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Forwarded from 香港抗爭回憶藝術
Save 12 HK Youths, acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

Today is 100th day since #12HKYouth have been abducted to #China. They were abducted by mainland authorities at sea on August 23, 2020 when trying to escape to Taiwan. They haven't been seen ever since. The 9 who have helped them are also arrested.

Channel link --> @HKRevolutionArt

#12港人 #Save12HKYouth #釋放十二 #光復香港時代革命 #光復香港 #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong
#香港加油 #五大訴求 #五大訴求缺一不可 #fivedemands #FiveDemandsNotOneLess #StandWithHK
警方「清算」初選,今日展開大搜捕行動,警務處國安公署高級警司李桂華今日下午見記者稱,今日動員 1000 名警員,拘捕 53 人,包括 45 男 8 女,年齡介乎23 至 64 歲,指控他們干犯《港區國安法》顛覆國家政權罪。

李桂華指出,被捕的 6 人涉「組織策劃初選」,47 人涉「參與初選」,期間搜查 72 處地方,凍結 160 萬港元,不排除再有人被捕。

他又指出,向 4 傳媒機構發物料提交令索取資料,不涉採訪資料「議員係可以否定法案甚至財政預算,但佢個目標絕對不應該,為咗推翻政府、阻礙政權…我可以俾個例子大家,有一個人揸車去打劫,揸車無問題,但佢後尾原來去打劫,咁就係犯法。」

警動員 1000 人拘 53 人 李桂華:否決預算案令政府停擺「唔得」 不會查投票市民

李桂華稱搜民研為邀請助查非拘捕 向傳媒發「交出令」:呢個階段當係證人

#初選 #大搜捕 #候選人 #被捕 #國安法 #法治已死 #法治死完再死 #兩制已亡 #自治全失 #政治打壓 #港共落地獄 #天滅中共 #光復香港 #Primaries #Election #PrimaryElection #Candidate #MassArrest #ArbitraryArrest #PoliticalPersecution #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #Subversion #SubversionOfState #LegCo #PORI #survey


Credit: IG @uryuhirano #平野雨龍
photo @studioincendohk

##香港デモ #香港情勢 #光復香港 #太子駅 #元朗駅 #抗爭歷史 #毋忘 #回帶 #timeline #2019年


Credit: IG @uryuhirano #平野雨龍
photo @studioincendohk

##香港デモ #香港情勢 #光復香港 #国安法 #抗爭歷史 #毋忘 #回帶 #timeline #2020年 #蘋果日報 #AppleDaily
🚨14 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

This week, we will be featuring political prisoners in Hong Kong who were persecuted for following their conscience.

Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) former convener Figo Chan is currently serving 30 months in prison for organizing several peaceful protest marches in 2019 and 2020. He stated his belief in civil disobedience in court.

Post by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp

#humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
Protest March Rally from Golden Gate Bridge to Chinese Consulate on February 3rd, 2022, Thursday starting from morning 10.00 a.m against “NO BEIJING OLYMPIC 2022”. We the organizing team request and urge everyone to take part and PLEDGE NOT TO WATCH OLYMPICS.

#iWillNotWatch #nobeijing2022 #nobeijingolympic2022 #NoRightsNoGames #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港

Post by @hksfbayarea @sfrtyc @ushongkongersclub @students4hk