🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
IG: @BritonsHK
TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

被封鎖,有其他建議可以聯絡 @windanz
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Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
【Street booth for Cities De-twinning in Glasgow】
<English below>

中共除了營運非法 #海外警署 外,他們仍然透過不同方式,於英國擴張自己的勢力,就如 #姊妹城市。不久前,曼城已經發生 #中國領使 #戰狼式襲擊 #和平示威者 事件。作為曾在香港經歷過 #中共打壓 人權的每一位,若然我們仍然對此無動於衷的話,情況只會變得更差。

在此我們誠邀一眾反共的朋友,到街站協助我們向本地人講述中共的可怕,並呼籲他們參與 #斷絕姊妹城市 聯署。

簽名聯署!Please sign the petition!

Apart from running illegal overseas police stations, #CCP has been using different ways to mount its hands over the UK, such as #CitiesTwinning. The recent incident in Manchester in which a #ChineseConsulate attacked a peaceful #HongKongProtester was yet another demonstration of China's over-aggressive diplomacy. As we have experienced CCP oppression, if we turn a blind eye and stay hushed to such brutality, the condition will only worsen.

We sincerely invite everyone to join us and help out in the upcoming booth, expose the viciousness of CCP, and urge Scottish locals to sign and support our petition on Cities De-twinning.

22 Nov 2022
Opposite the entrance of St. Enoch Subway Station G1 4DB
Forwarded from The Hong Kong Scots
8.31 Street Canvassing in Edinburgh

Date: 31 Aug 2023
Time: 12:30-14:00
Venue: Edinburgh High street, outside of St Giles Cathedral

我哋呢一班喺蘇格蘭嘅香港人嚟呢度生活快將三年。四年前喺香港嘅 #反送中運動,我哋堅持 #普世價值,捍衛民主同自由。之但係,喺英國將香港主權交俾中國嘅二十幾年後,我哋見到中國對人權、民主自由等等嘅承諾全部落空。


香港人總有一啲日子念念不忘。或者,你同我哋一樣見到呢啲畫面會傷感、難過。我哋帶住反送中運動嘅創傷,避秦蒞到英國。而作為前殖民地嘅公民,除咗蒞到體驗民主同自由嘅生活之外,更有義務向更多人講述過去幾年香港族群嘅種種經歷,我哋將會喺8月31日下晝,喺Edinburgh 街頭 展開 #街頭遊說:讓更多人了解香港情況的同時,呼籲每一位英國公民及同居民加入聯署,要求英國政府制裁違反 #中英聯合聲明 的香港公職人員。

義工報名 Be our volunteers

立即簽署 Sign now!

Graphic : 淋漓淋浪