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Many of Confucius Institute US Center's directors are #CCP members, the previous administration tried to check their influence in #American schools, but #Biden said they're welcome :D Is this part of his "strategic patience" with #China?
#confuciusinstitute #brainwashing #unitedfront #english #diyms
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Following our post yesterday, #CCP's persecution doesn't just stop at one group of religious community or ethnic minority. In #China, even churches must be loyal to the Party, those who hold onto their faith are targeted for #brainwashing. We must all stick together and stand against this tyrant!
#Christian #religiousfreedom #freedomofreligion #concentrationcamps #Uyghurs #Muslims #English #Diyms
#Propaganda #CCPRules
China State Media Enlists Overseas #KOL and University Students to Promote the Chinese Communist Party

//China’s state TV station has been targeting British university campuses and offering students the chance to win thousands of pounds by becoming pro-Beijing social media influencers, The Times can reveal.

#CGTN had its broadcasting licence revokedand was taken off the air in Britain in February after an investigation by Ofcom, the media regulator, found that it was editorially controlled by the #ChineseCommunistParty.

The network has since launched a “#MediaChallengers” campaign to recruit internet influencers and vloggers globally, some of whom will promote China and counter western narratives that damage its image.

Successful applicants can win up to $10,000 and secure part-time or full-time jobs at CGTN, according to promotional documents.

At least six students at the University of Leeds and one at the University of Manchester have signed up to the campaign, The Times has found...

Hannah Bailey, an expert on Chinese digital disinformation at the Oxford Internet Institute, said: “If we have western social media influencers reading out China’s official line on particular issues, then domestic audiences might believe the Chinese Communist Party is admired by international audiences.” She said the CGTN campaign was “part of a broader trend that we’ve seen of China trying to increase its influence among university campuses”.//

Read full article:

Source: The Times #June12

#Brainwashing #Disinformation
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Party schools are where next generations of #CCP leaders are educated and nurtured (I find these words too wholesome for zombies who are being tapped to extend a dictatorship but here we go). Are they being taught the truth? Must they practice #doublethink? Or do they have to be loyal followers of a vengeful, power- and bloodthirsty #XiJinping? Take a look.
#China #centralpartyschool #brainwashing #greatleapforward #culturalrevolution #tiananmenmassacre #cadre #english #diyms
China Schools Teach Students to "Correctly" Understand Ukraine Crisis; Taiwanese Scholars Warn of CCP Legitimizing Aggression on Taiwan

Schools across China are hosting lesson planning workshops for their teachers, so that they can teach students to "correctly understand" the recent developments in Ukraine.

A notice from Shandong education department noted that these workshops are intended for teachers of "political thinking classes", to help them "correctly understand the principles, position, and line to take" regarding the Ukraine crisis, so that they can "guide the thoughts" of their students.

These courses are hosted by The "Hand-in-Hand Lesson Preparation Center for National Ideological and Political Classes".

Chinese Scholars: Can't Judge Russia-Ukraine crisis as Simply Right or Wrong

In one such workshop in Shanxi, a teacher asked how to educate primary and secondary school students in international relations, and how to answer questions regarding whether Russia's war against Ukraine is justified.

Answering the question was professor Xia Yong-Lin from Xidian University's School of Humanities. He said that the Russia-Ukraine crisis cannot "be judged as simply right or wrong": "under the American-led international order, in an environment [filled with] arrogant hegemony and hysteria without fairness, it is meaningless to get caught up in questions of justice."

Liu Li-Bo, Vice-chair of the School of Maxism at Shaanxi Normal University, emphasized proactively instill thoughts that are in line with mainstream ideology and national policy. "If students in primary and secondary schools were led astray, it's difficult to straighten them up again."

Professor Wang Yong-Zhi Northwest University added that teachers must make the connection with national revival. Teachers must clearly tell students that China is facing the greatest challenge since its economic reform, and the country needs students to have an even greater sense of nationalism and responsibility.

CCP Aims to Legitimize Future Taiwan Invasion, Taiwanese Scholars warns

In Taiwan, Wang Zhi-Sheng, Secretary General of China Asia-Pacific Elite Exchange Association, pointed out two objectives for China's systematic and unified indoctrination of its "truth" of the Ukrainian conflict. For one, they aimed to whitewash Russia's aggression and drum up support in China. The more concerning objective, however, was to portray Russia's situation as being "backed into a corner" before taking military action; this implied that China may also be "backed into a corner" in the future, and become "forced" to use its military against Taiwan.

Lin Xian-Shen, head of the Department of East Asian Studies at National Taiwan Normal University, pointed out that Putin's narrative considers Ukraine to be part of Russia. Similarly, the Chinese Communist Party considered Taiwan to be part of China, and could thus use the same justifications to rally popular support for aggression against Taiwan. If the Chinese people supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it would naturally also support a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, he said.

Ming Pao中國/article/20220326/s00013/1648232383800/多省學校教「正確」認識烏局勢

Liberty Times

#Ukraine #RussianInvasion #Brainwashing #MinistryOfTruth
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This is utterly chilling. #CCP is not content with only stripping away our #freedom, but they want to take control of our minds too.
#China #HongKong #HK #brainwashing #Xinjiang #uyghurs
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We find no words to describe being forced to watch horrors happening in front of us and not being able to do anything. #HongKong #HK #CCP #China #brainwashing