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「新冠疫苗臨牀事件評估專家委員會」傍晚見記者,公布有第 7 宗打完科興疫苗後死亡個案,死者是 63 歲男子,3 月9 日打完疫苗,翌日急性中風入院,到 3 月 15 日離世。

專家委員會指,至今 7 宗打科興疫苗後死亡個案,都和疫苗無直接關係。


2021.03.13 #立場新聞
【接種科興後再增 2 死】


本港開始接種武漢肺炎疫苗以來,已先後出現多宗不良反應及死亡事件。衞生署今日(13 日)晚上公布,再增 2 名分別 80 歲男子,及 67 歲男子接種科興疫苗後死亡,二人均有糖尿病、高血壓等病史,至今累計已有 6 人在接種科興疫苗後死亡。另外,今日亦新增一名 63 歲男子,在接種科興疫苗後急性中風,病人 3 月 9 日接種疫苗,翌日已開始身體虛弱,直至今日情況轉差往醫院求醫,現時情況危殆,在深切治療部接受治療。

#科興 #Sinovac #Vaccine #Vaccination #CommunityVaccinationCentre #death #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus
「新冠疫苗臨牀事件評估專家委員會」傍晚見記者,公布有第 7 宗打完科興疫苗後死亡個案,死者是 63 歲男子,3 月9 日打完疫苗,翌日急性中風入院,到 3 月 15 日離世。

專家委員會指,至今 7 宗打科興疫苗後死亡個案,都和疫苗無直接關係。


2021.03.13 #立場新聞
接種科興後離世者曾急性中風 梁卓偉:或疫苗佐劑致發炎 崔俊明:僅滅活疫苗加入佐劑

4 人打科興後死亡 梁卓偉:不敢斬釘截鐵與疫苗無關 需檢視血栓症影響

本港現時逾 16 萬人接種武漢肺炎疫苗,至今錄得 4 宗接種科興疫苗後死亡個案,有市民離世前曾急性中風,但暫未確定是否與疫苗有關。政府專家顧問,港大醫學院院長梁卓偉今日(13 日)指,若中風與疫苗有關,可能是由於疫苗內有「佐劑」,令已患有心血管疾病病人產生炎症反應,導致急性血栓現象。醫院藥劑師學會會長崔俊明則向《立場》解釋,指佐劑多用於加強滅活疫苗引起的免疫反應,科興疫苗內亦有加入佐劑。但梁卓偉及崔俊明都認為,仍需審視死亡個案的解剖報告及背景數據等,現時不能判斷與疫苗有否間接或直接關係。

#科興 #Sinovac #Vaccine #Vaccination #CommunityVaccinationCentre #death #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus #GabrielLeung
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TLDR: no one trusts chinese vaccine 👽👽👽
Logically speaking, the number of people that died/has adverse event is clearly statistically insignificant, and those who died are generally of high risk.

Nonetheless it’s clear that citizens’ distrust of the CCP and the HK government is so high that people would rather not take the vaccine.

There’s a handful of covid vaccines available, why would anyone with a sane mind take CCP’s if there’s a choice? Will you?
#CCP #china #HongKong #Sinovac #COVID19 #coronavirus #covid #vaccine #Eminem #meme #hkers
政府公布,昨日(15 日)共有 11 宗接種疫苗後送院個案,包括一名 61 歲男子,在接種荔枝角公園體育館接種中心,接種 #復必泰 #疫苗 後出現中風情況,他於下午被送往瑪嘉烈醫院,現正留醫,情況穩定。他亦是本港首宗接種復必泰後中風個案。

#立場新聞 報道全文:

#BioNTech #FosunPharma #復星醫藥
#Vaccine #Vaccination #stroke #CommunityVaccinationCentre #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus
A Rebuttal to Klaus Schwab's Article on the Covid-19 Crisis By Chris MacIntosh
Capitalist Exploits

World Economic Forum (21-24 Sept 2020)
Sustainable Development Impact Summit - Realizing a 'Great Reset' for Sustainable Development

Dangerous Marxist leaders call for 'The Great Reset' to destroy capitalism

#BillGates #KlausSchwab #Vaccine #Vaccination #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus #Communism #KarlMarx
立法會議員、新民黨主席葉劉淑儀周三(24 日)出席印度媒體舉辦的視像會議,因不滿會上台灣代表,前台灣國防部長蔡明憲多次提到「武漢肺炎」,及稱台灣為「一個國家」,離場抗議。

昨(26 日)獲國台辦辦言人朱鳳蓮點名稱讚,指葉劉「當場即進行有力批駁,表達了正義之聲」…

#立場新聞 相關報道:

'Wuhan virus' and the travails of being a pro-China Hong Kong lawmaker

WION Global Summit 2021 | Pro-China lawmaker walks out during live discussion | Dubai Summit

#WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #Covid #ReginaIp #IpLauSukYee #Taiwan #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus #fxxkCCP
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
"Beijing's influence on the investigation will be hard to shake." Did anyone forget how #CCP promised to let #WHO investigation team in #China but then attempted to ban them from entering the country? The WHO team are forbidden to talk to any doctors and journalists who are not endorsed by #Beijing. Anyone forgot how CCP refused to hand over raw data to the WHO team? Is anyone really surprised that this fact-finding mission failed to draw a conclusion on #COVID origins?
#coronavirus #pandemic #english #diyms #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Smearing other countries won’t make China better. Wake up dumb asses.

#CCP #China #COVID #coronavirus #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
So damn confusing. Can’t we just call them by where we first discovered them?! Stating the originating place of a virus or its variant =/= being discriminatory. It’s just a fact!!
#covid #variant #wuhanvirus #coronavirus #spongebob #meme #english #diyms #ccp #china
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Even former chief of MI6 is saying this lol.

Quoting from the man: “This is why scientific analysis is now so important because although that can’t prove the case 100 per cent, the thorough biochemical analysis puts the weight of evidence to this being a man-made lab experiment, a natural virus that has been enhanced.”

And perhaps this is why China is smearing other countries when comes to phase 2 investigation.

Swipe for his hilarious comment over WHO.

#CCP #China #COVID19 #wuhan #coronavirus #meme #diyms #english
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Predictable response from CCP China again :)

A quote from Chinese Health Official:
The proposal “disrespect for common sense and arrogance towards science”.

We all know who is disrespectful and arrogant here ;)
Swipe for older posts
#WHO #CCP #China #Covid19 #COVID #coronavirus #wuhan #meme
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BGI is now providing covid tests for the world - but what’s the risk? Swipe to learn more

#ccp #covid #china #COVID19 #coronavirus #BGI #militarycivilianfusion #supersoldiers #india #diyms #english
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Thank you Czech, Lithuania and Slovakia for your generosity. :)

#CCP #China #Taiwai #Czech #Lithuania #Slovakia #Vaccine #Covid #coronavirus #covid19#meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
TLDR: Just a reminder of how China uses disinformation campaigns to sway public opinion during COVID
Social media and 'mask diplomacy' may have got them somewhere, but their other aggressive policies and human rights abuse won't get them far.

Italy is no stranger to the CCP’s moves, as they joined China’s Belt and Road initiative (BRI) in 2019, and they plan to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations in the coming year.

Perhaps that's why China is so keen on feeding Italy their nationalistic views and keep showing CCP is better than the EU.

#Italy #CCP #China #BRI #BeltRoadInitiative #COVID #Covid19 #coronavirus #MaskDiplomacy #meme
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They blame anyone but themselves 🤷🏻‍♂️

#CCP #Disinformation #COVID #coronavirus #china #US #lobster #wuhan #covid19