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今晚好多人做 #The2MillionMarch_616 任務,
唔好俾佢停, 而家喺歐美仲係 6.16, 我哋仲可以繼續推!

#16JUN #國際線 #二百萬 #twitter #twitter戰線
目標:將 #The2MillionMarch_616 推上Twitter worldwide trend
時間:GMT+8 (HKT) 21:00 開始

1. 自選合適既相片/影片/文字/歌曲
2. 自行配上外語caption
3. 一定要 #The2MillionMarch_616
4. 盡like+Retweet+comment手足既post


Twitter 戰線要人呀!

#save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #外國勢力 #Twitter #國際線 #ENGLISH
Media is too big
3 years ago one of the most brutal police suppressions during the whole movement has taken place. Since then, the number 612's got a special meaning. We'd like to briefly talk about how the situation in HK has changed in the following video:

Post on IG @hongkongersingermany
#612三週年 #國際線 #german
#威權統治 兩年下的香港工運
HK Union Movement under two yerar of #authoritarian rule

香港工會運動在過去 #國安法 實施兩年來面對前所未有的挑戰,儘管現時政治氣氛令人窒息,但工人反抗剝削的Q抗爭並無終止,留任的組織者承受著巨大的心理壓力,仍然有工人有意願和能力自行組織起來爭取權益,他們需要我們的聲援,將他們的聲音帶到國際。

Hong Kong’s independent trade union movement face unprecedented suppression under the Hong Kong National Security Law (#NSL). However, Hong Kong’s courageous labour #activists are still experimenting innovative ways standing up for their rights. Let their voices be heard. Amplify their voices across the world.

Full report:
IG @HKLabourRights

#香港勞權監察 #HKLabourRights #國際線
#海外港人 #國安法 #NationalSecurityLaw #LabourRights #TradeUnion