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【建制派追擊大學高層 中大屢被點名】

立法會教育事務委員會1月19 日下午開會,討論大學管治及保安,多名建制派追擊中文大學,形容早前中大生被指向保安灑粉末是「黑暴」延續,重提中大生在前年 8 月「四院會師」穿上抗爭者裝束,又在去年 11 月發起畢業生靜默遊行,形容是「宣揚港獨」,質疑校方縱容學生是「養黑暴」…

建制派追擊中大 斥灑粉末為「黑暴」延續 中大:將加強保安 違規學生面臨紀律處分

搜宿時學生不在場 舍監為警開門 「保障私隱」阻校媒拍攝
#丘品新聞 報道:

#中大 #CUHK #學生會 #StudentUnion #StudentHostel #ArbitraryArrest #PoliticalPersecution #SpeechFreedom #ExpressionFreedom #言論自由

前人被捕、後有承者 抗爭代價沉重


候選會長林睿晞Isaac 說:

候選內務副會長何思珩 Sharie 說,唯一可以說服自己的就是「人生只有一個」,只需要向自己交代,又安慰自己不要再想有沒有蝕底、會否後悔與值不值得。

#Syzygia #中大 #CUHK #學生會 #StudentUnion #StudentHostel #ArbitraryArrest #PoliticalPersecution #SpeechFreedom #ExpressionFreedom
中大 DQ 新任學生會內閣「朔夜」
#立場新聞 報道:

中大學生會投票期昨日結束,內閣「朔夜」以 3,983 信任票當選。中大今日(25 日)即發布「嚴正聲明」,指中大學生會幹事會當選內閣在政綱中發表的內容不代表大學立場,內閣成員曾發表涉嫌違法及對大學失實指控的言論,經勸喻及提醒後並未澄清,大學決定暫停為學生會代收會費、暫停相關學生在校內不同委員會的職務,及暫停場地支援等,並要求學生會註冊為獨立社團或公司,自行承擔法律責任。

#中大 #學生會 #朔夜 #Syzygia #CUHK #StudentUnion #PoliticalPersecution #SpeechFreedom #ExpressionFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NationalSecurity
#港語學 : | Twitter @gongjyuhok

段崇智專訪|國安法無影響學術自由 討論敏感議題不設禁區


25.2.2021 中國媒體

25.2.2021 文匯報

#中大 #學生會 #朔夜 #Syzygia #CUHK #StudentUnion #RockyTuan #TuanSungChi #PoliticalPersecution #SpeechFreedom #ExpressionFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #NationalSecurity
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CUHK, one of the best universities in #HongKong, has betrayed its students. At a time when #freespeech in #HK is being smothered everyday, instead of creating a #safespace for students to speak their minds and nurture their thoughts, the school has decided to silence them for fear. Shame.
#shame #cuhk #chineseuniversityofhongkong #selfcensorship #censorship #freedomofspeech #studentunion #student #university #standwithhongkong #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There is only so much you can do when getting crushed by the regime … and it’s heartbreaking for us witnessing it.
But let’s keep believing one day we will rise like a phoenix from the ashes.
Old slides attached at the end! See how it happened back in Feb.
#cuhk #cusu #standwithhongkong #china #beijing #hongkong #student #studentunion #fuckccp #boycottchina #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CUHK, one of the best universities in #HongKong, has betrayed its students. At a time when #freespeech in #HK is being smothered everyday, instead of creating a #safespace for students to speak their minds and nurture their thoughts, the school has decided to silence them for fear. Shame.
#shame #cuhk #chineseuniversityofhongkong #selfcensorship #censorship #freedomofspeech #studentunion #student #university #standwithhongkong #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Tldr: HK govt tackling everyone in their way, inc student Union.
It makes sense, given how the younger generations of HKer dislike the govt. But it doesn’t make it okay.
Let’s hope the dissolution of the unions only move the action underground instead of being extinguished completely.

#HongKong #studentunion #cuhk #hku #HKUST
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#ChrisTang is the personification of "crocodile tears". His mission is to disband all organizations that do not agree with the #CCP, and had no qualms when it comes to oppressing his alma matar.
#CUHK #PKTang #freespeech #freedomofspeech #studentunion #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Hong Kong’s traditional bottom-up civil society model poses particular concern, and CCP is keen to pull it up by the roots - by restricting ideas exchange on campuses.

All hints of Hong Kong’s activism, like the student unions and protest slogans, are under threat from the CCP to be swept away forever. // #diplomat #hongkong #students #studentunion #ccp #china #university