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When investigating for the truth becomes a crime now...

RTHK producer and former chairlady of the RTHK Programme Staff Union, Bao Choy was arrested for making the Hong Kong Connection programme: “7.21 Who Owns the Truth”

#撐記者 #新聞自由 #濫捕 #濫權 #政治執法 #黑警死全家 #港共死清光 #ENGLISH
Hong Kong crackdown on dissent, from the passing of the National Security Law at the end of June to the jailing of Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam on Dec 2

#timeline #English #毋忘 #國安法 #共匪 #港共死清光 #法治已死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失
Our 2nd regular report on NSL! Covering the 3rd to 5th month (Sep to Nov 2020) since the promulgation of the law, the report summarised all arrests and charges made under the law. AND

It is of our particular concern that, there're 7 non-NSL cases are being investigated by the National Security Department of the HKPF - which specifically established to enforce the NSL. AND!!!!!

The handling of Tam Tak-chi's case - the DOJ requested the case to be heard by a NSL designated judge while the charges are made under an archaic sedition law, had caused confusion over the established court procedure and relevant policy.

Full report:

民權觀察 Civil Rights Observer
Twitter @HK_CRO

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #CivilRightsObserver #DOJ #TamTakChi #PoliticalPersecution #PoliceState #港共死清光 #共匪 #國安法 #法治已死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓
政府亂封佐敦資訊混亂 記者被困受限區域唔准採訪
#獨立媒體 :

獨媒記者留疫區被禁足 警尾隨阻採訪、警告或票控

#佐敦封區 林鄭唔覺擾民:已經相對重視俾居民有一定活動

*不同意「封區」做法擾民 ——「我哋喺香港做抗疫已經係相對重視俾呢個城市、俾居民有一定活動。」
*指市民唔覺難受 ——「我都問佢覺唔覺呢兩日好難受,佢哋都話可以接受。」
*封區「唔係做一次」,將檢討公佈時間 ——「係咪下次當市民一收到風,就要稍為早啲公佈行動細節?」
*抗疫一年盡心盡力,不會因抨擊而氣餒 ——「從來唔會因人哋覺得我哋做得唔好而氣餒,因為咁樣會影響軍心。」

#武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #禍港正苦 #柒婆落地獄 #林鄭死全家 #港共死清光 #WuahnVirus #WuhanCoronavirus #Lockdown #UniversalTest #CompulsoryVirusTest #CovidTest #HKPolice #PressFreedom #CarrieLam