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Forwarded from 香港抗爭回憶藝術
"中大保衛戰"和"理大圍城"一周年了! 這是我為勇武創造的音樂和繪畫,是我對他們最深的敬意! It is a year since the Siege of multiple HK Universities by Police. These are the art I have created to honor the young people who have fought bravely to defend their universities!
音樂是摘錄自我的"香港狂想曲", 這部分描繪"中大保衛戰"和"理大圍城", 聽聽我如何將"願榮光歸香港"變奏為戰鬥音樂!我接下來為香港抗爭的籌款活動將包括出售我的Music Album, 這是音樂專輯中的樂曲之一 , 詳細信息將快宣布。

#CUHK #中大保衛戰 #中大二號橋戰役 #理大圍城 #PolyU #理大 #理大保衛戰 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #中大 #光復香港時代革命

Channel link--->@HKRevolutionArt
現被關在拘留所的周庭獲選入 2020 BBC 百大女性榜。BBC 100 Women 2020 榜旨在慶祝來自全球有開拓性,有啟發性和有影響力的女性。

BBC指15歲就開始投入社運的周庭是2014年雨傘運動的關鍵人物。今年她被指控「勾結外國勢力」,成為其中一名因國安法被捕的社運人士。被捕保釋後,大家對她的支持有增無減。她的支持者更給她起了一個綽號 “花木蘭”。


#周庭 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #FreeHK #freehongkong #FreeAgnes
Media is too big
#平野鈴子 // 周庭氏の収監を受けて在日香港人が伝えたい事

Stand with HK@JPNのケン @kenken_1999 が周庭氏収監に対して自分の意見を述べました。是非見て下さい。在日香港人活動家のケンの応援を宜しくお願い致します。

#HKProtest #PoliceState #黃之鋒 #周庭 #林朗彥 #沒有暴徒只有暴政 #國際戰線 #FreeAgnes #StandWithJoshua #StandWithIvan #FreeHK #freehongkong #日本語 #video

The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating daily. Unfortunately, this has been predictable for decades due to the transfer of Hong Kong’s sovereignty to such a tyrannical regime that has been killing and bullying so many people and smaller nations. Yet it seems unfathomable that the world is still willing to trade with the devil.

Yes, there are many war-torn countries in the world that appear to be worse in terms of outwardly physical violence and corruption, but what is happening in Hongkong is an insidious rot, control of people and government sponsored stripping away of people’s rights and freedoms. Hong Kong was once a great city-State, and it is now become such a terrible prison with secret detentions and deportations to China. This should not be ignored by the civilised world.

By @ladykyliehk
#FightForFreedom #FreeHongKong #沒有暴徒只有暴政