🇬🇧Britons In Hong Kong🇬🇧 UK/BN(O) Front [Official Channel]
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A group of British Nationals who stand with British value, BN(O) rights and Hong Kong.
FB: @BritonsHK
IG: @BritonsHK
TG Channel: @BritonsHK

🌐BHK 英戰線 公海

被封鎖,有其他建議可以聯絡 @windanz
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【5 years ago today - 16 JUN 2019】
- The Civil Human Rights Front initiated the fourth protest against the amendment, proposing the "Five Demands," with "2 million + 1" people participating, making it the largest protest in Hong Kong's history.

- Citizens gathered outside Pacific Place to mourn Leung Ling-kit, who had recently fallen to his death.

- Carrie Lam issued a statement apologizing for the amendment but did not respond to the demands.

- 民陣發起反修例第四次遊行,提出「五大訴求」,有「200萬+1人」參與,屬香港史上最多人參加的遊行

- 市民到太古廣場外悼念早前墮樓身亡的梁凌杰

- 林鄭月娥發聲明就修例致歉,但未有回應訴求

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
- 民陣發起年度7.1遊行,屬第五次以反修例為主題的遊行,參與人數為55萬人

- 示威者凌晨已在立法會外聚集,把示威區的中國國旗換作 #黑紫荊旗,及後市民陸續抵達,佔領金鐘一帶

- 示威者下午開始 #衝擊立法會,用鐵籠車等撞向大樓玻璃。警方在立法會內戒備及高舉紅旗,與示威者對峙

- 警方晚上陸續撤退,示威者成功進入大樓,四處噴上示威字句,塗黑會議廳主席位上的特區區徽、豎起「#沒有暴徒祗有暴政」橫額、展示主權移交前的香港旗

- 示威者凌晨前全部離開大樓

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 9 JUL 2019】
Carrie Lam addressed the press, stating that the Extradition Law amendment is "dead," but she still refused to use the term "withdraw."

林鄭月娥見記者,指《逃犯條例》修訂已「壽終正寢」(the bill is dead),但仍拒用撤回字眼

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 14 JUL 2019】

- During the anti-extradition march in Sha Tin, protesters later confronted the police at various locations in the area.

- The police entered New Town Plaza to make arrests, leading to bloody clashes.


- 沙田反修例遊行,示威者及後在該區多處與警方對峙

- 警方進入新城市廣場作出拘捕,爆發流血衝突

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 27 JUL 2019】
Citizens participated in the "Reclaim Yuen Long" march, opposing the Yuen Long attacks and alleged police-triad collusion. Clashes erupted around Yuen Long MTR Station and nearby major roads.


#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #721元朗 #光復元朗 #追新聞 #TheChaser