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Look at the calligraphy - what a beautiful language! CCP is bullying another ethnic minority yet again! Tell this scumbag of a regime enough is enough. Preserve and respect everyone's culture, it's a firm no to Chinese cultural colonization from #Mongolia!
#ccp #China #mongolian #calligraphy #protest #culturalimperialism #english #language #bilingual #education #diyms
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Turning masses against the masses is an oft-used tactic by #ccp to make sure it remains on top of everyone. So don’t think persecution of ethnic minorities will stop, or in fact, the persecution of any random groups.
#china #ethnicminorities #minoritiyrights #tibet #xinjiang #uyghurs #guangxi #zhuang #mongolia #innermongolia #language #hk #hongkong #surveillance
早前史丹福大學以疫情下預算緊絀為理由,喺上年12月起唔再同校內唯一一位教授廣東話班超過21年嘅講師張錫莉博士(Sik Lee Dennig ph.D.)續約。其後喺超過3000名師生、校外學者聯署後,校方終於回應大家嘅訴求,並承諾下個學期開辦兩個廣東話課程。

張錫莉博士除咗係校內唯一一位教授廣東話班超過21年嘅講師之外,佢仲係史丹福大學校友。當得知佢不獲續約嘅消息之後,耶魯大學公共衛生助理教授Jamie Tam、中文系博士四年級生Maciej Kurzynski、以及人類學博士一年級生Jocelyn Lee就發起聯署,希望爭取廣東話課程可以長久地延續落去;佢哋表示當初聽到呢個消息之後,感到「痛心」、「震驚」;而以前讀過呢個課程嘅Jamie更指,呢個課程可以話係影響一生,因為呢個課程令佢同祖母、同埋傳統可以重新連結。



資料來源:The Stanford Daily
Posted by #100毛

The Stanford Daily
Thousands petition Stanford to ‘save’ Cantonese program, renew sole lecturer’s contract
By Cameron Ehsan

#史丹福大學 #廣東話 #語文學習 #語言文化
#StanfordUniversity #Cantonese #Language #Culture #Heritage
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Probably little known that there is a “International Mother Language Day” .... but it’s today!
As HKers, we are pound of our language and we must not let it disappear!
#cantonese #hongkong #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #internationalmotherlanguageday #protectcantonese #language #dialect #chinese #fuckccp #boycottchina #english #diyms #meme
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March 10 is #Tibetan Uprising Day! In support of our Tibetan friends, we'd like to draw your attention to #CCP's oppressive language policies are not unfamiliar to #HongKong at all, and it's happening in more places than you thought! #Chinese government's bilingual policy in #Tibet does not come from an educational imperative but a political one, wanting to uproot Tibetan culture. Erasure of language is a dangerous sign of genocide.
#language #education #ethnicminority #china #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Maintaining and solidifying a #HongKong identity wouldn’t be an easy task overseas (and even locally tbh, with #CCP wanting so badly to kill it). Language is an important apparatus of #identity, and #HKers creativity and will to pull their weight is another!
Cantonese speakers: we urge you to take a look at this site and work on it together too!
#Cantonese #HK #language #crowdsource #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Language is the way a nation, an imagined community physically manifests its bond. #CCP wants to break this bond between #HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, #Mongolians through cleansing our language, we must fight back.
Give @gongjyuhok a follow on Instagram to receive updates on the status of the Cantonese language!
Also, there is an interesting Time Out article sharing Cantonese slangs you must know. Give it a read - it tells you a lot about the character of #HongKongers!
#SaveCantonese #imaginedcommunity #hongkong #language #cantonese #identity