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#眾新聞 #CitizenNews

【12港人案】關注組:兩未成年港人神情呆滯 避談關押內地看守所細節

// 關注組成員鄒家成表示,本港入境處致電家屬,解釋由於不知道10位港人在內地被囚押的位置,未能夠為家屬提供探訪方面的協助。但鄒家成質疑入境處的說法,指被判囚7個月的其中8名港人,很大機會會繼續被關押在鹽田看守所,「入境處如果有心提供協助,就應該去了解鹽田看守所的探監程序。」 //

#陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #HKPolice #OwenChow #ChowKaShing #Immigration #ImmigrationDept
中方反制 BNO 英國外交部:失望但不意外 約翰遜發言人:港人可持其他文件抵英


#約翰遜 #英港同行 #避風港 #移民 #BorisJohnson #SafeHabour #Immigration #countermeasure #NonRecognition #BNO
2020 年逾萬港人獲台灣居留許可 創近 30 年新高

自 2019 年香港爆發反送中運動,政局動盪,加上《港區國安法》去年 6 月底實施,加速新一輪「移民潮」,而鄰近的台灣成為不少港人移居選項。台灣移民署數字顯示2020 年,高達 10,813 名港人獲台灣居留許可,較 2019 年升近九成,數字同時創過去 30 年新高 ...

#Immigration #Taiwan #ResidencePermit #StatisticReport
【專訪加拿大駐港領事 ‧ 上】推救生艇計劃 南傑瑞:不會拒絕因示威、國安法被控的香港年輕人

【專訪加拿大駐港領事 ‧ 下】南傑瑞:港府迫加籍囚犯選國籍 做法不公平 憂加籍港人從此失領事服務

#Canada #Immigration #移民 #LifeboatScheme #救生艇 #Protesters #HKyouths
大律師公會:限制離港權力不受約束 令人不安

#入境條例 #限制離港 #HKBA #HKBarAssociation #Immigration #AmendmentBill #DepartureRestriction #TravelBan
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CCP and its #wumaos love to say "留島不留人", meaning they'd like to take full control of Hong Kong but as far as they're concerned, #HKers can get the f*ck out. They've been saying that for many years. We love #HongKong, and most of us wouldn't thought about leaving our beloved home if the danger of being persecuted, locked up forever under some made-up "national security" crime isn’t so imminent. Now, thanks to democratic countries like 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇨🇦, it seems that we have some lifeboats and can finally do what CCP has been telling us to do, to get out of #HK, the lunatic #XiJinping wants to ban us from leaving.
#UK #Australia #Canada #lifeboat #immigration #immigrationban #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
So many news about #CCP’s new and grand plans for #HongKong these days... the irony is Hong Kong had a perfectly functional system with adequate checks and balances, it would have worked like autopilot without any meddling. But paranoid, micro-managing and incompetent scums in Beijing thought they can do a better job, and charged into the china shop like a bull and end up breaking everything.
#china #npc #nationalpeoplescongress #hyundai #meme #hk #election #immigration #car #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
TOMORROW!!! // Long story short: an immigration ordinance amendment that will give the government (aka #CCP) power to stop anyone from leaving #HongKong will be submitted to the #LegislativeCouncil for second reading. As all pro-democracy #lawmakers have been arrested / disqualified, #LegCo is now a rubberstamp and it is unlikely for the amendment to be blocked.
#HK #china #immigration #travelban #english #diyms #meme