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CCP is painting #HongKong red bit by bit. We don’t want to see your giant ugly propaganda China! Ew!

#ccp #china #simplifiedchinese #mainland #diyms #english #cantonese #traditionalchinese #propaganda
早前史丹福大學以疫情下預算緊絀為理由,喺上年12月起唔再同校內唯一一位教授廣東話班超過21年嘅講師張錫莉博士(Sik Lee Dennig ph.D.)續約。其後喺超過3000名師生、校外學者聯署後,校方終於回應大家嘅訴求,並承諾下個學期開辦兩個廣東話課程。

張錫莉博士除咗係校內唯一一位教授廣東話班超過21年嘅講師之外,佢仲係史丹福大學校友。當得知佢不獲續約嘅消息之後,耶魯大學公共衛生助理教授Jamie Tam、中文系博士四年級生Maciej Kurzynski、以及人類學博士一年級生Jocelyn Lee就發起聯署,希望爭取廣東話課程可以長久地延續落去;佢哋表示當初聽到呢個消息之後,感到「痛心」、「震驚」;而以前讀過呢個課程嘅Jamie更指,呢個課程可以話係影響一生,因為呢個課程令佢同祖母、同埋傳統可以重新連結。



資料來源:The Stanford Daily
Posted by #100毛

The Stanford Daily
Thousands petition Stanford to ‘save’ Cantonese program, renew sole lecturer’s contract
By Cameron Ehsan

#史丹福大學 #廣東話 #語文學習 #語言文化
#StanfordUniversity #Cantonese #Language #Culture #Heritage
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Probably little known that there is a “International Mother Language Day” .... but it’s today!
As HKers, we are pound of our language and we must not let it disappear!
#cantonese #hongkong #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #internationalmotherlanguageday #protectcantonese #language #dialect #chinese #fuckccp #boycottchina #english #diyms #meme
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TLDR: Every time you think it can't get worse in #HongKong, #XiJinping says you're wrong.
Basically, not only are the directly elected seats in #LegislativeCouncil drastically reduced, #CCP is also going to establish a "review committee" to screen out candidates they do not approve. Not only do pro-democracy politicians stand miniscule chance to win the election, they can't even run in the election.
A bunch of old f*rts in #Beijing who don't speak #Cantonese, who have probably never eaten curry fishballs or egg tarts, are now setting up an "election with Hong Kong characteristics". LMAO. Based on track records, "socialism with Chinese characteristics" is capitalism (somewhat), "democracy with Chinese characteristics" is dictatorship. Well, I won't insult your intelligence by spelling out what "elections with Hong Kong characteristics" created by Xitler is.
#nationalpeoplescongress #npc #election #LegCo #electioncommittee #chiefexecutive #english #diyms
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July 1st was the day we marched and voiced out our opinion about social issues, political issues and general desire of wanting our Hong Kong to become better.
Not anymore.
When tyranny arrives - we have responsibility to fight back!
#standwithhongkong #ccp100 #july1st #hongkong #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #tyranny #ccp #ccpchina #ccpliedpeopledied #english #cantonese #chinese #diyms
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Maintaining and solidifying a #HongKong identity wouldn’t be an easy task overseas (and even locally tbh, with #CCP wanting so badly to kill it). Language is an important apparatus of #identity, and #HKers creativity and will to pull their weight is another!
Cantonese speakers: we urge you to take a look at this site and work on it together too!
#Cantonese #HK #language #crowdsource #english #diyms
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Language is the way a nation, an imagined community physically manifests its bond. #CCP wants to break this bond between #HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, #Mongolians through cleansing our language, we must fight back.
Give @gongjyuhok a follow on Instagram to receive updates on the status of the Cantonese language!
Also, there is an interesting Time Out article sharing Cantonese slangs you must know. Give it a read - it tells you a lot about the character of #HongKongers!
#SaveCantonese #imaginedcommunity #hongkong #language #cantonese #identity
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What really tells you the complete failure of the #HongKong administration? Not even the hospital beds pushed out in public when it's 10 degrees, but when the public having to safe themselves by adhering to guidelines prepared by another country for their people. When your people no longer listen to anything you say, what really are you?
Urgh maybe anyone who has read this #Cantonese instructions prepared by the #NHS has broken the "#nationalsecuritylaw".
#CCP #China