreign reserves.

China holds more than $US1 trillion in US Treasury bonds and owns huge amounts of real estate, including major New York office buildings and hotels.

“No one on site could think of a good solution to the problem,” another person briefed on the meeting told the newspaper. “China’s banking system isn’t prepared for a freeze of its dollar assets or exclusion from the Swift messaging system as the US has done to Russia.”

Source: #May3

#USSanctions #UkraineInvasion #ChineseAssets #CCP