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#Australia #UNSW #Kowtow #Censorship
Australian University Deleted a Tweet Quoting Human Rights Organisation’s Support for Hong Kong after Facing Backlash from Chinese Students

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia tweeted an article previously quoting a human rights organisation’s statement that the human rights situation in Hong Kong was rapidly deteriorating and called for international pressure on China. The post was deleted next day morning after an apparent backlash from Chinese students. A UNSW spokesperson explained deleting the tweet because the comment was ”being misconstrued as representative the university”.

On Friday, 31 July 2020, according to The Guardian’s report, the UNSW published an article on its website quoting Elaine Pearson, the Australian director of Human Rights Watch. Pearson said that she was approached by a member of the university’s media team to give her views on the present situation in Hong Kong and how the international community respond.

On the same day, UNSW’s official Twitter account quoted Pearson’s comment in the interview that now is a pivotal moment to pay attention to Hong Kong’s rapidly deteriorating situation, and that “‘now is the time’ for the international community to put pressure on China to wind back recent infringements on human rights in Hong Kong”.

The tweet drew strong dissent from UNSW Chinese students who demanded an apology from the university. They shared a post on WeChat calling for a boycott and unfollow the university’s official Twitter. Global Times, a Chinese state English newspaper, highly concerned on this incident and published a report to criticise that article as interference in Hong Kong affair. The report quoted a UNSW student from mainland China that he and other students were in talks with the university to demand an apology for the tweet.

Source: Stand News #Aug3
EU’s Flaccid Sanctions Still Anger Beijing. German Press: Xi Jinping Will Not Tolerate Any Criticism

Following Beijing’s move to forcibly impose the national security law on Hong Kong, the European Union (EU) launched sanctioning policies one month later to express its disapproval. A European newspaper opinion piece states that the EU’s sanctions paled in comparison to those of the US and the UK, nevertheless, Beijing still expressed unquenchable fury. The opinion piece says that this indicated “Xi Jinping’s world will no longer suffer any kind of criticism”, and calls on European countries to avoid being overly dependent on China, subjecting to its restrictions.

The *Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung* published an opinion piece titled “China’s Unreasonable Fury”, pointing out that even though the sanctions launched by the EU were flaccid, they were nonetheless symbolic. “By implementing the Hong Kong national security law, China has infringed on the Sino-British agreement. Just this one point is sufficient to illustrate that China’s claim that Hong Kong affairs are 'internal affairs' does not stand. When it comes to breaches on international agreements, the EU has every right to respond.”

The opinion piece also states that it is believable that even the Chinese government did not find the EU’s sanctions a huge blow, “But to Beijing, whether the sanctions were harsh was by itself unimportant. No matter how gentle the terms, Xi Jinping’s world will no longer suffer any kind of criticism.” The article also says that even as the EU’s sanctions seemed weak and flaccid, it was better than none, because under the current circumstance, it was also very important to put up a symbolic stance to indicate to China that Europeans did not approve of China’s ways.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug3

#EU #XiJinping #FAZ #Frankfurter #sanctions #EuropeanUnion #nationalsecuritylaw #nsl
#IOC asks Chinese team for report on cyclists' #MaoZedong badges

The International Olympic Committee on August 3, 2021 asked the Chinese team for a report on why two of its medallists appeared on the podium wearing badges featuring the head of the country's former leader Mao Zedong.

Gold medal cyclists Bao Shanju and Zhong Tianshi wore the badges during a medal ceremony on Monday, August 2, 2021 in a potential breach of Olympic rules on the display of political paraphernalia.

"We contacted the Chinese Olympic Committee and asked them for a report on the situation," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said. "We are looking into the matter."

Source: Reuters #Aug3

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#China's ambassador to #France says #Taiwanese will be 'reeducated' after annexation

//China's Ambassador to France Lu Shaye (盧沙野) on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 claimed that Beijing would impose reeducation after it annexes Taiwan, drawing international criticism, including denouncements by Uyghur activists.

During an interview with French station #BFMTV to discuss U.S. House Speaker #NancyPelosi's visit to Taiwan, Lu described her trip as an “unnecessary provocation” that had “created a lot of danger." He claimed that China's live-fire drills were "responding to a provocation" — alluding to Pelosi's trip to Taiwan.

Referring to Taiwanese aversion to Chinese annexation, Lu said: “Ten years ago, 20 years ago, the majority of the population of Taiwan was for reunification, but why, now, are they against it? It’s because the Democratic Progressive Party has spread a lot of anti-Chinese propaganda."

However, according to the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University, there has never been a majority of Taiwanese who supported unification since polls began on the question in 1994.

Lu then said the possibility of a military invasion of Taiwan "is still there" but added the assault would "not be against the population of Taiwan." He then vowed that "after reunification, we will do reeducation."

The ambassador said the reeducation campaign would be peaceful and "not under threat." He then tried to reassure Taiwanese that it would not take the form of "mass" education.//

Read the full article:

Source: Taiwan News #Aug3

#CrossStraits #Beijing #Taiwan
Pelosi Taiwan visit - US will not abandon commitment to Taiwan, says Speaker

In a meeting with Taiwaness President Tsai Ing-wen at the Presidential Palace on August 3, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reiterated their steadfast support to Taiwan, referring to the Taiwan Relations Act signed 43 years ago.

"Today, our delegation... came to Taiwan to make unequivocally clear we will not abandon our commitment to Taiwan and we are proud of our enduring friendship,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi pointed out that the Taiwan's story is one of passion for democracy and freedom, showcasing the Taiwanese hope, perseverance and determination towards building a peaceful and prosperous future in the face of challenges.

She emphasized that America’s solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important than ever as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy. The United States stands ready to defend democracy in Taiwan.

In her 7-minute address, Pelosi made reference to Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, stressing that the US will continue to work on this basis to establish prosperous cooperative relationship with Taiwan, honoring America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant Democracy.

Source: Inmediahk; #Aug3

#NancyPelosi #Taiwan #TsaiIngWan #LamWingKee #WuerKaixi #LeeMingChe #CrossStraits #CausewayBayBookstore