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This is outrageous! #HongKong govt deliberately walking all over citizens' dignity!
#hk #hunghom #lockdown #wuhanvirus #coronavirus #covid #funeral

政府在今日(10 日)記者會上宣布,過去兩個多星期頻頻「封區」的行動暫告一段落,市民可「過一個比較平靜的農曆新年」。民政事務局局長徐英偉稱,近日疫情數字回落,證實政府的「封區」行動有成效。惟根據衞生署資料,由 1 月 23 日首次封區至今,本港新增武漢肺炎個案共 782 宗,封區檢測找到的個案,僅佔整體新增數字的不足 0.03%。呼吸系統科專科醫生梁子超直言,封區投入的資源與成效不成正比,「其實發揮唔到任何作用」。

徐英偉今日在記者會上形容,「封區」是用「快、狠」的方面截斷傳播鏈。梁子超反駁指,有被封鎖的區域,在解封後再錄得個案,例如旺角文華閣、廟街 165 至 167 號唐樓等,故此,「(封區)就發揮唔到功效…同埋好多人你都摸門釘,就算你話會跟進,都變咗做唔到全面檢測。」即使封區檢測接觸居民 25000 人,「而香港有 750 萬人,三無大廈都有幾千幢,你覆蓋得咁少,無可能對疫情有意義嘅影響。」

#武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #封區 #封區唔封關 #勞民傷財 #人禍比天災更可怕 #lockdown #WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #Covid #UniversalTest #CompulsoryTest #VirusTest #CovidTest #DNA #DNAsurveillance #surveillance
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With Omicron there are more Chinese cities getting locked down and making the international news (see screen caps at the end) ... but can you imagine living in a city which has been locked down for 6+ months? Read the story about this small town that has been living in the horror for a while ..
#china #covid #lockdown #omicron #boycottchina #ccp #fuckccp
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There are many #secret in #ccp #china but trying to lock 1.3m people down without letting the world know … a week before #olympics … is still a bit hard to process …
#fuckccp #boycottchina #lockdown #nobeijing2022
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Without a government that is from the people and serves the people, cities with the most beautiful and modern facades can crumple just like that. Thanks again, #CCP.
#Shanghai #China #lockdown
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While we all look for better job better pay better career, there are places that you should not go …
#ccp #china
#fuckccp #botcottchina #shanghai #lockdown #wealth #wealthy #job #career #moneyisnoteverything