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As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too

// The discovery could thrust one of the world’s most valuable internet companies into the storm of international condemnation surrounding China’s treatment of its Muslim minorities //


#Chinazi #CCP #China #Uyghur #Alibaba #AlibabaCloud #Surveillance #FacialRecogniation #Genocide #OlympicGames #BoycottBeijing2022
【屯門紅樓多塊紀念碑被塗漆、旗桿被拆除 麥業成:等同消滅民國歷史 / #立場報道

位於屯門中山公園、國父孫中山辛亥革命遺址「紅樓」,日前被發現多塊紀念碑被塗上油漆,包括「廣慈博愛」基石下的四塊紀念碑、桄榔樹前紀念碑,同時銅像前的青天白日滿日紅旗旗桿亦被拆下。一直關注紅樓的元朗區議會副主席麥業成相信是 2016 年購入該址的中國商人所為,又斥行為等同消滅中華民國歷史,對此感到可惜。

#Elimination #History #Heritage #SenseOfIdenity #SenseOfBelongings #CCP #Chinazi #屯門 #中華民國 #消滅歷史 #紅樓 #共匪 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP
Pompeo calls for release of 10 jailed HK activists

// US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday called for the immediate release of 10 Hong Kong activists who were sentenced to between seven months and three years in jail by a Chinese court.

"The United States strongly condemns the Shenzhen courts actions and calls for the ten members of the group who were sentenced to jail terms to be immediately and unconditionally released," Pompeo said in a statement. (Reuters) //

#陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #HKPolice #CCP #Chinazi #US #Pompeo
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#CCP is using one a dirty tactic: deforming an idea. By asking public office holders to pledge allegiance to the Basic Law, it focuses on articles that stipulates #HongKong as a part of #China, and leaves out those that guarantees #HongKongers' constitutional rights such as freedom of speech and press. Likewise, by demanding office holders to uphold "One Country, Two Systems", it focuses solely on the interest of itself, and neglects all privileges and rights #HongKongers should enjoy in a free and capitalist system.
"Holding everybody in public service to their legal obligations is one thing; but it is something else entirely to essentially attempt to purge everybody from any branch of government that holds and expresses a different viewpoint from that of the government," said Amnesty International's China team.
#China #pledge #oath #nazi #chinazi #hitler #xijinping #TatCheng #TiffanyYuen #LesterShum #FergusLeung #DQ #disqualification #english #diyms
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History is repeating. #XiJinping is doing what a tyrant always do, massacres and expansion, are you going to react as a hero or a coward?
#CCP #China #Xitler #hitler #chinazi #meme #spiderman
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Sometimes I feel like CCP is begging people to call it Chinazi. I mean, they literally copy and pasted the concentration camps from the history books, and now mirroring that phrase? Well done? 🙄

#CCP #China #Chinazi #Holocaust #GlobalTimes #Taiwan #genocide
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Hmm Halloween is around the corner … came across anything scary yet? Have you read/listen to the accounts of forced labour, torture, rape and genocide in Xinjiang China? That tops the list.

#CCP #China #xinjiang #uyghurgenocide #concentrationcamp #chinazi #stopuyghurgenocide
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This is great news!
But you know what's greater? France boycotting the 2022 Beijing Olympics!

Back in Dec 2021: Macron said such a move “insignificant”- if it's so useless, why don't you do it? Surely that will send a message.

#stopUyghurgenocide #ccp #China #NoRightsNoGames #Olympics #NoBeijing2022 #2022BeijingOlympics #Genocide #Chinazi #France #TheNetherlands #US #Canada
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From concentration/re-education camps to hosting the Olympics, is CCP copying Naiz's playbook?

#CCP #Chinazi #stopuyghurgenocide #NoRightsNoGames #Beijing2022 #2022BeijingOlympics #meme