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"In every age, among the people, truth is the property of the national cause." It has been a difficult few days for all #HongKongers to see #AppleDaily persecuted and picked apart and finally murdered in public, and all of a sudden another July is upon us. Remembering our history and staying true to what we believe in is never more important than now. #CCP can destroy our newspapers, ban our protests, imprison our representatives because they have guns and tanks, but they cannot rob us of the truth, our history and beliefs.
Anyone who loves #HongKong is bound to feel depressed, but please do remember that you are not alone and many people, in #HK and overseas support us! Talk to a friend, and even cry it all out if it helps!
#FrantzFanon #China #july #history #hkhistory #hongkonghistory #hkprotest #english #diyms
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With #China rapidly becoming #NorthKorea, how can anyone, any government still believe that befriending #CCP is a profitable enterprise?! You are witnessing the rise of a Fascist regime, the more elaborate the propaganda, the more insecure the party actually is. What power do you have against #XiJinping? Tell your government, with letters, votes, protests that you refuse to be the accomplice of a human rights oppressor. #Decouple now!!
#history #fascism #meme #spongebob #english #diyms
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There are good reasons why #Baltic countries, especially Lithuania - standing up for their values recently against #CCP - are places that #hongkonger want to turn their city into.
#Lithuania maybe far away and not as powerful as many other nations, but we cannot belittle this little country, especially with the courage they shown.
#history #taiwan #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #diplomacy #bravo #english #diyms
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#ccp #china overtaken #japan! Wooohooo 🥳
Given all the #history between #Korea and Japan I guess it’s probably not that easy … good job china 🙃
#southkorea #youth #hate #meme #wwii #japanese #korean #chinese #english
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Once may think #history cannot be altered - but the truth is that history is so often #rewritten.
While the #regime is working hard to promote alternated fact - we must continue to preserve and tell the truth. Thanks @te_papa in #newzealand.
#ccp #china #hongkong #standwithhongkong #bewater #museum #lennonwall #english #diyms
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'The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.' - #MilanKundera.
Literal #MinistryofTruth here. The reason why #CCP is so dead set on distorting the history of #TiananmenSquare? Because it is its greatest sore spot. The entire world witnessed a massacre, but the tyrant is simply incapable of admitting that it has done something horrible and wrong.
#China #Tiananmen #tankman #history #georgeorwell #junefourth
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After the attacks on #CUHK and #PolyU, the entire population of #HongKong was traumatized and exhausted. The violent images from the week before led was one of the major factors leading to those running against pro-CCP candidates in the #DistrictCouncil elections - most of whom are now in prison, in exile, or simply disqualified. The puppet govt had effectively staged a coup through arbitrary "laws" to get rid of these popularly elected people's representatives, in the last free district level election in #HK.
World, heed the warning of those besieged by the CCP in a university campus.
#China #Beijing #PolyUsiege #CUHKsiege #november #hkhistory #history
Post on ig @rehk_neverforget

//1842 年,清政府割讓香港島;1860 年,清政府再割讓九龍;1898 年,英國租借新界 99 年。中共成立於 1949 年 10 月 1 日,亦即單計中共立國前,香港島已係英國殖民地 107 年;九龍 89 年;新界已租借咗 51 年。香港殖民地歷史,比中共建國更加久遠。//

#香港歷史 #history #殖民地 #七一 #回歸 #港英政府 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #抹不走歷史 #洗腦教育 #篡改歷史 #britishhongkong #hongkonghistory #erasinghistory