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Australia Hiring Additional Mandarin-speaking Manpower For “Foreign Intervention Cases”

The relation between China and Australia remains tense. In an interview from The Australian, the Chief of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Reece Kershaw stated that they would be hiring more Mandarin-speaking staff to handle foreign interference cases. Besides, he said that the AFP was also hiring some language graduates and Chinese-Australians for these “new and complex” cases.

Besides the transnational or organised crime, the AFP also needs to handle the missions of protecting national safety. Facing the intensified conflict between China and Australia, “We are facing the well-trained high-tech people… the challenge for such criminals is how to bring intelligence to evidence.” said Kershaw, who had just been the Chief for a year in the interview by The Australian.

He stated that there were 65 detectives in charge with foreign intervention at the moment but that AFP still had inadequate in detectives who know Chinese. As a result, he would continue to employ related staff, “Our team needs to be more diverse, similar to the Australia society, but we are not there yet”.

Kershaw disclosed that he asked the FBI for assistance last year, the bureau provided detailed training materials for the federal police, to help with the investigation which involving the crimes of violations of the Foreign Intervention Law passed in 2018. Among them, there was a joint action between the AFP and NSW police, raided Labour MP Shaoquett Moselmane and his office part-time assistance John Zhang involving in the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration incident. Zhang was even accused of participating in the CCP’s united front training in 2013, hiding his identity from his boss, and influencing his boss wit improper means.

Source from: Stand News #Oct01

#CCP #China #Australia #AFP #ReeceKershaw #TheAustralian #Mandarin
Opinions of China low

Canadians continue to feel positive about its Asia-Pacific neighbours – with one significant exception, an Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada national poll (AFP) has revealed.

The exception is China.

The country, increasingly defiant of the West in areas ranging from Hong Kong, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang and Huawei 5G networks to the Meng Wanzhou arrest, the detention of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor and the origins of COVID-19, now scores only a 3.6 out of 10 in terms of favourability.

“Canadians clearly hold the view that Canada must move forward in Asia, but in a way that upholds our core values, respects human rights and sustainability, and provides economic benefits to all Canadians,” Beck said.

Soruce: Castanet #Nov27

#AFP #Canada #China #AsiaPacific
#Taiwan Will Not Participate in Gay Games hosted by Hong Kong due to the #NationalSecurityLaw

Hong Kong successfully applied for hosting the Gay Games in 2022. It is the first time for the game to be held in Asia.

However, the Taiwan Gay Sports and Movement Association (#TGSMA) issued a statement, pointing out that due to possible China's intervention, the TGSMA would not participate in the Gay Games unless Hong Kong authorities can ensure the safety of the athletes.

Agence France-Presse (AFP) quoted Yang Chih-Chun, president of the TGSMA, that after the Hong Kong National Security Law implementation, the authority could use any reason to arrest people, which TGSMA could not ensure the athletes' safety.

Yang Chih-Chun also showed his concerns to AFP that the Taiwanese athletes and staff would be arrested because of waving the Taiwanese flag or competing under the name of "Taiwan".

#GayGame #TGSMA #Taiwan #AFP #NSL #YangCihChun

Source: Stand News #Aug07