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#OpinionArticle #NganShunKau

Why's the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (FAPRC) playing nice to the US recently?

(10 Jul) Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held an seminar about framework of foreign affairs, including WANG Yi who was the former Vice Foreign Minister; all expressed soft and pleasure gesture to United Stated (US). It’s well-known that CCP was tricky on its foreign affairs communication, its attitude could reflect the shift of political benefit practically.

//It is only a strategic consideration of the timing to put a bet or observe for opportunity, which has no correlation with its country policy.

//Why CCP release an signal of compromised... nothing is happening in Hong Kong locally due to National Security legislation Law

//CCP forcedly imposes the Law without paying for painful price

//The most important thing for CCP now is to make US people to feel better, not to fight heavily against CCP.

//If US accepts these terms... it’s a win-win situation for both US and CCP if US Organizations are still staying and making money in Hong Kong.

//Yet, US would lost its propriety of defending universal value... more difficult to reunion other countries when coping with CCP in a long run.

//CCP is just playing US via its gimmick of unseeable soft and hard attitudes, to evaluate whether US is serious in fights with China

//If US is still having unrealistic hope on CCP, falling of empire region (US) would be the destination.

//requires our persistent belief to fight for the last

//US views National Security Law as its future relationship with CCP

Full Translation:

Source: Ngan, Shun-kau's Faceboook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#nationalsecuritylaw #foreignaffairs #US #China #wolfwarrior #diplomacy #FAPRC #onecountrytwosystems
Canada Abandons Free Trade Talk with China

Francois-Philippe Champagne, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister, pointed out in a recent newspaper interview that "the China of 2020 is not the China of 2016". The environment does not favour trade negotiations at the moment and Canada has decided to halt talks with China.

In 2016, state visits took place between the two nations renewing the China-Canada relations and starting trade talk. Since then, Canada arrested Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou while China imprisoned former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig and businessman Michael Spavor. China and Canada returned to a tense relationship. Champaign pointed out in the interview that his first mission was to bring the two Canadian citizens back. Trade negotiation was no longer worth continuing.

Being a member in G7, Canada continues to pressure China on human rights issues. Canada has since suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong since the National Security Law came into effect.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep19

#China #Canada #TradeNegotiation #FrancoisPhilippeChampagne #ForeignAffairs
Six Taiwanese Cities Listed Under China by Global Coalition. Taiwan Fought for Revision with EU's Help

The Brussels-based “Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy” had listed six cities, including Taipei and Kaohsiung, under "China" on its website, prompting protests from the Taiwan authorities and citizens of the six cities. Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that with the efforts of all parties, the coalition has made corrections and grouped the cities under "Chinese Taipei". Foreign Affairs also revealed that the European Union (EU) had helped correct the names. Reuters described Taiwan's victory as a rare one under increasing pressure from China.

The six Taiwanese cities named as belonging to China include Taipei, Kaohsiung, New Taipei City, Taoyuan, Tainan and Taichung. Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the six member cities issued joint statements protesting the issue. With EU's help, the coalition has reverted to its original designation of Chinese Taipei, a name Taiwan used in its membership application.

Source: StandNews #Sep28

#Taiwan #EU #ForeignAffairs #GlobalCovenantofMayorsforClimateAndEnergy
The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law; any individual who fails to cooperate with the countermeasures will be held accountable 
The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China closed today (10th June) in Beijing, according to the CCTV, the decision and proposal of Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law has passed during the meeting. Now, the proposal of Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law still has not published. European and American countries have been countered by Chinese government due to the issues of Xinjiang human rights, Hong Kong’s situation, and annunciation to sanction the Chinese and Hong Kong officials. According to the interview of Director Tian Feilong which podcasted by Now News, he described that proposal will be a “legal weapon” to counter external interference. And he said Hong Kong is necessarily to cooperate with the law, stated that after the law has been passed, it might be included in Annex III of Hong Kong’s basic law, or Hong Kong government may revise and formulate relevant local laws on its own. 
The Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law also sets out, the relevant departments of the State Council can take measures, including not issuing visas, not allowing the entry, log-outing visas or even deporting; sealing up, seizing, and freezing movable, immovable, and other various properties in China; and prohibit or restrict organisations and individuals in China from conducting transactions and cooperation with them, etc.  
Tian indicated, in the past, China faced sanctions mainly through the administrative measures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, which were limited to the economic and foreign trade areas of the original Ministry of Commerce and blocked them. The individual countermeasures announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are only administrative in nature. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the relevant legal system. He described the "Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law" as a "legal toolbox" to counter external interference, and to make countermeasures act in accordance with the law, forming a stronger law enforcement force. 
Source: Stand News #Jun10

#China #ForeignAffairs #Beijing #CCTV #Sanctions #HongKong #HumanRights #Xinjiang #Law #Visa #Deport  
More than 20 Diplomats in Beijing Calling China to Release the 2 Arrested Canadians;
China Criticizes Canada for “Gathering Nations and Confusing Right and Wrong”.

Canadian merchant Michael Spavor was being convicted of espionage by a Chinese court and sentenced to 11-year imprisonment. Canadian Foreign Minister Marc Garneau criticized the trial process as a sham trial, being unfair and Opaque.

Diplomats from more than 20 countries, including the United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and the EU, gathered at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing to show their supports. They urged to have a fair trial or a release of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized Canada for “gathering individual countries, disregarding the facts and confusing the right and wrong”.

Canadian Foreign Minister Marc Garneau stated in the live broadcast at CTV Television Network on August 11 that the sentence is a lack of fairness and transparency. He also indicated that “We are known that arbitrary detention of China and a sham trial with a lack of transparency and with an unreasonable judgement do not match the International Law”. He continued that the Canadian government was negotiating with Senior officials from China and the US, finding the solution to release both. However, Marc did not reveal any details.

Source: Stand News #Aug12

#Canada #China #Japan #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom #Australia #Germany #EU #Embassy #ShamTrial #Transparency #Unfairness #ForeignAffairs #MichaelKovrig #MichaelSpavor #MarcGarneau
The European Parliament’s Report Mentioned Macau Legislative Assembly DQ Incident, Urging China to Respect the Basic Law and the Joint-Declaration

The European Parliament passed the “A New EU-China Strategy” yesterday (16th) with 570 votes in favour, 61 against, and 40 abstentions. The report indicates that Macau, one after another, banned the hosting of Candlelight Vigil for the June 4 Massacre, media being forced to adopt pro-China editorial guidelines, disqualified a large amount of pro-democracy candidates in the Macau Legislative Assembly Election. The European Parliament urged China to respect “Macau Basic Law”, which is effective till 2049, and the “Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration”, which prohibit interference in an election and the operation of media.

Source: Stand News #Sep17

#China #Macau #EuropeParliament #ForeignAffairs #Diplomacy #NewEUChinaStrategy #June4th
China Rejected the German Frigate Bayern to Stay in Shanghai Harbour

Maria Adebahr, Spokesperson of the German Foreign Ministry, indicated, “China decided to reject Frigate Bayern entering the Shanghai harbour after consideration”.

Germany dispatched the Frigate Bayern to cruise in the South China Sea in early August. It is the first time for Germany to pass through the South China Sea in 20 years, where involves sovereignty disputes. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, German Defence Minister, said this action's target is to maintain international order, being consistent with Britain, the United States, Japan and other allies in the Indo-Pacific region. In March, she expressed her annoyance on Twitter about China’s military threats. She believed Germany should corporate where they can be corporated with China and oppose if unnecessary.

Source: Stand News #Sep16

#China #Shanghai #Germany #ForeignAffairs #FrigateBayern #SouthChinaSea #Twitter #UK #US #Japan #IndoPacificRegion