🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
IG: @BritonsHK
TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

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This year marks 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
For 75 years, the UDHR has defined our key rights and been a rallying cry for Human Rights Defenders all over the world.
 In #HumanRightsDay we join over 57 organisations in urging First Minister @HumzaYousaf to put #AllOurRights in law for everyone. Make the Universal Declaration a reality!

We hope @scotgov to listen to civil society concerns & make the Bill as strong as possible.

#HumanRights75 #AllOurRights

今年係《世界人權宣言》通過75周年。75年來,宣言 界定咗我哋嘅關鍵權利。

今年人權日,我哋連同57個蘇格蘭公民團體去信蘇格蘭首席大臣 Humza Yousaf,促請政府引入人權法案時,投入充分資源,包括但不限於保障殘疾人士、更包容的平等對待、改善弱勢支援等,並加強與公共機構合作,增加機構對人權法案嘅認知同逐步實施相關政策。


#國際人權日 #人權公約 #世界人權宣言 #生而平等 #首席大臣 #蘇格蘭政府

Letter to Scot Cabinet on Human Rights