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港府:全面配合反制 1 月 31 日起不承認 BNO 港人入境需用身份證、特區護照


中國外交部突然宣佈,將在 1 月 31 日起不再承認英國國民(海外)護照(BNO)作為旅行證件和身份證明,港府晚上發稿,稱會「全面配合」國家就 BNO 問題採取反制,自 1 月 31 日起, BNO 不能用於在香港出入境,亦不會在香港獲承認為身分證明。

特區政府發言人宣佈,在周日(31 日)起,BNO 不能用於在香港出入境,亦不得在香港作為任何形式的身分證明,而乘客登機前往香港的航班時,航空公司須要求相關香港居民出示其香港特區護照、香港永久性居民身份證,以作證明。發言人補充,如有極少數非中國籍香港永久性居民只持有 BNO,則可向入境處申領簽證身分書。



中國外交部:1 月 31 日起 不再承認 BNO 作旅行證件身份證明

中英聯合聲明備忘 列明港人移交後可用 BNO 中方承認可作旅行證

中港不承認 BNO 葉劉:對港人出行影響不大
大律師:法庭仍會要求交出 BNO

英國公布港人移民申請安排 月底起可網上申請及預約 2 月 23 日起手機程式辦理

#約翰遜 #英港同行 #避風港 #移民 #BorisJohnson #SafeHabour #migration #countermeasure #NonRecognition #BNO
針對英國政府將於本周日(1 月 31 日)起開放 BNO 簽證,中國外交部亦公布反制措施,同日起不承認 BNO 為旅遊證件和身份證明;《立場新聞》查閱《中英聯合聲明》,當時除了正文之外,兩國政府亦於簽署當日,交換一份備忘錄,當中英方表明會為在主權移交前,為「同香港的關係為英國屬土公民者」保留某種地位,使其可繼續使用英國簽發的護照,但沒有在英國的居留權,亦持有人並不會因為與香港的關係,在主權移交後獲英國屬土地位。



中英聯合聲明備忘 列明港人移交後可用 BNO 中方承認可作旅行證

中國外交部:1 月 31 日起 不再承認 BNO 作旅行證件身份證明

英國公布港人移民申請安排 月底起可網上申請及預約 2 月 23 日起手機程式辦理

#約翰遜 #英港同行 #避風港 #移民 #BorisJohnson #SafeHabour #migration #countermeasure #NonRecognition #BNO #SinoBritishJointDeclaration
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There's no need to keep pretending that you'd do things by the book, #ccp. You violated the Sino-British Joint Declaration when you started tightening #HongKong's freedoms years ago. Your attempt of "not recognizing" the #BNO passport as a travel document is useless and ridiculous. Stop meddling into UK's internal affairs.
#china #UK #BNO #british #passport #visa #meme #english #diyms
中方反制 BNO 英國外交部:失望但不意外 約翰遜發言人:港人可持其他文件抵英


#約翰遜 #英港同行 #避風港 #移民 #BorisJohnson #SafeHabour #Immigration #countermeasure #NonRecognition #BNO




報導: #眾新聞
#bno #德國 #西班牙 #旅遊證件 #美國 #加拿大 #澳洲 #Germany #Spain #Canada #US #Australia #TravelDocument

#BNO #旅遊證件 #USA #UK #Canada #Australia #Germany #Spain #Japan
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
History is repeating itself before our eyes. What happened in #Berlin was not just a "German affair", what is happening in #HongKong is also a world affair, pointing towards an ever growing ambition and insanity of #CCP which will find its way to the next victim.
#China #standwithhongkong #berlinwall #westberlin #eastberlin #ussr #BNO #UK #passport #english #DIYms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Since when did a Special Administrative Region government, not even a sovereign state, has the right too yip-yap about internal affairs of foreign countries? The hypocrisy of a CCP puppet government.
#hongkong #HK #BNO #passport #Britain #diplomacy #consulate #CCP #China #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#HongKongers are no longer allowed to cast their votes in the ballot, but with all the visa applications and cash outflow, #HongKong have clearly voted with their action against the #nationalsecuritylaw.
#BNO #britain #UK #Canada #nsl #CCP #china #BorisJohnson #capital #bank #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Honestly this mess was first created back in the 80s ... but it’s time to clean it up, now.
Hongkongers? Fine, it’s where we come from. British? Fine, it’s a British passport. China? Chinese? F off and NO!
#hongkongisnotchina #standwithhongkong #bno #britishnationaloverseas #passport #germany #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #hongkonger #beijing #diyms #english
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#British government sources have revealed that vetting process of the BNO visa scheme is much more thorough than any other. The #UK govt are NOT idiots, #CCP's dirty tricks of abusing the lifeboat scheme has been anticipated.
The report also mentioned that a massive amount #HongKongers who have emigrated to #UK via the #BNO scheme are fearful of local #Chinese communities, worrying that spies are among them.
#China #CGTN #espionage #spying #spy #passport #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Honestly #CCP is a psychopath. #HongKongers applying to the #BNO visa please try to do it online (with VPN?) and be safe, per the #UK government's advice!
#HongKong #British #China #spy #spies #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Answering to mounting pressure, the #UK government expands the #BNO scheme to provide a lifeboat for young #HongKongers.
#HongKong #China #Britain #ccp #immigration #exodus
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
The #BNO lifeboat scheme is expanded, thanks to the campaigning of #HongKongWatch. But this lifeboat will not be smooth sailing:
1) Reaching the #UK doesn't automatically guarantee safety, when #CCP is actively infiltrating the top levels of government. The scheme itself my be abused to infiltrate 🇬🇧 too.
2) Are the UK ready for #HongKongers? While the community is overwhelmingly supportive of freedom loving #HKers, there are also numerous opposing, especially as #Britain is facing a serious economic and energy crisis.
#China #BNO #immigration