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In November 2019, #HongKong was shocked by how the unscrupulous police stormed a university campus with teargas and bullets. News of the the attack on #CUHK did not only shake the entire city, but also brought back traumatic memories of #TiananmenMassacre, how 30 years ago, armed soldiers gunned down students fighting for #democracy. According to a phone-in programme on 881903 after the #DistrictCouncil election later in the same month, many first time voters cast their ballots against the pro-#Beijing councillors because they were astounded by the CUHK, and later #PolyU siege.
#HK #university #standwithhongkong #china #CCP
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
"The growing international willingness to condemn the Chinese government forced it to respond,” the report said. We all have a part to play. Even if our power as individuals is small, but together we can make changes!
#ccp #humanrights #china #tiananmenmassacre #uyghurs #xinjiang #tibet #innermongolia #hongkong #hk #freespeech #concentrationcamps #covid #chenqiushi #liwenliang #zhangzhan #english #diyms
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The only way #CCP deals with its shameful history - erasing it and silencing everyone who talks about it.
#TiananmenSquare #TiananmenMassacre #PillarofShame #JensGalschiot #HKU #GoddessofDemocracy #CUHK #LingnanUniversity
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The words "Beijing" and "protests" conjure up traumatic images. We hope all these students are safe...
PS. you will notice that I put 33rd instead of 33th this time. 😉
#ccp #beijing #tiananmen #tiananmenmassacre #china

維園的燭光,曾是香港言論自由、集會自由的重要象徵。回望過去 34 年,燭光集會由最少 3.5萬人出席,到最多有逾 18萬人參與,主題由跨越九七,到抗威權、人民不會忘記。

由 1990年至2019年,支聯會每年都會在維園舉行六四燭光集會。2019 年是支聯會最後一次在維園舉行六四燭光集會,當年的集會主題是「人民不會忘記 — 平反六四!公義必勝」。當時政府推出逃犯條例修訂草案,引起市民對「送中」憂慮,當晚有 18 萬人出席燭光集會、是雨傘運動以來新高。


#六四 #維園 #六四燭光 #Tiananmen #TiananmenMassacre #六四燭光 #薪火相傳

報導:集誌社 👉