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#眾新聞 #CitizenNews

【12港人案】關注組:兩未成年港人神情呆滯 避談關押內地看守所細節

// 關注組成員鄒家成表示,本港入境處致電家屬,解釋由於不知道10位港人在內地被囚押的位置,未能夠為家屬提供探訪方面的協助。但鄒家成質疑入境處的說法,指被判囚7個月的其中8名港人,很大機會會繼續被關押在鹽田看守所,「入境處如果有心提供協助,就應該去了解鹽田看守所的探監程序。」 //

#陽光司法 #不公平審訊 #save12hkyouths #save12 #毋忘義士 #釋放十二 #BringThemBack #BringThemHome #HKPolice #OwenChow #ChowKaShing #Immigration #ImmigrationDept
中方反制 BNO 英國外交部:失望但不意外 約翰遜發言人:港人可持其他文件抵英


#約翰遜 #英港同行 #避風港 #移民 #BorisJohnson #SafeHabour #Immigration #countermeasure #NonRecognition #BNO
2020 年逾萬港人獲台灣居留許可 創近 30 年新高

自 2019 年香港爆發反送中運動,政局動盪,加上《港區國安法》去年 6 月底實施,加速新一輪「移民潮」,而鄰近的台灣成為不少港人移居選項。台灣移民署數字顯示2020 年,高達 10,813 名港人獲台灣居留許可,較 2019 年升近九成,數字同時創過去 30 年新高 ...

#Immigration #Taiwan #ResidencePermit #StatisticReport
【專訪加拿大駐港領事 ‧ 上】推救生艇計劃 南傑瑞:不會拒絕因示威、國安法被控的香港年輕人

【專訪加拿大駐港領事 ‧ 下】南傑瑞:港府迫加籍囚犯選國籍 做法不公平 憂加籍港人從此失領事服務

#Canada #Immigration #移民 #LifeboatScheme #救生艇 #Protesters #HKyouths
大律師公會:限制離港權力不受約束 令人不安

#入境條例 #限制離港 #HKBA #HKBarAssociation #Immigration #AmendmentBill #DepartureRestriction #TravelBan
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
#CCP and its #wumaos love to say "留島不留人", meaning they'd like to take full control of Hong Kong but as far as they're concerned, #HKers can get the f*ck out. They've been saying that for many years. We love #HongKong, and most of us wouldn't thought about leaving our beloved home if the danger of being persecuted, locked up forever under some made-up "national security" crime isn’t so imminent. Now, thanks to democratic countries like 🇬🇧🇦🇺🇨🇦, it seems that we have some lifeboats and can finally do what CCP has been telling us to do, to get out of #HK, the lunatic #XiJinping wants to ban us from leaving.
#UK #Australia #Canada #lifeboat #immigration #immigrationban #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
So many news about #CCP’s new and grand plans for #HongKong these days... the irony is Hong Kong had a perfectly functional system with adequate checks and balances, it would have worked like autopilot without any meddling. But paranoid, micro-managing and incompetent scums in Beijing thought they can do a better job, and charged into the china shop like a bull and end up breaking everything.
#china #npc #nationalpeoplescongress #hyundai #meme #hk #election #immigration #car #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
TOMORROW!!! // Long story short: an immigration ordinance amendment that will give the government (aka #CCP) power to stop anyone from leaving #HongKong will be submitted to the #LegislativeCouncil for second reading. As all pro-democracy #lawmakers have been arrested / disqualified, #LegCo is now a rubberstamp and it is unlikely for the amendment to be blocked.
#HK #china #immigration #travelban #english #diyms #meme
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Passed on 28 Apr ... of course they said it's not for limiting HKers' freedom ... but we all know how they lie and no one believe in them anymore. A government that lost all its credibility.
#fuckccp #boycottchina #hongkong #standwithhongkong #meme #travel #immigration #ccplies #beforeafter #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Chinese patriots should live in China. Forever. If they don't give up foreign citizenships, let's help them to. QR codes are above with search terms below:
🇦🇺Australia - ASIO counter espionage / ABF Border Watch
🇨🇦Canada - CSIS report national security information / Canada report immigration fraud
🇳🇿New Zealand - NZSIS provide information / New Zealand report immigration fraud
🇬🇧UK - GOV UK report MI5 / GOV UK report immigration crime
🇺🇸USA - FBI tip / USCIS report fraud
#HK #HongKong #passport #australia #canada #newzealand #uk #britain #usa #usa #america #immigration #fraud #mi5 #fbi #espionage #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
There's been a lot of talk (and action) of leaving #HongKong lately, we have seen photo after photo of coiling queues at the #HongKong airport check-in desk and teary goodbyes at the departure hall. U, a protester who is now serving prison terms for fighting for the future of Hong Kong, has something to say to both those who decided to leave, and those who decided to stay.
#lettersfromprison #immigration #airport #departure #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
"The PRC has fundamentally altered the bedrock of Hong Kong's institutions," said the US Secretary of State #AntonyBlinken. Thank you America for coming to our help when we asked for it. Their actions also imply that #HongKong is in a more direr situation than we can imagine.
#USA #Safehaven #immigration #workvisa #HK #CCP #Biden #China #English #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
The Hong Kong government claimed that people are leaving for work and studies, not emigration. SURE, JAN. It's not like you have any credibility left, so basically whatever you deny is the truth.
#HongKong #HK #CCP #nationalsecuritylaw #nsl #immigration #escape #english #meme #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
As if #HongKongers with any sense would "be quiet" and be oppressed without a squeal. #CCP is silencing the civil society, but #HKers are showing through action that we're not buying this authoritarian rule.
#HongKong #meme #exodus #immigration #China #professional #education #nationalsecuritylaw
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Many sad goodbyes … but also many are now in places like #canada where #freedom is well protected.
Thank you for all the helps and we must not forget both our roots and generosity from our new homes.
#standwithhongkong #exile #hongkong #canadian #immigration #ccp #china #fuckccp #boycottchina #wearehongkonger