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政府亂封佐敦資訊混亂 記者被困受限區域唔准採訪
#獨立媒體 :

獨媒記者留疫區被禁足 警尾隨阻採訪、警告或票控

#佐敦封區 林鄭唔覺擾民:已經相對重視俾居民有一定活動

*不同意「封區」做法擾民 ——「我哋喺香港做抗疫已經係相對重視俾呢個城市、俾居民有一定活動。」
*指市民唔覺難受 ——「我都問佢覺唔覺呢兩日好難受,佢哋都話可以接受。」
*封區「唔係做一次」,將檢討公佈時間 ——「係咪下次當市民一收到風,就要稍為早啲公佈行動細節?」
*抗疫一年盡心盡力,不會因抨擊而氣餒 ——「從來唔會因人哋覺得我哋做得唔好而氣餒,因為咁樣會影響軍心。」

#武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #禍港正苦 #柒婆落地獄 #林鄭死全家 #港共死清光 #WuahnVirus #WuhanCoronavirus #Lockdown #UniversalTest #CompulsoryVirusTest #CovidTest #HKPolice #PressFreedom #CarrieLam
Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDMovement)
April 15, #HKGov held a #NationalSecurity Education Day. It's in fact, a brainwashing event similar to the #Nazi before WW2. Police Training College was opened for children to play toy guns in fake metro which reminded everyone of the terrorists attack #HKPolice did to people on Aug 31.

The National Security Edu is step 2 of the total assimilation for #CCP to turn #HK into another city in #China. The curriculum will be taught from Kindergarten to High school. It's basically implementing the #Uyghur re-education camp in all the schools in HK.

This brainwashing curriculum will turn kids to believe that the meaning of national security is equal to CCP remaining in power in China. Therefore, any means to secure CCP's power is necessary on the expense of the citizens. It explains why all these horrific scene appeared for the past 2 years.

Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Imagine receiving university education just so you can take the most hated and undignified job in #HongKong. We're thoroughly disgusted. Would universities in #Australia (and any other countries, for the matter) stop collaborating with the abusive #HKPolice AT ONCE?
Translation to the #graffiti in the last slide: "The lowest occupation: police"
#HK #policebruality #police #university #job #jobmarket #jobsearch #newsouthwales #english#diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#HongKong government makes sure #HKers have a good time on #CCP's centenary and the 24th year since #HK fell to the clutches of Commies by having police storm our malls, arrest our citizens and frighten our children and elderly. But even though protests are not taking the form we are familiar with, it doesn't mean they cease to exist.
#HKpolice #China #hkprotest #policebruality #powerabuse #english #diyms