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#鏗鏘集 #周梓樂 #RTHK #BaoChoy #ChoyYukLing #AlexChow #ChowTszLok #CoronerInquest
Can RTHK Retain Its Independence?

Over the past year, RTHK has faced increasing government pressure to promote national unity and axe controversial programmes.

Tiffany Liang asks: Can the public broadcaster retain its independence?

Source : The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong

#RTHK #港台 #FCCHK #KeithRichburg #BaoChoy #ChoyYukLing #CarLicenceSearch #CarPlateSearch #ArbitraryArrest #YuenLongTerrorAttack #PressFreedom #FreePress #新聞自由
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
"Hong Kong has long been a beacon for press freedom in Asia, but the media has faced increasing restrictions in the territory in recent years," wrote #FT. Wow, that's an under-statement. During 2019's protests, journalists had been pepper-sprayed and shot, and now the violent crackdown extends on the institutional level too. #RTHK had held on for as long as it did, as its chief broadcaster has been replaced by a yes-man, it's more important now than ever to read news with a critical mind.
#CCP #China #meme #broadcast #YuenLongAttack #WHO #ChoyYukling #LeungKawing #NabelaQoser #YvonneTong #English #meme

案件今日(24 日)在西九龍裁判法院開審。控方表示毋須傳召證人,並在庭上讀出運輸署職員供詞。法庭又播放全集《鏗鏘集:7.21 誰主真相》,以證明被告的申請用途與交通無關。

#立場新聞 相關報道:

#BaoChoy #ChoyYukLing #RTHK #HongKongConnection #CarLicenceSearch #CarPlateSearch #ArbitraryArrest #YuenLongTerrorAttack #PressFreedom #FreePress
【港台編導蔡玉玲被控虛假陳述查冊表證成立 下月 22 日裁決】

#立場新聞 報道:

港台《鏗鏘集》元朗 7.21 專題編導蔡玉玲,去年因查車牌被控兩項「為取得道路交通條例下的證明書而作出虛假陳述」罪,案件今(24 日)於西九龍裁判法院開審。控方無傳召證人,僅讀出運輸署職員供詞,並播放全集《鏗鏘集:7.21 誰主真相》,以證明被告的申請用途與交通無關。辯方則指涉案車輛涉嫌運載施襲者及武器到現場,本案直接牽涉車輛使用,故查冊目的明顯與交通有關。

主任裁判官徐綺薇裁定案件表證成立,蔡玉玲不自辯亦不傳召證人。控辯雙方完成結案陳詞,裁判官押後案件至 4 月 22 日下午裁決,蔡玉玲以原有條件保釋。

#BaoChoy #ChoyYukLing #RTHK #HongKongConnection #CarLicenceSearch #CarPlateSearch #ArbitraryArrest #YuenLongTerrorAttack #PressFreedom #FreePress
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Again, #CCP's ambition extends far beyond #HongKong, #Taiwan, it aims at the dominating global politics. #HK is an example of how fast and ugly things will crumble under #Beijing's orders, the world should not take their freedom and rights for granted but keep their eyes open to threats.
#BaoChoy #ChoyYukling #PressFreedom #EuropeanUnion #EU #freedomofpress #YuenLong #English #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
They don't even bother to hide it anymore. New #HongKong: if you're pro-establishment, you can do whatever you want, the police, the lawmakers, the judiciary, everyone will cover for you. If you have a problem with this, be damned.
#meme #doublestandard #BaoChoy #ChoyYukling #pressfreedom #freedomofpress #takungpao #hk #hongkong #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There’s no logic in Hong Kong Police Force’s actions. They smeared the victims as the guilty party. The first person convicted in relation to 721 is #ChoyYukling, a journalist who made a documentary uncovering the truth about the attackers. Now #LamCheukting is charged for rioting.

#yuenlongattack #721 #721yuenlongterroristattack #honkong #standwithhongkong #fightforfreedom